BookerT Washington Washington Word
April 2024
School Mission
To challenge our scholars academically at high levels, develop them socially, and uplift them emotionally.
School Vision
A Message from the Principal
Dear Booker T. Washington Families,
I think April is a time when we all look forward to more daylight and later sunsets, watching the grass start to green up and grow, seeing chutes of plants and flowers begin to make their way through the soil, and that we become increasingly excited at the opportunity to resume the outdoor activities we enjoy. Spring is truly a time of renewal as we come out of a long winter.
As we enter the final two months of the 2023-2024 school year, I hope you and your family have experienced the growth, enrichment, and achievement that is a part of every school year. Our entire learning community of students, parents, and staff, have worked tirelessly this year to ensure students are growing academically, socially and emotionally. I think we have a lot to be proud of this year and I hope you do too.
A reminder about behavior expectations: We are starting to see a slight increase in students not being KIND and respectful to others. Please remind your students about being respectful to their classmates as well as adults. If you know something that needs to be brought to our attention, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or a member of administration. WE Can’t Fix What We Don’t Know!
Thanks again for your support and the opportunity to teach your children!
Have a wonderful Spring Break! See you back bright and early at 7:15 on April 9th.
Donte’ Tichenor
Attendance & Absence Verification
If your child is absent from school, please call the office at (859) 381-3263 on the morning of the absence. When returning from an absence, we ask that you, please, send a note from a parent, guardian, or doctor stating the date and the reason for the absence if you did not call and report the absence. We ask parents to schedule medical appointments after school when possible. Children should not miss school unless absolutely necessary. We want our students to be successful learners and it is very important to be in school to achieve their full learning potential. Children who arrive to school after 7:45 need to go to the office to receive a tardy slip. Students who have a note from a court, doctor, or dentist will receive an excused tardy, if they bring the note to the office. Again, please, try and schedule appointments before and after school.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to have an amazing 2023-2024 school year.
Upcoming Dates
04/01/24-04/05/24 - Spring Break Week
04/08/24 - No School for Students - Solar Eclipse
04/18/24 Title I Fitness Night @5:30pm
04/19/24 - No PRESCHOOL Classes for Students
04/22/24 - No PRESCHOOL Classes for Students
04/30/24- SBDM Meeting @3:15pm
Important Reminders
- Please remind your children to not bring any toy weapons to school for any reason. They are okay for home but not appropriate for school. Thanks for your help!
- Families must use the car rider lane to drop off their child. Please do not drop students off at the top of the hill on Scoop Brown.
- School begins promptly at 7:45am. You must come in if you arrive after this time.
- Attendance is important to your child's growth. We need them at school everyday.
- Transportation changes must be submitted in writing before noon.
- Students must wear Gym shoes to PE. No sandals allowed.
- Please click the following link to access the student code of conduct: https://fcps.net/conduct
- Contact us if you are in need of additional support. We cannot fix what we do not know.
2023-2024 BTWE Teacher of the Year
Booker T. Washington Elementary School presents our very own Teacher of the Year!!! Ms. Chumley gives her best to our school families and community. Our staff and scholars love her excellence. Today and the days that follow… We Celebrate You!!! Congratulations on a job well done. #PhenomenalEducator
Spelling Bee
Power Scholars Academy
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
2023-2024 BTWE Yearbook
Tigers On The Move
Opera House Field Trip
On March 14th, 19 fourth/fifth grade students particpated in an etiquette class at the Lexington Opera House followed by the performance in the evening. The students were able to ask question and see how cast prepares for a show. We all had a great time!
Free Little Library
Booker T Washington Elementary is now the proud owner of a Little Free Library! The library, located on the grass strip in front of the school, is full of books of all types for anyone to take for free! Little Free Libraries was founded on the “take one, leave one” idea but if you don’t have a book to leave, feel free to take one to enjoy!
Want to Volunteer?
We’ve all heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Whether you can give an hour of your time once a week or once a month, we need and want you here. We will make sure your time is well spent. Just get involved. Reach out to your child’s teacher or the front office about becoming a volunteer. We are working hard to strengthen the bond between home and school and welcome your support.
Adults interested in volunteering must first register through Fayette County Public Schools and clear a background check. Please click on the following link to complete the FCPS Volunteer Application: https://apps.fcps.net/volunteer/.
2024-2025 SBDM Parent Nominations
We need 2 parents to serve on the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council for the 24-25 school year. The council sets school policies, determines curriculum, and approves the budget. They meet once a month. Nominations will take place until APRIL 15, 2024 at 2:30pm. Elections will occur at BTW from 7:15am to 7:15pm on APRIL 18, 2024.
Eligible Candidates: Parents must have a student enrolled or pre-registered to attend the school for the year they will be serving on the school council. The definition of parent is defined to include parent, stepparent, foster parent and/or a person who has legal custody of a student pursuant to a court order and with whom the student resides. Nomination forms will be sent home this week or you can click below for the Parent Nomination Form.