Wentworth Family News
Week of March 25 - March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- March 27 - April 5 ~ Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Monday, April 1 - K-5 Volunteer Training 12-12:30 PM via Zoom
https://scarboroughschools.zoom.us/j/9577613642?omn=95157235805 - Wednesday, April 10 ~ Storytelling Evening Performance at 6:15 PM in the Learning Commons (**This is a change from the previously communicated date, which was April 2**)
- Wednesday, April 3 ~ Early Release at 1:45 PM
- Wednesday, April 3 ~ PTA Meeting at 6:30 PM
- Friday, April 12 - April 19 ~ No School, Spring Break
- Tuesday, April 23 ~ 6:00 PM Incoming 3rd Grade Parent & Caregiver Information Night
A Note from your School Leaders
It has been so wonderful to welcome many families in this week for conferences - despite the weather having other plans for us on Monday! If you have not yet signed up for a conference, and you would like to, please call Lynda Lee Landry at 207-730-4609 or email her at llandry@scarbrooughschools.org. She can help coordinate a time with your child's teacher(s). It looks like potentially another weather event early to mid-week next week as well to keep us on our toes!
Thank you for your support and collaboration to make your child's school experience the absolute best it can be. Your involvement truly makes a difference.
Kelli Crosby & Brem Stoner
Fifth Grade Field Trip
Dear Families,
Teachers will send this permission slip home in paper copy - this digital version is to share our excitement and to give you a heads up to be on the lookout for this important form!
We have planned an exciting field trip to Nature’s Classroom for our 5th grade class on Thursday, April 25 (Purple/Green) and Friday, April 26 (Red/Blue). The trip will expand students’ knowledge and provide hands-on and unplugged experiences with science, social studies and outdoor skills. All lessons are based on topics from our current science curriculum. The trip is an extended day and offers engaging outdoor learning experiences guided by the talented staff at Nature’s Classroom. Students will return to Wentworth, exhausted and inspired, at approximately 4:30 PM. Please visit https://www.naturesclassrooms.com for more information.
This wonderful full day program is typically $55.00 per student, however Nature’s Classroom is including a $15.00 per student reduction for our large group. Funding for this trip will come from various sources. We are using the instructional budget, CLYNK funds, and are asking each family to contribute $15.00 to help defray these costs. Please indicate below if this payment creates a hardship for your family at this time. We will ensure all students participate. Because this is an extended day trip, please contact the health clinic at 730-4611 if your child requires medication outside school hours.
Thank you for your continued support of your child’s education. We feel this culminating field trip not only offers a strong and connected capstone learning experience, it also provides the opportunity for the 5th grade classes to spend the day together strengthening friendships and celebrating their accomplishments at Wentworth School. Please complete the bottom portion of this letter and return to school by April 11, 2024.
Fifth Grade Teachers
Return of this completed form grants permission for your child to attend the Nature’s Classroom trip on Thursday, April 25 (Purple/Green) and Friday, April 26 (Red/Blue). Students will depart from school at 9:30 am and return to Wentworth at 4:30 pm.
_______ $15.00 field trip contribution included
_______ I would like to make an additional donation to this field trip fund
_______ We are unable to send $15.00 at this time
_____ 🥪 I would like to order a school-made bag lunch for the field trip day (do not check if you plan to send a lunch from home)
_______ 🚗I am able to pick up my child from Wentworth school at 4:30 pm
_______ I have made alternate arrangements for my child to be transported home from Wentworth by:
Student’s name________________________________________________
Teacher’s name ________________________________________________
Parent’s signature ______________________________________________
Learning Commons MSBA Breakfast Party
Here is a photo of the kids at the MSBA (Maine Student Book Awards) Party. Students who read at least five of the books on the annual Maine Student Book Award List were invited to celebrate and chat about the books at a special breakfast in the Learning Commons. At the party, students were able to vote for their favorite. We will turn in our votes to the state and then see which book was the top choice of students around Maine.
Order your Yearbook - Only a Couple Weeks Left!
Wentworth Yearbooks are on sale now. Order forms are available in the main office. You can complete the order form with payment and return to your student’s homeroom teacher or you can order online at ybpay.com and enter the Yearbook ID Code: 11561924. Yearbooks are $16.00 and checks are made payable to Wentworth School.
Survey in mailboxes soon. Responses will drive School Solution planning.
The new School Building Advisory Committee wants your opinion! The Town of Scarborough is mailing surveys to a randomized sample of addresses across Scarborough. The survey covers a variety of topics related to our public school buildings. Our survey consultant, ETC Institute, will collect and curate the anonymous surveys and provide a report with key findings. The survey will also be open to the public for additional input. Your voice is important for a community solution to our schools!
Scarborough’s School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) was created to bring the public into the school planning process at the ground level. The SBAC was formed after the Unified School Proposal was rejected by the voters in Nov 2023. Following the referendum’s defeat, the Town Council and School Board sought to bring the public back into the conversation about a school solution. SBAC members include volunteers from the Scarborough community who bring expertise and interests to the table, as well as select elected officials.
SBAC members have divided into subcommittees focusing on different aspects of school needs. Their work now is to review and analyze the materials of the previous School committee as they seek a fiscally responsible solution for Scarborough’s school deficiencies.
When results from the town-wide survey are available, SBAC members will use this data to inform their analysis and recommendations for a school solution.
Contact Us
*please update dismissal plans before 1:30 PM*
Email: kcrosby@scarboroughschools.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/scarboroughschools.org/wentworth/
Location: 20 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207)730-4600