RRMS Royal Update
Knight News - Summer 2024 Family Newsletter (July 2024)
Principal's Welcome
We are excited to welcome our Royal Knights back to the River Ridge campus this year! Our school-wide theme this year is LIVE YOUR DASH - MAKE EVERY ROYAL MOMENT MATTER! We are committed to building strong relationships and doing whatever it takes to ensure students are loved, safe, and achieve success!
This year, we welcome parents, guardians, and community members to campus to volunteer in the classrooms, as mentors, at lunchtime, and at extra-curricular and after-school events. The home-school partnership is essential for student engagement and success. This newsletter is our first step to ensuring that families are informed and actively participate in their students' experiences. There is important information in this newsletter, so please completely review it. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need clarification.
There have been a few changes this upcoming year due to new legislation in regards to policies and procedures. To promote the in-person academic and social engagement of our students while at school and at school-related activities, the district has updated the Wireless Communication Devices (WCDs) for the upcoming school year. Students who bring WCDs, including cellphones, headphones, and wireless earbuds, must ensure that they remain in silent mode and completely out of view while on campus for the whole of the school day, including before, after school, during passing, and at lunch. Students may utilize these devices if expressly authorized by the classroom teacher for a specific instructional activity. There will be a cell phone holder in each classroom that students may elect to store their devices. These expectations also apply to extracurricular and co-curricular activities that occur before or after the school day. Last year, we had much success with this policy however this year it has become more restrictive. We look forward to partnering with families to ensure learning is always at the forefront while at school.
Another change due to state legislation is that all exterior doors and interior classroom doors are required to be locked while students are on campus, this includes the media center, front office, and cafeteria. Due to having to "man" each exterior door in the classroom building, we will have a new traffic pattern for entering and exiting the building during passing. Students will only be allowed to enter the building through the front doors and exit through the back of the building. We will be working through this process with students and staff to ensure a safe yet efficient system for transitions.
We look forward to welcoming all 6th graders and new students to Storm the Castle on Thursday, August 1st from 8AM-12PM by RSVP appointment. There will also be an Open House - Meet the Teacher for returning 7th and 8th graders on Tuesday, August 6th from 8AM-12PM. These are great opportunities to start the new year off right!
Please connect with River Ridge by following us on social media, Facebook (Riverridgemiddle), X (@RRMSRoyalKnight), Instagram (@RRMSRoyalKnight), and our school website. We will primarily communicate through myStudent communications so please get the app and check your email frequently. We also encourage you to join our amazing PTSA, which supports our school through student and staff incentives, community events, advocacy, and educational opportunities for parents/students.
Together, as a Royal Family, we look forward to providing a safe and engaging learning environment where we are partners in education ensuring that all students meet their highest potential!
Angie Murphy
RRMS Principal
8/1 Storm the Castle & 8/6 Meet the Teacher Open House
Sign Up for MyStudent!
We are excited to offer the district’s student information systems (SIS) myStudent to help parents and students check attendance and grades online. Attendance is posted and updated daily. Individual teachers update grades periodically. Their timeline for entering grades may be daily, weekly, or twice per grading period - depending on their course. Multiple students can be shown on one parent account, even if the students are attending different secondary schools within Pasco County. All progress reports and report cards will only be available through myStudent. All COMMUNICATION will come through myStudent this school year.
PARENTS - We want to highly encourage you to READ CAREFULLY all of the items in the Parent Bill of Rights Consent. During conversations, we are realizing a number of parents were not fully aware of what they were signing when they did so.
While parents have full rights to opt out/in of all items - and we realize how many words they have used - it is important to make informed decisions.
One example is the MEDIA RELEASE. Several parents opted out without realizing the last line of a lengthy page listed the fact that any student opting out will not be recognized if they play sports, or achieve any academic success, and will not be in the yearbook, among other restrictions. Again - if this opt out was done fully informed we absolutely respect that, but when the full details have been pointed out parents did reconsider.
Leaving the consent form blank is a NO for CLINIC SERVICES. If you would like your student to utilize the clinic if they are sick, or get hurt please consent to yes to illness care treatment and RN assessment. If you mark NO or DON'T FILL OUT THE FORMS your child can't be seen in the clinic. Your child will be asked to call you to inform you of the situation. If you do not have internet access at home or a computer, you may come to the school to fill out the consent forms online.
If you have questions about ANY item please do not hesitate to reach out to our administration so that we can clarify the options as much as possible as it is new procedure for everyone.
Important Links:
Login to your Parent Portal and Complete the Forms Required for the New Year: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/index.php?skipSSO
Pay Student Fees: https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
Purchase Spirit Wear: GoFan.co
School Public Calendar: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/0120328c89614936bba960f250bd1e60@pasco.k12.fl.us/ab1314af30da413fb329249b680fa84b16538542546199125556/calendar.html
24-25 Middle School Fees & How to Pay Student Fees Online
General Fee $15
Art Fee $15
Band Program Fee $15
Chorus Program Fee $15
Career Technical Course Fees (per year) $10
Dance Fee $15
Instrument Tech & Instrument Ensemble $15
Physical Education Fee $5
Science Fees (per year) $10
Student Technology Service Fee $2
Theatre Fee $15
Spanish Workbook $20
Pre-AP World History Workbook $7
To use Student Fees – Rycor to make payments for your child(ren), you must first have an account set up in myStudent. If you do not have an account in myStudent, go to PascoSchools.org, go to the Parents Tab, and select Check Grades/Attendance or Pay Fees. Once your account is established in myStudent, you will have an account ready the following day to be activated in Student Fees – Rycor.
To activate your Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/ 2. Select “Activate Account”
3. Enter the email address associated with your
myStudent account and select Send Email
4. This will generate an email to you to activate your account
5. Go to your email and select the link
6. Continue by creating your password and activating your account
7. Once this is completed, you will be able to see Fees and Other Items that can be purchased
Health & Wellness
Health Requirements & Clinic Info
Hayleigh Theisen, School Nurse & Joanie Noe, Clinic Assistant
All Pasco County students are required to be fully immunized. Students who are missing required immunizations will be unable to receive their schedules on Storm the Castle/Open House Days. Parents need to go on myStudent Parent Portal to complete the emergency card prior to Storm the Castle or Open House Day. This will open on 7/31/24.
Students are NOT allowed to carry ANY medications while at school. This includes prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and medicines from health food stores. A student may carry an asthma inhaler with written permission from a doctor and a parent. All other medications that are scheduled to be administered during school hours MUST be stored in the clinic along with a signed parental form.
Healthy Student Program: Paperwork available on the website or in this newsletter. Please return to the clinic.
· Management of acute illness or injury and the administration of limited medications, following physician guidelines and protocols (i.e. ibuprofen, Tylenol, Motrin, Robitussin, Tums, and antifungal ointment, Benadryl, hydrocortisone, etc.).
· Observation and follow up re: communicable diseases (i.e. pink eye, ringworm, etc.).
· A health professional will communicate with you about your child’s particular health findings that may require an evaluation, follow up or referral.
Questions about health requirements, medications, and other health services may be directed to our school nurse, Ms. Hayleigh Theisen at htheisen@pasco.k12.fl.us. Parents can make an appointment for the week of August 5th to drop off medications, etc. by contacting Ms. Noe at jnoe@pasco.k12.fl.us. All forms (parent permission to administer, medical management plans) are on the RRMS website under Clinic.
7th GRADE TDAP REQUIREMENT: All 7th graders must have their TDAP shot up to date and bring proof of vaccination prior to entering school. Florida Certification of Immunization (DH680 form) must be provided to the school nurse on August 6th or prior to the first day of school. Students who do not have the TDAP may not start school. All Pasco County students are required to be fully immunized.
Knight Cafe Information - Free & Reduced Lunch Program
Pam Midkiff, Cafeteria Manager pmidkiff@pasco.k12.fl.us
Families are required to apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program yearly. Applications open online on July 1, 2024. Sign up online at: https://www.schoollunchapp.com/District.aspx
The federal Community Eligibility Program allows ALL students to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of family income.
Sign up to pay for A La Carte and additional food items online at www.myschoolbucks.com. Per FL SP 2.002 the Florida Competitive Foods Rule, there will be no outside food allowed in the cafeteria (including Uber Eats, Door Dash, etc.).
Scheduling, Academic Supports, and Supplies
Middle School Promotion Requirements
The state mandate (F.S. 1003.4156) requires that middle school students complete a Language Arts, Math, Science, & Social Studies course each year with a minimum grade of “D” as well as a career component to be promoted to high school (Naviance). Middle School students must also sit for the State Civics Assessment.
District Required Middle School Assessments
District Finals: These finals will be given at the end of each year/semester for courses without state assessments. They will count as 10% of the student’s semester grade. The testing window is the last two weeks of the semester.
State Assessments & EOCs: These assessments will take place in April and May to measure student progress and proficiency of the grade level standards.
· FAST ELA Reading/Writing 6-8 (3x per year)
· FAST Math 6-8 (3x per year), Algebra I EOC (30% of year-long grade), Geometry EOC (30% of year-long grade)
· FCAT NGSSS Science Grade 8 (and students in Physical Science/Accl. Science Honors 7th Grade)
· Civics EOC – 30% of the student’s year-long grade
Schedule Changes
There will be no schedule changes completed at Storm the Castle/Meet the Teacher-Open House on 8/1 or 8/6. You may make a request online only. The Assistant Principal for Scheduling and the guidance staff will review requests for schedule changes according to the following guidelines:
· Student has already taken the course;
· Student has not completed the prerequisite;
· Student needs the course to be promoted to high school.
Due to the Class Size Amendment, no other requests for schedule changes will be honored. If your scheduling request meets the above criteria, please visit the link on the RRMS website home page.
MONITOR your STUDENTS progress through the mySTUDENT Parent Portal & the mySTUDENT App!
Please check myStudent regularly to keep up with grades, attendance, and test history. To be promoted to high school, students must earn a D or higher in all Core classes (Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies) for the semester and complete the career component.
However, for "On Track" events at RRMS, students must earn As, Bs, and Cs and have no referrals. Please encourage your student to take advantage of all the Royal Opportunities we offer to get academic help.
1. Academic Lunch in the Media Center or with the teacher (daily)
2. Daily intervention time in class (71 minute rotating schedule)
3. Second Chance Learning Opportunities (work out with teacher as needed)
4. Course Recovery Lab & Opportunity Hall
5. Extended School Day (begins in October)
6. After School Tutoring by RRHS NHS (Tuesdays, Thursdays - begins in September)
Parent Teacher Conferences
If you would like to request a parent teacher conference, please go to the RRMS website, and click the Parent Tab>Parent Teacher Conference Requests to complete the request form. All Parent Teacher Conferences will be held virtually through TEAMS after school at 1:40PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. A Student Services team member will be in contact with arrangements.
School Supply Lists & School Tool Box Ordering
School supply lists are posted on the RRMS website at the link below. There is also the option of purchasing school supply boxes through www.schooltoolbox.com that will ship directly to your home. A portion of the proceeds from the School Tool Box supplies will come back to RRMS to be used for student and staff recognition. Students are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to carry their own personal hand sanitizer, bring their own earphones (not wireless), calculator, water bottle. Teachers will provide additional needs during the first week of school.
Physical Education Uniforms
Students taking Physical Education or Dance courses will be able to dress out and use the locker rooms this year. Locks can be purchased for $9 on Rycor at Storm the Castle/Open House on August 1st and August 6th or the first week of school.
We recommend purchasing PE uniforms for $12 shirts or shorts or a combo for $20. Dance uniforms are available for purchase for $30 for a shirt and leggings. These items will be available starting August 1st and the first few weeks of school for purchase through GoFan.co.
Safety & Required Legal Notifications
Safety Drills
Central to having a safe school is practicing emergency drills during the school day in accordance with state law. Fire drills will be conducted during the first week of school and monthly thereafter. A severe weather drill and missing persons drill will also be scheduled in September and again in the spring. An Active Threat Plan (ATP) drill is conducted in August and then each quarter thereafter in collaboration with the Pasco Sheriff's Office. There is also a re-unification drill practiced one time per year. These drills allow staff and students to rehearse the procedures that may be needed in the event of an emergency situation.
Please contact Corporal Josh Peters, RRMS SRO, at jopeters@pasco.k12.fl.us and Daniell Grubbs, Assistant Principal, at dgrubbs@pasco.k12.fl.us with any questions or concerns.
Asbestos Notification
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Containing Material in Schools, commonly referred to as AHERA. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) in their school buildings and to take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers. All inspections for River Ridge Middle/High School have been completed and a Management Plan describing the results of the inspection and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspections, where applicable, has been submitted to the Governor for approval. Copies of this plan are located in the administrative office of the school and at the District School Board of Pasco County Maintenance/Facility Operations Department. The report is available for review upon request.
Summer Assignments for ALL Royal Knights
24-25 Sunshine State Young Readers Awards Books
Here is the link for the titles of the READERS:
Copy of 6-8 2021-22 SSYRA Annotated List (floridamediaed.org)
For the questions, here is the link to the form.
Royal Family Involvement
Opt Out Fundraiser: No Catalogs! No Order Forms! No Hassle!
For a $30 donation, you can opt out of the River Ridge Middle School Fundraiser this year. There is also a $15 option for multiple students in one family. Simply fill out the form attached to the newsletter and pay with your school fees by cash, check or credit card during Storm the Castle/Meet the Teacher-Open House on 8/4 and 8/6. You may also go to GoFan.co to complete the form and pay for the Opt Out!
Your money will directly impact our student and staff incentive programs and technology. Your child will receive a River Ridge Middle School t-shirt. Your family can disregard all fundraiser communications and know that you have already done your part to help the school! Certain clubs, organizations or programs your child belongs to may still choose to hold a fundraiser to benefit their cause or other activities at school (ex. Band, FBLA, sports teams, PTSA, etc.).
Join the RRMS PTSA!
WHAT IS PTSA: PTSA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTSA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health, and welfare of children and youth.
HOW DO I JOIN: Send in $10 per adult and $5 per student with a completed membership form which can be found on our website. All students will also receive a membership form over the summer, at Orientation, and during their first week of school.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS: Aside from being the brain behind PTSA events, you will also be the first to know about all school-related information and legislative efforts.
CONTACT US: RiverRidgeMSPTSA@gmail.com https://riverridgemsptsa.memberhub.store/
2024-25 RRMS PTSA Executive Board
President: Lindsay Hloska
VP: Erin Mills
Treasurer: Mona Lisa Snyder
Secretary: Jennifer Ferraz
Corresponding Secretary: Heather Legrand
Volunteer Liaison: Jennifer Baginski
Volunteer Information
Parents and community members can apply online to become an approved volunteer after July 1st. A new application must be completed each year. The application can be accessed on our district website http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us and must be renewed each year. The link is located on the main page, entitled “Volunteer Application.” Volunteers are still subject to a state criminal background check and a sexual predator/offender check. Our school’s volunteer coordinator, Ashley Pruneau can advise you of your approval status once you have submitted your application. You can contact her at apruneau@pasco.k12.fl.us or 774-7208.
School Advisory Council - Call for Membership!
River Ridge Middle School School Advisory Council meetings for the 2024-25 school year. Meetings will be held the third Thursday of each month in the RRMS/HS Front Conference Room at 2:00PM. We are looking for parent and business/community partners to participate in this important committee. Those parents and business/community partners who were 23-24 members will also continue this upcoming year. If you wish not to continue, please contact Mrs. Brissey at mdinamid@pasco.k12.fl.us
Nominations for the 2024-25 School Advisory Council will be taken through August 30th at this link: https://forms.gle/R5SRipJnMAZifagZ8. Nominations can be made by contacting Mrs. Brissey at mdinamid@pasco.k12.fl.us.
SAC Meeting Dates: (only if needed)
9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/19, 1/16, 2/20, 3/27, 4/17, 5/8
RRMS Royal Athletics
Chrissy Brando, Athletic Director cbrando@pasco.k12.fl.us
Joseph Corley, Assistant Athletic Director jcorley@pasco.k12.fl.us
All middle school students may participate in the middle school athletic program. Students must have a valid physical form and submit it through the Athletic Clearance website before tryouts. Please visit the RRMS website under Athletics for all required paperwork. Upon making the team, the following athletic participation fees apply and must be paid within 3 days of making the team:
· Athletic Participation Fee: $60 1st sport, $40 2nd sport; Family cap per school $150, Individual cap $100
GOFAN.CO Digital Ticketing
All athletic tickets must be purchased on GoFan.co. We will not sell tickets at the gates. All middle school sports tickets will be $5.
For each game, if you have purchased a season pass on GoFan.co, you will be guaranteed admission to all HOME athletic events. This All-Access Pass entitles the holder to claim a single ticket for each River Ridge home game for the 2024-25 season. **This pass is not valid for FHSAA State Series events. Season passes are $60.
Free Admission passes (PCSB Employees, FHSAA passes) – We will hold back a limited number of tickets up until game time. Under-school-age children will still be let in free with parents (up to capacity).
FALL Sports Tryouts
Students must have the complete athletic packet filled out and up-to-date physical, and ALL paperwork must be uploaded in the Athletic Clearance to participate in tryouts.
FOOTBALL: Head Coach Jeff Koos – meet at boys’ locker room/middle school practice field August 5-8 6PM-7:30PM; August 12-16 1:30PM-4PM
CHEERLEADING: Head Coach Lynn Vairo – meet in Dance Room August 13-15 1:30PM-3:30PM
VOLLEYBALL: Head Coaches Chrissy Brando (Varsity), Ed Coller (JV)
Meet at girls’ locker room August 19 6th & 7th Grade; August 20-21 8th Grade & Callbacks
8/30 River Ridge Community Night
River Ridge Middle and High School will be hosting a community night at the August 30th Varsity Football Game vs. Steinbrenner HS at 7:30PM. At this game, the middle school band, cheerleaders, dance team, volleyball teams, and football team will be recognized between the first and second quarter. We are excited to celebrate our amazing River Ridge community!
Call for Sir Winsalot Mascot Tryouts!
Calling all Royals who are energetic and want to show their school spirit! We are looking for the next Sir Winsalot mascot for pep rallies, sporting events, and community events. If you are interested, auditions will be on Wednesday, August 21st or Thursday, August 22nd from 1:40PM-2:40PM. Please contact Mr. Corley at jcorley@pasco.k12.fl.us for more information.
Other Royal Opportunities...
Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks will be on sale during the school’s Storm the Castle/Open House through December 31st and will be available online or by contacting Ms. Baumaister at cbaumais@pasco.k12.fl.us for $30. From January – April 30, the price will increase to $35. When the books arrive in May, the price will increase to $40. We will also have a yearbook signing celebration exclusively for those students who purchased a yearbook in May. Yearbooks may be purchased online through Walsworth: www.yearbookforever.com. 8th Grade yearbook ads payment will be through GoFan.co for $40.
Birthday Song Fundraiser - Recognize your Student!
Celebrate your child’s birthday with a Birthday Song at lunch from the Administrative Team, balloons, confetti, and an ice cream treat. Complete the form in the front office and provide Mrs. Cace with $5. All proceeds go to student and staff recognition.
24-25 Student Council 6th Grade Elections - Call for Candidates!
6th Grade Student Council Officer Applications will be due on Friday, August 23rd by 2:00PM. Approved candidates will be notified by Mr. Corley prior to campaigning.
Campaign time will be on August 26th - September 4th.
The elections will be through myLearning from Thursday, September 5th opening at 7:00AM and closing on Friday, September 6th at 2:00PM. Winners will be announced on the school news on Monday, September 9th.
6th Grade Student Council Application Link:
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Corley, Student Council sponsor at jcorley@pasco.k12.fl.us.
24-25 RRMS Bell Schedule/Special Schedules
4 Day Weekends & Early Release Days
4-DAY WEEKENDS: There will be no school for students.
October 14-15
February 14, 17
April 18, 21
During the 2024-25 school year, Pasco County Schools will continue implementing a monthly, two-hour early release schedule starting semester 2. Early Release days will be on the following days: 1/29, 2/26, 3/26, 3/30. There will be no early release days in May. We will also run Enrichment Activity Schedule on these days. Students will select an area of interest for each semester to attend during this time. Early Release Days allow staff to engage in professional development aligned to student needs and district and school priorities. We are confident that this additional learning time for teachers will increase effective instruction and student achievement. Another benefit is that teachers will not have to complete professional development during student class time, decreasing the requirement for substitutes. Bus transportation will be provided two hours earlier than usual for students transported on regular school days. The same routes and stops will be used. School will be released at 11:30AM each early release day, and there will be no practice or after-school activities on these dates.Pasco County Schools & RRMS Expectations, Policies, & Procedures
24-25 Pasco County Schools Dress Code
For the most up to date dress code, please review Page 27 in the Pasco County Schools Student Code of Conduct.
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports: Royal Rewards
Royal Rewards Positive Behavior in myStudent
For the 24-25 school year, we will be transitioning to using digital positive behavior Knight Dollars (points) in myStudent Positive Behavior Awards. Students and families will be able to monitor student's behavior progress based on school wide expectations of Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being a Problem Solver. Students will be able to purchase items and privileges from the monthly Royal Merchant school store through a digital QR code and form that will be pushed out to them through myStudent/myLearning and posted in all classrooms. They may also purchase monthly Knight Dollar incentives such as tie-dye t-shirt making, slime making, holiday cookies, Talent Show, and Field Days.
Royal Spirit Fridays - Get Your River Ridge gear!
Show Your Royal Spirit with your River Ridge SWAG... new items have been added for purchase on GoFan.co at our River Ridge Spirit Store. Items can be picked up at the front office… don't miss out sizes are limited and new designs are amazing! Go Knights! #WeAreRoyal #RoyalSpiritFridays
Mark Your Calendars
Important Contacts
Mrs. Angie Murphy, Principal amurphy@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7208
Ms. Daniell Grubbs, Assistant Principal (6th Grade) dgrubbs@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7256
Ms. Kristen Martanovic, Assistant Principal (7th Grade) kmartano@pasco.k21.fl.us. 774-7238
Mrs. Melina Brissey, Assistant Principal (8th Grade) mdinamid@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7234
Corporal Josh Peters, SRO jopeters@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7223
Mrs. Monica Stanton, School Counselor (7th Grade) mostanto@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7252
Mrs. Denise Doerrfeld, School Counselor (8th Grade) ddoerrfe@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7253
Ms. Meredith Alston, School Counselor (6th Grade) malston@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7220
Mrs. April Addington, SSAP aaddingt@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7069
Mrs. Maria Costlow, School Social Worker mcostlow@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7259
Mrs. Kylie Owens, SBP Social Worker kowens@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7181
Ms. Hayleigh Theisen, School Nurse htheisen@pasco.k12.fl.us; Ms. Joanie Noe, Clinic Asst. jnoe@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7213
Mrs. Flo Cione, Bookkeeper fcione@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7216
Ms. Chrissy Brando, Athletic Director cbrando@asco.k12.fl.us 774-7187