Class of 2024 Graduation Update
Graduation Celebration June 7 at 6:30 PM in the Warrior Stadium
Your check-out cards are in the counseling office.
Important Dates
- June 3: Senior Checkout forms available in Counseling Office.
- June 5: Senior Last Day of Classes
- June 6: Senior Breakfast @ 6:30am - Dress nicely, no cap and gown
- June 6: Final Graduation Rehearsal @ 7:45am in the Auditorium
- June 6: Senior Assembly @ 10:00am in the Gym. Dress nicely, no cap and gown but wear your cords and stoles.
- June 7: Graduation Ceremony @ 6:30pm
- Seniors arrive at 5:30pm
Graduation Information Card 2024
Please fill out this form ASAP!
A staff member will read this information as you cross the stage to receive your diploma.
Thank you!
Favor de llenar lo siguiente lo mas pronto posible.
¡Esta información es para la tarjeta de graduación que se usara en la graduación!
Check your email for your fines and fees
Fines and fees MUST be paid before graduation.
Remember your fines and fees must be paid before graduation. Check your email for a message from Intouch. To pay online go to online payments. If you have questions stop by the bookkeeper's office to see Ms. Mayes and the library to see Ms. Dean.
Cords and Stoles
Seniors will receive their Cords and Stoles after the Senior Breakfast: June 6.
Check with club/organization if unsure
Wear them to senior assembly
Talk to Ms. Contreras in the Career Center if you have any questions.
Export your data from Google apps
Click here for instructions to export and download your files from your BSD Google Apps account. Do not just link the account to a new one. Your information will go away when you graduate.
Family Photo Opportunity
Aloha has the unique tradition of inviting families up to the stage to see their student graduate up close and take a quick photo. Graduates will shake principal Casteel's hand, get their diploma cover, cross the stage and then go back stage and return to their seats.
Families, please look at the the map below. The Graduation Program will tell you what row your student is sitting in. When your student's row is called, you may get up and go to the photo opportunity waiting area. Ushers will be there with a row number sign. The ushers will help you and escort you to the stage area. You will be matched up with your student. When your graduate is with Principal Casteel, you may take your photo. Families will exit the stage area and go back to their seats. Ushers will guide you. Your student will go behind the stage to take the Dorian photo and return to their seats.
- Can we decorate our caps? Yes, but keep it classy Aloha.
- Can we wear cultural stoles? Yes, items of cultural or post high school significance may be worn. (Stoles, leis, etc.) Keep it classy Aloha.
- How many tickets do we get? Each graduate gets 8 tickets. Guests may sit on the field or in the home bleachers. There is no waiting list for extra tickets.
- Is there live streaming? Yes, the link is https://www.youtube.com/live/kBVZ3URqjZg
- Photos?
- Families are invited to the front of the stage to take a quick photo of your graduate.
- Dorian Studios will take a formal graduation photo. See the information and QR code below for order information.
- Parking?
- ADA and those who need extra help will park near the concession stand or behind the press box.
- Two shuttle buses are available from 4:45-5:45 at Mountain View Middle School.
- What if it rains? On June 5th the final decision will be made for the location of graduation ceremony
- Plan A “Good weather/OUTSIDE”: Ceremony will be held in the Warrior Stadium. Graduates arrive @ 5:30 pm in the AHS Commons.
- Plan B “Bad weather/INSIDE”: Ceremony will be held in the AHS Main Gym. Graduates arrive @ 5:30 pm near the E Hall entrance.
Leave the parking to us. Grad Bus Shuttle picking up from Mountain View Middle School 4:45-5:45
Buses will drop off in the press box parking lot and return to Mountain View Middle School after the ceremony.