November Update
Stockton Elementary School
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 4 & 5: No School
Wed., Nov. 6: K-1 attends "Charlotte's Web" at HCC/1:50 dismissal/PT Conferences 2-7pm
Thurs., Nov. 7: 2nd-5th attends "Charlotte's Web" at HCC/1:50 dismissal/PT Conferences 2-6pm
Fri., Nov. 8: SIP Day - 11:05 dismissal
Mon., Nov. 11: Veteran's Day Assembly @ 9:00 AM in HS Gym - public welcome to attend/Fannie May orders & money due
Wed., Nov. 13: Active Kindness Matters school-wide assembly/ Parent Session w/Cory Greenwood @ 5:30 in HS Gym
Mon., Nov. 18: PTO Meeting @ 5:30 in ES Conference Rm/Board Meeting @ 6:30
Wed., Nov. 27: 1:05 dismissal - Thanksgiving break begins
Nov. 28-29: No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Wed., Dec. 4: Senior Citizen Luncheon @ 1:00 in HS Cafeteria
Mon., Dec. 16: Board Meeting @ 6:30
Wed., Dec. 18: K-4 Winter Concert in HS Gym @ 6:00 pm
Fri., Dec. 20: End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Dec. 23-Jan. 3: No School - Winter Break - Happy Holidays!
Mon., Jan. 6: Teacher's Institute - No School
Tues., Jan. 7: Classes Resume
Fri., Jan. 10: 2nd Quarter Report Cards Issued
General Reminders
- As the weather turns colder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Students will go outside to recess every day unless it is raining or a feels like of 10 degrees or below.
- Please do not drop your child off in the morning prior to 7:50. We do not have staff supervision in place until that time. We do not want students to be unsupervised.
- When dropping students off in the morning, please do not use the middle lanes in the parking lot. We would like all K-5 students dropped off at the corner of the two schools, so students do not have to walk through traffic to get to their assigned doors. Please make sure to yield to buses.