Family Update
Week of Jan. 13, 2025

Message from the Principals
Skyline Family-
Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating break. It’s been a joy to see the energy and enthusiasm you’ve brought back to campus as we kick off this new chapter together.
Believe it or not, we are almost at the halfway point of the school year! This is a great time to reflect on accomplishments so far, set new goals, and recommit to making the most of every opportunity. Remember, every small effort contributes to your greater success.
Tickets for the Hall of Fame Event Now on Sale! 🎟️
We are thrilled to announce that tickets for our Inaugural Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony are now available! Join us on March 15, 2025, for a special evening celebrating the incredible achievements of our inductees. For inductee names, ticket purchases and additional information, please scroll further down in this newsletter. We also are looking for sponsorships for the event if your business or family would like to support the event. Additionally, if you are unable to attend but would like to donate to the new Alumni Fund, there is an opportunity to donate as well. Link to Donate
This will be an event celebrating Skyline that you don't want to miss!
Let’s Soar Together
As Eagles, we have the strength to rise above challenges and the courage to embrace opportunities. Let’s make this year, one of growth, unity, and success!
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. Together, we’re building a school community that inspires greatness in every student.
Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm, Eagles!
Your Skyline Administration Team,
Casey Elmore, Crystal Fluker, Terri Patterson, Lamanzer Williams and Delsie SIssoko
Week At A Glance - Week of Jan. 13, 2025
- Coffee with the Principals 1:30
- Skytime
- VPAA Benefit Concert 7:00
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Jan. 20- No School- MLK Day
- Jan. 21- PTSO Meeting- Magnet Presentation
- Jan. 21-24- Magnet Exploration Week (for 9th graders)
- Jan. 29- Early Release Day
- Jan. 30- Parent Teacher Conferences
Magnet Exploration Week Jan.21-24
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce our upcoming Magnet Exploration Week, taking place from January 21st to 24th. During this week, Magnet Leads will visit classrooms to introduce students to the unique opportunities offered by each of our four magnet programs. On Wednesday, January 22nd, during Skytime, 9th-grade students will attend a special presentation in the auditorium where they will learn more about the programs and begin the process of selecting one for the 2025-26 school year. Students can choose from the following magnets: Health and Medicine, Design Technology and Engineering Prototyping, Communication Media and Public Policy, and Business Marketing Information Technology. Each magnet program is a three-year commitment that provides students with focused, hands-on learning experiences.
Additionally, we invite parents to join us for a special presentation via Zoom during the PTSO meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00PM. More details about this event will be shared soon. We look forward to helping students explore their interests and make informed decisions about their future pathways!
New Date for Prospective Incoming 9th Grade Curriculum Night
The new date for Curriculum Night is Wednesday, February 5, 2025. This evening is targeted to potential incoming 9th or 10th grade families for the 2025-2026 school year. We will offer building tours, a school overview session with administrators and curriculum breakout sessions with our content lead teachers to learn about the curriculum at Skyline.
Please spread the word to any families of students currently in the 8th grade.
Shadowing Opportunities for Current 8th Grade Students Not Enrolled in AAPS
Athletic Instagram Account
With the help of our Student Athletic Advisory Club we have an official Skyline Athletic instagram account. Please follow us, we are working on expanding our social media presence. Thank you!
You can find us at: aaskyathletics
Hall of Fame Tickets on Sale Now!
Looking for Hall of Fame Business Sponsorships
We are looking for business sponsorships to support our Hall of Fame event this year. If you or your business are interested in being a sponsor please see the attachment below and submit the sponsorship form to elmore@aaps.k12.mi.us. Checks may be dropped off at the school attn: Maya Fields Jacobs
Please Spread Alumni Survey
Construction Update
Phase 1 of our construction project has begun. You will see the trailers and fencing at the back near the tennis courts. They worked in the music wing over the break and will continue working there and near the loading doc for the rest of the school year. They will be installing a chiller as a support to our cooling system as the beginning of the new geothermal system. This will be a multiyear construction project that will result in areas of the campus being unavailable as our geothermal heating and cooling system is replaced with a new one as well as campus repaving and new turf on the track field. We will keep you updated as the project progresses and moves into other areas of the campus.
Donation Drive
In continuing the good work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., giving and providing service to our community, BSU and Rising Scholars are working with Community Action Network (CAN) Ann Arbor to support our Washtenaw County communities after the holidays.
CAN Ann Arbor is a local non profit that supports under- resourced Washtenaw County neighborhoods in our community. Some of their locations are right in this community. They include: Bryant, Arrowwood, Northside, and more.
Please support our winter donation drive! Boxes will be located in the main office, 3rd and 4th floor starting Wednesday, January 8- February 1st. CAN Ann Arbor will gladly accept non perishables, personal hygiene products, baby formula, diapers, and gift cards. For gift card donations, see Ms. Barton or Ms. Whitehorn.
Varsity Tutors
The Ann Arbor Public Schools, in partnership with Varsity Tutors, is making a set of 24/7 learning resources available to our students via Clever. Your students now have immediate access to a learning platform with the following:
· Chat Homework Help
· Asynchronous Academic Support Courses
· College Preparation Tools and Courses
· SAT Prep
· Myriad Live and Asynchronous Extracurricular Courses like coding, chess, comic drawing and more.
The Varsity Tutors Platform gives students more opportunities to learn at their own pace. We invite you to view this short video overview of the platform and resources.
No Parking!
Families, students, and guests Do Not park in the bus loop. The bus loop should remain clear. Our evening security will begin ticketing vehicles, recording license plate numbers, and if needed your vehicle will be towed. Do Not Park in the BUS LOOP!!
ELL Update
Happy 2025, ELL community!
Upcoming dates to know:
Parent-teacher conferences are January 30th from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to support your student and get feedback from teachers. Please email me if you would like to request an interpreter: brosej@aaps.k12.mi.us
WIDA Access testing window is January 27 - March 21. This is federally-mandated for all English learners. More information will be sent to you via email.
Coffee with Principals on February 10th: a special invite for Parents/Guardians of English learners ~ more information to come!
There is a new drop-in support group for Spanish speaking mothers. The support group will be hosted virtually Thursday mornings from 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM starting January 9th.
Here is the link to sign up:
Women's Center of SE Michigan Support Group
Please contact me with any questions or comments.
Jennifer Brose
ELL Teacher
Counselors Connection
.Counseling Support Groups: Mental health is so important! At Skyline the counseling department offers many support groups to assist students. Below is a listing of our groups. If any of these sound like something you’d like to connect with, please reach out to your counselor.
SMART Recovery Group Corner Health partners with us to offer weekly SMART recovery groups. SMART meets on Mondays with a rotating schedule during the school day.
Girls Group A community partnership with Girls Group that meets every Monday afterschool from 3-5pm in the Writing Center (B429). Snacks are provided and transportation can be arranged if needed.
Grief Group Have you or someone you know lost someone close to them? Are you looking for a safe place to remember them and connect with others going through similar experiences? This may be the group for you! Grief group meets on Fridays with a rotating schedule during the day.
TRAILS This group is designed to support students struggling with anxiety and/or depression. We utilize cognitive behavior theory to work on the development of coping skills and strategies that can be used in all of lifes’ situations.
Senior Section
Link to Senior Packet for the Class of 2025
Here is your one stop shop for everything for seniors! Please review and be aware of important info.
College Applications
Please review the important information linked in this senior slideshow
Support Skyline Fine Arts Winter Showcase & Benefit Concert!
Tickets are now on sale for the Skyline HS Fine Arts Winter Showcase & Benefit Concert!
Thursday, January 16th at 7pm in the Skyline Auditorium & Commons
This is one of the most highly anticipated fine arts showcases of the year and one of our most
critical fundraisers to support our students in Skyline band, choir, orchestra, theater, visual and
applied arts programs. All ticket proceeds and donations go directly to Skyline Friends of the
Arts (SFA) to help meet the needs of our amazing Fine Arts programs at Skyline.
This is a fast-paced collage-style concert featuring incredible talent from an array of Skyline
ensembles with students performing one riveting work right after another without pause.
Student artwork is on display in the commons as well for viewing before and after the
Let’s show these students our support for the arts and make it a sellout performance!
Buy tickets now on our cur8 ordering platform - (Students $10, Adults $20)
Additional donations are welcome! https://www.skylinearts.org/donate
Skyline Friends of the Arts is a 501 (c) (3)
Sign up to volunteer at this event as a ticket taker, usher, and more!
What's New in the Cube!
.Welcome to a new year with a plethora of scholarship opportunities for our students! Check out what is new in the Cube this week by clicking on the link in the picture! Reach out to Mr. Woodford with questions.
Athletic Update
Greetings Eagles!
Friday, January 24th will be our next grade check. Students failing to meet academic standards become ineligible for one full week and must attend academic study table once a week until academic standards are met.
Skyline Academic Eligibility Policy
A special congratulations to our very own Kit Bennett, Skyline Crew/Rowing Coach. Kit was elected Vice-President of the Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA). Kit has been a member of this board for three years. Skyline has qualified for Nationals every year since 2012 and we won our 8th National title last year.
Families, students, and guests Do Not park in the bus loop. The bus loop should remain clear. Our evening security will begin ticketing vehicles, recording license plate numbers, and if needed your vehicle will be towed. Do Not Park in the BUS LOOP!!
High School Spectator Expectations
Skyline Families please take a moment to read the High School Spectator Expectations.
New Winter Admissions Procedure: Beginning for the winter season Skyline students will only get into any competition for free when Skyline is either the guest or home team. If a Skyline student wishes to attend a Pioneer or Huron game and Skyline is not competing they will have to pay. Students are not permitted to bring bags or water bottles into our home games. Also, all students need to enter the game 2 minutes before the end of the first half. Admittance will be denied to those trying to enter with 2 minutes to go in the first half.
Winter Athletic Study Table
Winter athletes can attend the athletic study table after school from 3-4 pm in the Poolside Lounge. Athletes must be listed on the winter roster provided to the Teaching Assistant or Community Assistant.
Athletic Attendance Policy (not new)
Athletes must be present 3 of the 5 hours to practice or compete in a game. Coaches are receiving a daily list of ineligible athletes due to attendance.
Weekly Schedule beginning January 12, 2025
Monday: Bowling home vs. Tecumseh
Tuesday: B. Basketball home vs. Huron, G. Basketball away vs. Huron
Wednesday: B. Hockey vs Dexter at Vets
Thursday: Wrestling home vs. Lincoln, Swimming away vs. Huron
Friday: B. Basketball home vs. Pioneer, G. Basketball way vs. Pioneer, G. Hockey @ Traverse City, Wrestling @ Hudson Super
Saturday: Pom Regionals, Wrestling @ Hudson Super, G. Hockey @ Traverse City, Figure Skating home competition
Skyline High School Live ArbiterSports Schedule
I want to remind everyone of our Skyline Athletics Core Values:
INTEGRITY - We do what is ethical under all circumstances.
EXCELLENCE - We strive to be our best on and off the field.
RESPECT - We honor and value ourselves and others.
TEAM - Together as one we pursue common goals.
COMMITMENT - We give total effort and sacrifice to achieve our purpose.
Thank you and Go Eagles!
Delsie Sissoko
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Coffee with the Principals
Monthly, we will hold informal opportunities for parents/guardians to come in and meet with the administrative team in a main office conference room. There is no set agenda and we discuss the topics you bring while we sip some coffee and have a few treats. All are welcome!
Upcoming Dates:
Mon. Jan. 13 - 1:30 pm
Feb. 10 - 8:30 am
March 10 - 1:30 pm
April 11 - 8:30 am
May 12 - 1:30 pm
Attendance Reporting
To Report an Absence or Tardy, email sky_attendance@aaps.k12.mi.us
Emailed is preferred, but If you cannot email, please call (734) 994-7842
When reporting an Absence or Tardy, please include the following information:
- Student's full name (spell out the last name)
- Student's ID number
- Reason for absence
- Day (date) and time(s) of absence(s)
- Your name and your relationship to student
If you are reporting a student’s early release from school, please include:
- Student's full name (spell out the last name)
- Student's ID number
- Reason for early release
- Exact time and day of release
- Your name and your relationship to student
- Report morning early releases by 8 am
- Report afternoon early releases by 12 pm
There is no need to call the main line.
AAPS - 24/7 Securely Tip Line 1-833-300-STOP
In conjunction with Securly’s email and web search monitoring, we are pleased to introduce the Securly Tip Line. Note that OK2Say is also still available via the Michigan State Police.
The Securly Tip Line is specific to AAPS and will follow the same notification process used for email and web searches. The Securly Tip Line app can be downloaded from the AppStore or Google Play.
Students, staff and parents can initiate an anonymous tip outside of the app via:
Tips can be made for any reason:
- Bullying
- Harm to self or others
- Mental health concerns
Early College Alliance (ECA) at EMU
Are you/your student interested in attending the Early College Alliance at EMU? AAPS is one of ECA's partner districts--so your student can join without losing membership in the Ann Arbor district. Learn how the ECA can help you/your student get a head start on college and career while earning up to 65 college credits at Eastern Michigan University — a $35,000 value open to AAPS students entering grades 9, 10, or 11 in the 2025-2026 school year! Please join our VIRTUAL Information Meeting for more information.
ECA Virtual Informaiton Meeting for AAPS
Monday, January 13, 2025
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Register in advance for this meeting: http://tinyurl.com/ECAinfoAA2
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Questions? Please contact the ECA at info@earlycollegealliance.info, or 734-487-4290.
Mental Health Resources for Students, Parents, and Staff
It’s Okay to Ask for Help!
Care Solace is AAPS’s free Mental Health Care Coordination Service. Care Solace is available 24/7/365 to connect students, staff, and their families to mental health, substance abuse, and ABA service providers. Using Care Solace is easy!
Call 888-515-0595 any time. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. A dedicated Care Companion will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments and follow up with you to make sure it's a good fit.
Search anonymously by visiting caresolace.com/aaps
Contact your student’s counselor, social worker or principal and they will submit a referral on your behalf.
Learn more about Care Solace here.
Suicide Awareness & Prevention: A Presentation for Caregivers and Communities
Suicide Awareness and Prevention for Caregivers and Communities: Promotional Materials
We encourage you to share information regarding our upcoming presentation: Suicide Awareness and Prevention for Caregivers and Communities within your hallways and through your communication channels. Below please find promotional materials for your use through these outlets. Please reach out to trainings@trailstowellness.org with any questions.
PDF suitable for print or electronic distribution
For social media channels, use one of the below PNG files along with this language: We all play a role in suicide prevention! Please plan to attend a free presentation: Suicide Awareness and Prevention for Caregivers and Communities, Thursday, February 6 from 4:30-6pm ET / 2:30-4pm MT. Discussion will take place via Zoom: https://bit.ly/TRAILS_2-6_training
Monthly Substance Use Discussion
Community Resources
Free Car Repair Clinic
Saturday, January 11th, 2025: Pull Over Prevention Clinic and Mutual Aid Fair in Ypsilanti
Free car repair of lights, tires, and fluids to help prevent interactions with law enforcement. Partners may also provide additional resources including vaccines, basic needs and more. Free lunch provided. Also Feb 8th and March 8th. Details. Flier with all dates and locations.
Free Winter Gear & Clothing
Sunday, January 19th, 2025: 2-4pm: AADL Cold Weather Gear Swap at the Downtown Ann Arbor Library. Stop by to pick up free winter gear including jackets, coats, hats, scarves and more. You do not need to drop off items to pick something up. Details.
Understanding & Managing ADHD
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025: Understanding and Managing ADHD: Free Virtual Parent and Guardian Workshop. This free one-hour workshop is for parents and guardians of children who have been diagnosed with or who are suspected of having ADHD. View Flier Here. Register Here.
Free Groceries in Your Area
CLICK HERE for a list of places where you can find free groceries in your area.
Free Academic Support
Free K-12 Afterschool GED, ACT/SAT Weekly Online Tutoring through End the Cycle
End the Cycle, a group run by University of Michigan Students, offers free tutoring. Parents can learn more and sign up their child at endthecycleatum.org/students.
View an updated list of free academic support resources for to AAPS students and families at
Eviction Help
Need help with an eviction? FREE legal help is available for low-income Washtenaw County residents at Legal Services of South-Central Michigan.
Be sure to bring your court papers.
If you can’t make walk-in hours, call 734-665-6181
Help Applying for Benefits
Need help applying for cash assistance, food assistance or health coverage? The University of Michigan Law School students can help anyone with online applications for public benefits.
Call 734-274-9538 or email pbapboard@umich.edu to ask questions and get support. Link
Winter Giving Resources
Free Winter Clothing & Household Items
Free Winter Clothing for Children and Adults as well as Household Items at House by The Side of the Road. No referral needed. Learn more here.
MDHHS Holiday Assistance Program (2024)
Families with an MDHHS case manager may be eligible for support. Learn more here.
Fill Your Prescription at Packard Health’s Carpenter Road Location
Packard Health’s Carpenter Road Clinic Pharmacy is open for prescriptions! View promotional fliers here: English Spanish
Understanding and Managing ADHD: Free Virtual Parent and Guardian Workshop
On Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, this free one-hour workshop is for parents and guardians of children who have been diagnosed with or who are suspected of having ADHD. View Flier Here. Register Here.
FREE Tutoring with UofM Students
LEAP is an organization that provides free, high-quality tutoring to high school and middle school students. LEAP’s tutoring is focused not only on academic success but also on strengthening college applications. Here’s what LEAP can provide:
Academic Tutoring
Flexible, individual academic tutoring, one hour per week, for high school and middle school students
SAT/ACT tutoring for high school students
In-person or virtual options
College Application Guidance
College essays:
Helping students hone their ideas
Feedback and guidance
Advising students on extracurricular activity selection to align with their goals
Crafting a college resume that reflects both their strengths and their values
Personalized Approach: LEAP believes the key to successful college guidance is through building meaningful interpersonal relationships with students. Through weekly meetings, our tutors develop a genuine rapport with students, facilitating meaningful, and individually tailored advice throughout the college application process.
For any questions you may have about LEAP, please visit their website for more information: https://www.leaptutors.org/ Their registration with the University of Michigan can be found at: https://maizepages.umich.edu/organization/leap
Health & Wellbeing Resources for African American Youth
New Program for African American Youth living in 48197 and 48198 zip codes
A new program in Ypsilanti Township is offering free mental health services like therapy, community healing spaces, mindfulness practices, and conflict resolution to Black males aged 10-25 and their families. The Ypsi Township-based Community Family Life Center (CFLC), in partnership with the founders of Washtenaw County Community Mental Health’s Black Lives Matter Task Force, launched the program, which is called Interventions for African American Males, or "I-AAM". Learn more: https://buff.ly/41sZCjO #OTGYpsi