Heath Brook School
Principal Update: September 2, 2020
A Note From Principal Cenanovic:
Dear Heath Brook Families,
- Please have your child wear a mask at the bus stop, on the bus and at school; we will have water and snack breaks when students may take them off.
- Please send an extra mask in his/her backpack.
- Please send a clean mask daily.
- Please do not use masks that are knitted or use a bandana as a mask.
- Please see the video near the bottom of the newsletter to share with your child.
The district is working on a comprehensive plan for mask wearing and we do appreciate your support with this. Masks do make a difference and keep us all safer!
We are putting the final touches on homeroom assignments and expect to have this completed and shared with you by the end of next week. Once this information has been shared, teachers will be reaching out to students & families prior to the first day of school.
Your patience and support is greatly appreciated!
Take care,
Felicia Cenanovic, Principal
Heath Brook School Supply List
Borrowing a TPS Device for Remote Learning
You should have recently received an email from Tewksbury Public Schools regarding how to borrow a device for Remote Learning this fall. Borrowing a device is not required. If you have a device at home that your child is comfortable using, it is suggested that they utilize it for all remote learning. Any device that can access a web browser is sufficient.
If you do choose to borrow a TPS device for your student’s use in the home, please email sbransfield@tewksbury.k12.ma.us and provide the following:
Your child's school email address,
Your name,
Your email address
Your street address.
Requests will be processed as quickly as possible; you will be contacted as soon as the device is available with directions for pickup. We will schedule (to the best of our ability) a safe and secure pick-up for all those who choose to use a school device.
Strategies To Help Your Child Wear A Mask!
Helpful Videos!
Action For Happiness Calendar: Self-Care September
Heath Brook School
Email: fcenanovic@tewksbury.k12.ma.us
Website: tewksbury.k12.ma.us/heathbrook
Location: 165 Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7865
Twitter: @HBTweets165