Chopps Chat
February 2021
Headteacher's Comment
You made it! Half term is here and a welcome relief I am sure it is to many of you. We would like to start by thanking you all for the support you have shown your children throughout this current lockdown and the pressures of home schooling. We fully appreciate the demands that we are placing on you and want you to know how much we appreciate it.
Please make sure that you take full advantage of the week long break, as both you and your children need it.
We will be back in the same position on 22nd February, with 'live' lessons beginning too. We are hoping this will only be for 2 weeks, but like you we are waiting to hear what the government announces. We are making a couple of small changes to our remote learning offer. See what that is lower down this newsletter.
We are working towards full re-opening on Monday 8th March, which I am sure you are counting down to too. Once we have any more information regarding this we will share it with you all.
Thank you all again and enjoy the weeks break.
Mr D. Nelson
Free School Meals Provision
From next half term we will be providing all families who are eligible for Free School Meals food vouchers, using the government scheme through Edenred. Each child will receive a voucher worth £15 per week. If your child is in school we will be feeding them with school dinners as normal, so you wont receive the food vouchers.
During this half term you may have already received your voucher email from Huggg - NCC have topped the vouchers up so each child will receive £30 for the week.
We have chosen to do vouchers because you requested them as part of our questionnaire.
Remote Learning
Once again I would like to thank you for supporting us with our remote learning. The 'live' lessons have been very well attended and has helped keep the children in touch with school as much as possible.
After half term we are making a couple of small changes, following your feedback. We are going to extend the lesson slightly to enable some children to stay on to complete their independent work with the teacher on hand to help if needed - we hope this will reduce the pressure on parents.
Further to this we are also going to do 'live' lessons in the afternoon to help complete the topic/science work. This will be an extra session to log in to, but all the work will be completed with the teacher during the session.
We hope this will reduce any stress in trying to make your child complete the work as they will be managed by staff throughout.
Codes for these sessions will come out during the first week back.
The work packs for the first week back, w/c 22nd February, will be delivered next Friday.
Snowman Fun
About us
Location: Choppington Primary School, Eastgate, Scotland Gate, Choppington, UK
Phone: 01670 823197
Twitter: @choppingtonps