Cougar Connection
April 16, 2024
April 15-18 - Terra Nova Testing
April 17-18 - Cougarette Tryouts - 2:45 - 4:30 p.m.
April 17 - School Mass - 9:00 a.m.
April 17 - Cougar's Dine Out
April 20 - First Communion Retreat (2nd Graders )
April 23 - Sacramental Prep Parent Class - 5:00 p.m.
April 24 - Mother's Mass - 9:00 a.m.
April 25 - Dad's Club Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
April 26 - Field Day - Grades PK - 1
May 1 - Feed the Hungry Mass - 9:00 a.m.
May 2 - Co-Op Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
**************************Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025 School Year************************
August 1 - Faculty In-Service
August 3 - Dad’s Work Day – 7:00 – 9:00 a.m.; New Mom’s Meet & Greet – 10:00 a.m.
August 5 - Faculty In-Service
August 6 - Faculty In-Service; New Student Orientation – 1:00 p.m. ; Parent Orientation
PK3-1-6:00 p.m.
August 7 - First day Grades 1-7, 11:40 dismissal; First day PreK – K (A-L) 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.;
Faculty In-Service - 12:30 – 3:00 p.m.
August 8 - Full day Grades 1 – 7; First day PreK – K (M-Z) 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.; Parent Orientation
Grades 2-7 – 6:00 p.m.
August 9 - Full day all students PK - 7
September 2 - Labor Day holiday
October 19 - Fleur de Fall Gala/Auction
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving holidays
December 23 – January 3 - Christmas holidays
January 6 - School resumes
January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday
March 3-7 - Mardi Gras holidays
April 18-25 - Easter holidays
May 22 - Last Day of school, 10:00 a.m. dismissal
May 23 - Faculty Records Day/In-Service
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic School is a Catholic elementary school for boys and girls in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 7. Established in 1996, it serves the families of the Mandeville and Covington area. In this capacity, it has educated many students in the Catholic tradition, giving them the moral and academic foundation from which to develop prosperous and fulfilling careers.
Email: school@maryqueenofpeace.org
Website: https://www.maryqueenofpeace.org/school
Location: 1515 West Causeway Approach, Mandeville, LA, USA
Phone: (985) 674-2466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mqpcs/
Twitter: @mqpcscougars