Viking Weekly Parent Update
September 16-20
It's a Great Day to be a Viking!
Reminders and Updates
Happy Friday!
We successfully completed our required Safety Drills for the beginning of the year. The students have now all practiced our Fire Drill, Tornado, and Lockdown procedures. We also distributed One Cards this week. Students who forget to bring their One Card to school are being provided a Temporary One Card to wear during the day. Students who are new to our school or have not received a One Card yet are working with our office staff to order a card and they will receive them soon. The lanyards that the school purchased are not proving to be sturdy and many have broken this first week. Students are allowed to use a different lanyard from home or purchase a lanyard of their choice. Students should keep their One Card in the plastic sleeve that we provided so that they do not break throughout the year.
This week our students started using Achieve 3000 on Monday and Friday and Zearn on Tuesday and Thursday to practice their ELA and Math skills during their WIN/Enrichment Class. For Zearn, students need earphones because there is a teacher providing verbal instruction as part of the Zearn lesson. Thank you for helping your student to remember to keep a pair of inexpensive ear phones (ones that plug into their chromebook work great) in their bookbag for times when they need them throughout the week.
Students will be taking the first round of NWEA Map Assessments in a few weeks - ELA on Sept. 24th and Math on Oct. 1st. On these days we will test in our WIN Groups and use an altered schedule. It will be very important that all students attend school on these days and be on time. Students will also need to be very certain that they bring a charged device to school.
Attendance Matters! Friday marked the 14th day of school and students that have missed one or more days are considered Chronically Absent. A student is Chronically Absent when they have missed 10% or more of the school year. Please be in school each day and on time. Please also do your best to limit early dismissals and schedule appointments after the school day (if possible).
Next week is Start with Hello week. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Crockett and Mrs. Baker have planned a fun week of wearing similar colors to help us reflect on each day. Please see below for a listing of what each student is encouraged to wear for Start with Hello week.
Let's make it a great - and colorful Start with Hello - week,
Mrs. Francisco
Weekly Information
Monday, 9/16
- Start with Hello Week - Wear Neon/Bright Colors
- Chess Club after school
- Viking Voltage eSports & Gaming Interest Meeting after school
- Matilda Rehearsals begin after school
- Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Jamestown
Tuesday, 9/17
- Fall Picture Day in Aux Gym - all students will be photographed on this day for the Yearbook!
- Start with Hello Week - Dress to Impress Day
- Chess Club before school
- FBLA before school
- Matilda Auditions after school
Wednesday, 9/18
- Start with Hello Week - Wear Red
- Spanish Club before school
- Run/Walk Club before school
- Football @ Home vs. Kernodle
- Math Club after school
Thursday, 9/19
- Start with Hello Week - Wear Green
- Impact Club before school
Friday, 9/20
- Start with Hello Week - Wear Yellow
- Sept. 23 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Southeast
- Sept. 23 - PTO Restaurant Day at Papa Murphy's - see picture below
- Sept. 24 - NWEA ELA Map Assessment
- Sept. 24 - School Based Leadership Team Meeting 4:00 in Media Center
- Sept. 25 - Football @ Southwest
- Sept. 26 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Northern
- Sept. 26 - Interim Progress Reports emailed to parents
- Sept. 27 - Spotlight Breakfast 8:45 in Cafeteria
- Sept. 30-Oct. 4th - Annual Food Drive Competition with Northwest High (Oct. 4th is NWHS Homecoming Night). Middle School currently holds the Food Drive Trophy - let's keep it another year!!!
- Sept. 30 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Kiser
- Sept. 30 - PTO General Meeting 6:00 pm
- Oct. 1 - NWEA Math Map Assessment
- Oct. 2 - Principal for a Day community visitor
- Oct. 2 - Football @ home vs. Eastern
- Oct. 6 - BIG SERVE Community Volunteer Day at NWMS
- Oct. 7 - Sports Tryouts for Girls Soccer and Boys Volleyball after school
- Oct. 9 - Football at Jamestown
- Oct. 11 - NWHS Middle School Band Night at NW High Stadium
- Oct. 15 - GCS All-County Orchestra Auditions
- Oct. 15 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer at Kernodle
- Oct. 16 - Fall Picture Retake Day
- Oct. 16 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer @ Home
- Oct. 17 - 6th Grade Field Trip
- Oct. 17 - 7th Grade Field Trip
- Oct. 18 - Staff Workday - no school for students
- Oct. 19 - JR Theatre Festival for ITS Club @ Southeast High
Bus Information
Most students have now been processed and provided a Bus Pass. I understand that some parents may still have transportation concerns. All transportation requests and concerns need to be relayed to the Transportation Department. As your school principal, I do not have the ability to alter bus routes or make changes to stops and/or times. I do strongly encourage you to use the Transportation Website and contact the Transportation Department if you have a question about your bus or bus route. The phone number is (888) 511-4427. If you are still waiting on a bus stop/route please call our data manager at 336-605-3333 to ensure that a bus request has been created in PowerSchool. Thank you for your patience with the start of this school year. I do know and understand the frustration that some have had with securing a bus this school year. I hope that this has improved greatly over the past several days.
Sales Tax Referendum for Teachers and Frontline Workers
PTSO Information
Our Viking Cash Crusade has set sail and we have currently raised $3,570 of our $20,000 goal! A big thank you to Sheetz and JNA Signs LLC for partnering with us as our Viking Cash Crusade Co-Sponsors! Viking Cash Crusade is our primary fundraiser. It is a direct donation campaign where funds collected allow the PTSO to operate this school year, help fund our programs and events, as well as support staff and students in numerous ways. Thank you so much to all who have donated - however, WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Please share this with your family and friends so we can pull off all that is planned this school year. See VCC Donation Form for all the awesome raffle prizes we are offering:
Stay in the know this school year: join the PTSO and receive their Weekly Newsletter! Do you have your red and black gear for the year?! The Viking Spirit Wear Store is now OPEN!! Want to catch the next sporting event but can't remember the info? All of these forms, dates, and more can be found on our website:
September 23rd, ALL DAY - Spirit Night @ Papa Murphy's (take-and-bake pizzas!) - Online orders must use the code SCHOOL to be counted and walk-ins must leave their receipt in a basket on the counter after ordering to be counted.
September Student Spotlight Breakfast Donation Sign Up:
Want to learn more about what the PTSO does for our students, staff, and community? Come to their General Membership Meeting at Mobile #17 on September 30th at 6:00pm – all are welcome!!
Our Annual Battle of the Schools Food Drive will be the week of September 30th.
We're encouraging everyone to participate in our annual campaign to fight hunger and help us beat our competition - Northwest High School!! You can drop off canned or boxed food items in the Commons area starting on September 30th. Thank you for your support!
Premier Parking Pass
Don't like waiting in the car rider line? Do you want to get in, get out, and get on your way? We are excited to announce our raffle for a Premier Parking Pass! There will be 4 lucky winners! They will be drawn on Monday, September 30th. Passes will be active Tuesday, October 1st and will be valid for 60 days. Please carefully read the details on our website:
Bus Fast Pass
Hey Vikings, do you want the best seat on the bus? What about a headstart? Enter the Raffle for a chance to win the Bus Fast Pass! There will be 2 winners per grade. Winners will be drawn Monday, September 30th. Passes will be active Tuesday, October 1st and will be valid for 60 days. Visit our website for details: