FFA Monthly Update
Beginning of the Year FFA Exploration Stations
FFA Virtual Meeting
Everyone in this class should be fully prepared to apply for any job! This month, students created their own resumes and cover letters, filled out a sample application and participated in a mock interview.
STEM Connect
Understanding Food
Welding and Small Engines
Agbusiness- Parent Help Needed!
On November 7th from 8:30-10:00, Ohio State Extension will be leading a spending simulation as part of the Real Money, Real World financial literacy curriculum that we will be covering in Agbusiness. We are looking for volunteers to help cover each of the spending simulation stops. Please let Mrs. Bockbrader know if you are available and willing to help out! Email: cbockbrader@anthonywayneschools.org or Call: 419-877-2134.
Upcoming Events
October 3: Toledo Zoo Field Trip (AFNR 2 students)
October 9: Sunshine Day of Service (Selected Ag students)
October 10: Dairy Products CDE (Dairy Product CDE team)
October 10: Executive Team Meeting at 7:05 (2024-2025 Exec Team members)
October 11: Student Watershed Watch Sampling (AFNR II students)
October 16: Toledo Zoo Day of Service (Selected Ag students)
October 17: Individual ExecutiveTeam Meetings (2024-2025 Exec Team members)
October 23: End of Quarter 1
October 23-24: National Convention (Selected Ag students)
October 25: No School- teacher workday
October 28: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 29: Two hour delay- teacher PD
SAE of the Month
Lewis Warner-
Each month we will highlight one student who has been selected as the SAE of the Month. This month we are highlighting Lewis Warner. Lewis is a freshman in the AFNR 2 class. He raises many different types of animals, including lambs, steers, hogs, chickens, ducks, and turkeys. This summer, he kept records as he prepared his animals to be shown at the Lucas County Fair. He received many awards, including Grand Champion Turkey.
Department Student of the Month
Jackson Willis
Jackson is always willing to go above and beyond during class. He constantly volunteers to help with FFA activities, competitions, and even small tasks around the classroom. He always has a positive attitude and works hard every single day!
Field Trip Info Sheets
Toledo Zoo Day of Service Field Trip Info
You have been selected to attend the field trip listed below. Please review the details, and ask Ms. Kreais or Mrs. Bockbrader any questions that you might have.
Date: October 16
Leaving Time: beginning of 2nd period
Where to meet: Ag Room 173
Transportation: AW Bus
What to bring: Money for lunch
What to wear: AW or FFA clothing. No sweatpants. Dress for the weather, we’ll be outside working in garden areas. Make sure school appropriate.
Destination: Toledo Zoo
Arrival back to school: end of 10th period
*REMINDER: Please talk to your teachers to make up all of your work PRIOR to attending this field trip. *REMINDER: You cannot have any Ds or Fs in any classes to attend this field trip.
Toledo Zoo AFNR 2 Field Trip Info
Date: October 3
Leaving Time: beginning of 3rd period
Where to meet: Ag Room 173
Transportation: AW Bus
What to bring: Money for lunch
What to wear: AW or FFA clothing. No sweatpants. Dress for the weather. Make sure school appropriate. We will be walking a lot so please wear comfortable shoes.
Destination: Toledo Zoo
Arrival back to school: end of 11th period
*REMINDER: Please talk to your teachers to make up all of your work PRIOR to attending this field trip. *REMINDER: You cannot have any Ds or Fs in any classes to attend this field trip.
Dairy Foods Career Development Event Info
You have been selected to attend the field trip listed below. Please review the details, and ask Mrs. Bockbrader any questions that you might have.
Date: Thursday, October 10th
Leaving Time: 7:45 am
Where to meet: Ag room
Transportation: AW van
What to wear: Pants, closed-toed shoes, AW or FFA shirt
What to bring:
2 pencils
Study materials
Clipboard (available in ag room)
Destination: Edgerton High School
Approximate arrival back to school: 1:45 pm (be prepared to potentially go to 11th period)
*REMINDER: Please talk to your teachers to make up all of your work PRIOR to attending this field trip.*REMINDER: You cannot have any Ds or Fs in any classes to attend this field trip.
Majestic Oak Field Trip Info
Date: October 2nd
Leaving Time: 8:30 (beginning of homebase)
Where to meet: Ag Room 173
Transportation: AW Bus
Destination: Majestic Oak Winery
Arrival back to school: 10:26 (end of 3rd)
*REMINDER: Please talk to your teachers to make up all of your work PRIOR to attending this field trip.
Sunshine Field Trip Info
You have been selected to attend the field trip listed below. Please review the details, and ask Ms. Kreais or Mrs. Bockbrader any questions that you might have.
Date: Wednesday, October 9th
Leaving Time: 8:30 am ( beginning of homebase)
Transportation: AW Bus
Where to meet: Ag Shop classroom (Room 171)
What to bring: Money for lunch
What to wear: AW or FFA clothing. No sweatpants. Dress for the weather, we’ll be outside some. Make sure school appropriate.
Destination: Sunshine Communities
Arrival back to school: 1:00 pm (end of 8/9)
*REMINDER: Please talk to your teachers to make up all of your work PRIOR to attending this field trip.*REMINDER: You cannot have any Ds or Fs in any classes to attend this field trip.
National FFA Field Trip Info will be emailed to parents of those students attending.
Contact and Social Media
Email: cbockbrader@anthonywayneschools.org or ckreais@anthonywayneschools.org
Twitter: @anthonywayneffa
Instagram: @anthonywayneaged
Website: https://sites.google.com/anthonywayneschools.org/ffa