Cavalier Community Connection
May 2024

Weekly School Announcements
Weekly school announcements are sent to students through their grade level Google Classrooms on Mondays. Parents can access the weekly student announcements on the school webpage or by clinking on this link, which is updated every Monday.
LBHS Attendance Announcement
Avoid a Denied Credit on your Report Card.
Second Semester Attendance Waiver Applications are due to the LBHS Attendance Office for any student who has missed more than 8 days in any class/ block for Semester 2 or more than 16 days in a full-year class.
Parents, letters have been mailed home for review if your student needs one completed. Call the attendance line at 540-966-8669 for questions.
Clinic Information about Medication Pickup and Action Plans
For your child’s safety, Lord Botetourt requires that all medication be held in the clinic for Parent/Guardian pickup. Please arrange to pick up your child’s medication by May 23, 2024, between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 am. All remaining medication will be properly disposed of at 11:30 a.m. on May 23rd, 2024. No medication will be held in the clinic over the summer. Additionally, if your child has a medical condition that requires a medical action plan (Allergy, Asthma, Diabetes, and/or Seizure) for the 2024/2025 school year, new forms are required each school year to be filled out and signed by a physician and parent. They can not be carried over from the previous school year.
Important Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
Please note the following dates for the 2024-2025 school year:
Last day for schedule changes is June 1
Business Days - Friday, July 26 & Friday August 2 from 1-4 PM
Freshman Transition - Wednesday, August 7
First Day of School - Thursday, August 8.
Chick-Fil-A Night -- Tuesday, May 7th
Please support the hard work of the students in the Drama program. They work extremely hard to bring an amazing show to the stage for everyone.
Band Concert- May 7th
Outdoor Movie Night: May 10th
On May 10th, immediately following the boys soccer game, there will be an outdoor showing of the movie Shrek.
Students should check their grade level google classroom for a link to an RSVP form. We hope to see you there!
LBHS Jazz Cafe: Monday, May 13th
LB Reads Summer Reading Program
Coming soon!
Work Based Learning
Mandatory Meeting for Work-Based Learning Students
Work-based Learning students are reminded they are REQUIRED to attend one of the following meeting dates: Monday, May 6 all day, Monday, May 13 during 3rd & 4th blocks only or Wednesday, May 15 during 3rd & 4th blocks only.
LBHS Spirit Gear
Study Lab Schedule
Click on the image to read the text in a larger format.
Class of 2024 Senior Announcements
Senior Information Handout
The link below is to a calendar of major senior events occurring throughout the school year. I will update the dates when as we make plans. You may want to put some of these dates in your phone.
Senior Information Handout
Graduation Information
Yearbook Information
LBHS Athletics
VHSL Physicals for the 2024-2025 School Year
To participate in open gyms, fields, conditioning, or practice, each athlete must submit a new VHSL physical form dated 5/1/2024 or after. All current physicals will expire after 6/30/2024. Physicals must be on file with the athletic director.
If you need to contact Coach Fulton about athletic-related questions email them to tfulton@bcps.k12.va.us.
Wrestling Announcement
Lord Botetourt Wrestling has started off-season workouts. Open Mats are every Wednesday from 4:00pm-5:30pm in the upstairs gym. Must have a VHSL physical on file. Please see Coach Craft in the School Counseling Office for further details.
AP Exams
AP Exams will take place during May. Please take a look at the schedule and ensure students know their testing location(s). Students will receive more details and information in their 1770 email account. Please contact Jenna Drumheller in the School Counseling Department with any questions!
Seniors and senior parents/guardians: If you still need help completing the FAFSA we received the following information from Virginia Western Community College Financial Aid Director:
Feel free to send students our way if they need assistance. We are available for walk-in assistance Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 5:30pm and Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm in Chapman Hall. Students can also schedule an in-person or virtual appointment to meet with VWCC Financial Aid Office staff. You do NOT need to be attending VWCC to utilize their assistance.
School Counseling Office
LBHS School Counselors with Alphabet Breakdown
Salena Dewease (A-D): sdewease@bcps.k12.va.us
Lindsay Haniewich (E-K): lhaniewich@bcps.k12.va.us
Paul Craft (L-R) : kcraft@bcps.k2.va.us
Jenna Drumheller (S-Z) : jdrumheller@bcps.k12.va.us
Megan DeHart (SAPP Counselor): mdehart@bcps.k12.va.us