Adult Services News
April 2018
RARI 2018 Live Stream: No Ticket? No problem!
Facilitating Climate Change Conversations in your Library
Money Smart Week Kick-off
The RILA Financial Literacy Roundtable would like to invite you to a Money Smart Week Kick-off event Monday April 23rd at 10:30 am with special guest Rhode Island Treasurer Seth Magaziner. Join for a chance to mingle with representatives from organizations providing financial literacy education throughout the state.
The event will be held at the State House Library, 82 Smith Street, Providence. Guests may arrive at 10:30 for a chance to network and enjoy refreshments. Parking is available in the Legislative Lot on the State House side of Smith Street.
Register to attend and contact for any questions!
Programs, Reading and Community Outreach
May is RI Latino Books Month
Census Test 2018 in Providence County
To prepare for this important event, the Census Bureau is conducting just one 2018 end-to-end test of the process RIGHT HERE in Providence County! The test is live now, so you may see some folks seeking help with the online system. To learn more about the 2018 census test and how it might affect your library please watch the Library Partnership 2018 Census Test Webinar.
Meanwhile, Providence Community Library has been working with the Census Bureau to ensure that the test is successful. Each branch circulation desk has been outfitted with a dedicated census-taking computer and the library is providing fine waiver coupons for those who complete their census test. Libraries in Providence County can feel free to adapt PCLS's materials, which can be found in the Census Google Drive folder, along with samples of testing materials.
Libraries will be a key partner in helping to ensure an accurate count in 2020, especially of historically under-counted populations like very young children, young men of color and immigrants. OLIS looks forward to continuing our partnership with the Census Bureau and RI libraries and coming up with innovative ways to help boost the count!
Collaborating with Community Groups for Programming on May 9
If you want to do more ruminating on this topic, WebJunction is offering a free webinar on May 29 called Taking Community Partnerships to the Next Level or check out recent Programming Librarian blog post Don't Do It All Yourself: Creating Health Fairs through Partnerships.
Non-OLIS Continuing Education Opportunities
- Webinar: How to Develop Outcome Measures & Design Effective Surveys (PLA, April 11, 2:00)
- Webinar: Introduction to Finding Grants (Grantspace, April 18, 2:00)
- Webinar: Introduction to Proposal Writing (Grantspace, April 25, 2:00)
- Webinar: Crime Fiction for Mystery Month (Booklist, April 26, 2:00)
- Health Information for Public Libraries Symposium - (Atlanta, May 22 -23; stipends of $500 available on a first come/first-served basis)
- Webinar: Taking Community Partnerships to the Next Level (WebJunction, May 29, 3:00)
- ALA Annual Conference (New Orleans, June 21 - 26; Early Bird Rates end March 7!)
- RILA/NELA Joint Conference (Warwick, October 21 - 23)
RILA/NELA 2018 Annual Conference Scholarship
Each recipient will receive a full conference registration (does not include travel reimbursements or hotel) AND a one year membership to NELA. Applicants do not need to be current members of NELA.
Apply now!
Great American Read Library Programming Grant (April 17)
IMLS Activating Community Opportunities Using Museums/Libraries as Assets (May 14)
ALA Center for the Future of Libraries Fellowship (May 15)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1 - 15 each month)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
National Poetry Month
Jazz Appreciation Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
National Library Week
Money Smart Week (April 21 - 28)
National Library Workers Day (April 10)
Earth Day (April 22)
RI Latino Books Month
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Bike Month
Older Americans Month
National Library Legislative Day & Virtual Library Legislative Day (May 7-8)
Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
GLBT Book Month
Father's Day (June 17)
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
Livestream Keynote Lecture with Angie Thomas
Reading Across Rhode Island, Rhode Island’s One Book, One State community read program kicks off its 16th year by inviting everyone to join in the reading of The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. The 2018 program runs from January through May with readers in Rhode Island classrooms, libraries, community centers, bookstores and book groups invited to join discussions and participate in local community events such as lectures, exhibits and dramatic interpretations centered on this year’s selection. For more information visit
Hosted in partnership with the Open Books-Open Minds conference at Rhode Island College, this lecture by the author will be available as a livestream at:
Learn more about hosting a livestream event at your library!
Friday, Apr 13, 2018, 11:00 AM
Virtual Reality in the Library
Many libraries are jumping on the virtual reality train, and bringing this popular and exciting technology into their library programs. This workshop will focus on using virtual reality in a purposeful and meaningful way to enhance library programs, so that you are next left asking, "now what?" once you acquire this technology. This workshop will also provide hands-on opportunities to try out virtual reality systems and develop potential program ideas to bring back to your library.
Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018, 01:30 PM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, USA
Facing the Future: Facilitating Climate Change Conversations at Your Library
From the news that earth surface temperatures hit a record high in 2016, to a presidential administration that denies the effect fossil fuels play in climate change, we are inundated with stories and images about climate change. And yet authentic face-to-face conversations about climate change (with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues) are rare. According to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, “more than half of those who are interested in global warming or think the issue is important ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ talk about it with family and friends.”
In this experiential, interactive training, participants will learn why dialogue about climate change is critical to creating a brighter future, and how librarians can facilitate dialogues that empower our communities to be better equipped to respond, adapt, and mitigate the effects.
You will be guided through the creation of a “Climate Communications Toolbox” to facilitate dialogue and host “Climate Conversations” within your library community.
You will:
- Learn how to create and host “Climate Conversations” at your library.
- Share ideas for archiving and exhibiting artifacts created in workshops.
- Brainstorm ideas for building community partnerships.
- Learn why resilience and social capital are critical for communities to thrive and endure, and how libraries can help communities build both.
- Experience mindfulness exercises as a tool for “re-wiring” the brain to stabilize the nervous system.
- Explore your own thoughts and feelings about climate change through storytelling and reflective writing
*This event will break for 1-hour for lunch
Thursday, Apr 26, 2018, 10:00 AM
Cumberland Public Library, Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI, United States
Collaborating with Community Groups for Programming
Join fellow programming librarians for this sharing session on how to take your community partnerships to the next level. Hear from colleagues that have worked with community groups to develop programming, extend services, and strengthen relationships for a win-win. Cassie Patterson, the Assistant Director for Greenville Public Library, will moderate the discussion.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 09:30 AM
Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, RI, United States
Take Your Career to the Next Level: a Day in the Life of a Reference Librarian and Speed Mentoring
Mentoring and informational interviews are major keystones to career success. The Multi-Type Reference Working Group is providing a crash course to help you take advantage of these tools! First, be inspired by your reference peers across the state as they explain what a typical day looks like for them in short video clips. You will be amazed at how many different directions the career of a “reference librarian” can take. Then we will have a discussion about what makes a good mentor and how to find someone to successfully mentor you. Of course, we will leave some time for networking so that you can begin your search for colleagues who will help you figure out the next steps in your career!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 03:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Adult Roundtable Planning Meeting
Register to attend!
Wednesday, Jun 13, 2018, 02:00 PM
Kingston Free Library, South Kingstown, RI, United States
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @libraffoni