St. Pius X School Bulletin
Weekly News
Letter from our Leaders
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We had a super fun and busy Catholic Schools Week! Thank you to the committee of teachers who planned all of the wonderful bees, activities, service projects and dress-up days. Congratulations to Savannah Ray for winning our school spelling bee. Hannah Hern battled alongside her brother, Zach, to win our Catholic Knowledge Bee. We are so proud of all the contestants! The 8th graders played our teachers and parents in the annual volleyball game and our parents and teachers came out on top.
Our Distinguished Alumni for this year is Jennifer Kerckhoff! Jen graduated from St. Pius X in 1996, is an active parishioner at St. Pius X Church, and her twin daughters (Blythe & Reese) are 5th graders here as well. Jen has been involved with just about everything at our school: Auction Co-Chair, Advisory Board, Home & School Association, Teacher Appreciation Committee, Alumni Relations, Fundraising, Donor Retention, and many more. She is a ray of sunshine at SPX and we are honored to be a recipient of her time, talent, and treasure!
St. Pius X After Care is looking for an adult worker. Must be able to start at 2:45pm. If interested, contact Marines Vazquez for more information.
The auction donation drive will end on Wednesday on Feb. 5th - donate $25 cash OR contribute to a Class Auction Basket value of $25 or more (one donation will earn all students in the family a Free Dress on 2/24).
The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family. The special devotion which proposes the Holy Family of Jesus, May, and Joseph as the model of virtue of all Christian households began in the 17th century. Recite this prayer with your family.
All things in Christ,
SPX Administrators
The 411
Monday, 2/3 -
Tuesday, 2/4 - NJHS Meeting, 3:15-4pm.
Wednesday, 2/5 - All School Mass, 8:30am. Auction Basket Items Due (donate to your class basket and receive a Free Dress for students in the family on 2/24)!
Thursday, 2/6 - Student Council, 3:15-4pm.
Friday, 2/7 - Free Dress for those who attended the First Sunday Picnic on 2/2.
2/13 - Red & Pink Dress and Valentine's Class Parties, 2-3pm
2/14 - No school, Diocesan In-Service
2/17 - No School, President's Day
2/22 - St. Pius X Casino Night & Auction, 6-11pm!
More to Know...
Track Sign Ups
All 5th–8th grade students are eligible, registration fee is $75 (includes shirt), and the deadline to register is Friday, February 28th. If you have any questions, please email Molly Dowdell at
Parental Choice Tax Credit Update
Checks have arrived at the school for the Spring 2025 semester. Families will be notified when checks are ready to be signed. We appreciate your patience. As we approach the next open application process or Parental Choice Tax Credit, which opens on February 18th, there is preparation that needs to be done by the school and parents.
The school will provide contact information for all students enrolled. This information will be pulled from your FACTS and RENWEB accounts. A file will be generated by the school to send OK TAX – the contact information is how they will notify you of your Enrollment Verification Number. You will need your Enrollment Verification Number to apply when enrollment opens on February 18, 2025.
If your information is incorrect, it will delay your notification and application.
If you anticipate applying for financial aid for the 2025 – 2026 school year, it will be required to provide the notification letter of approval or denial from the Parental Choice Tax Credit before you will be considered for financial aid with Go for Catholic Education, Veritas, St Francis of Assisi and the Gibbs Scholarships. Financial Aid will open on January 1st - April 1st. Families do not need to wait for PCTC approval before applying for Financial Aid.
Defender Concession Stand
Basketball season is in full swing our gym is busy! Our 8th grade has chosen to sponsor our concession stand this season and proceeds will go towards their 8th grade trip. The concession stand will be open during all Middle School home games and there are spots available if parents or students are looking to earn some Care & Share or Service Hours. Click on the link below to sign up.
8th Grade Flower Fundraiser
8th grade is beginning the last big fundraiser of the year. Students will be required to sell a minimum of two items. The two students who sell the most will each receive a $25 gift card to a place of their choice. Forms AND money will be due on Thursday, February 27th with flowers being delivered sometime in April. If someone is writing a check please have them make it out to St. Pius X 8th Grade.
St. Pius X Casino Night & Auction ~ February 22nd, 2025
If you have not already heard, our SPX teachers are stepping up to lead our annual school fundraising event, St. Pius X Casino Night & Auction on February 22nd, 2025. showcasing their dedication to both education and our community. These educators are not only committed to nurturing young minds but also to fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion. By organizing this event, held in our very own gymnasium, they aim to bring together SPX friends, parents, and local businesses to support our school! This charity auction is a testament to their unwavering commitment to making a positive impact, both within the school and in the Defender community.
Our Auction Committee is working tirelessly for our 2025 Casino & Auction Night on Saturday, February 22nd! It is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Here are few reminders:
- If you have not attended one of our events before, there are opportunities to sign up and purchase a ticket to attend adult and child parties. If you are interested in hosting an adult auction party, please email Julie Schultz at
- If you would like to sign up to contribute a dessert to the Casino Night's Dessert Auction: please click here!
- If you would like to order a special edition t-shirt: order by Feb. 1st to ensure delivery by auction night: please click here!
- We will have an ongoing donation drive until Feb. 13th - donate $25 cash OR contribute to a Class Auction Basket value of $25 or more (one donation will earn all students in the family a Free Dress).
Athletic Association
Click HERE for sports information!
Home & School Association
Home and School is a fantastic parent-led organization that oversees sponsored events for the school. The meetings are quarterly and are open to all parents and they would love to have you! For more information, click HERE.
If you are interested in becoming part of our association, please email H&S President Katie Fitzsimmons at
St. Pius X Church News
About us
Joyfully upholding “all things in Christ” by promoting academic excellence, personal responsibility, and diversity.
Please follow us on our social media outlets for more ways to keep up with information. You can also find us on Instagram -
If you would like to include something in our weekly bulletin, please submit to Mandy Horn at
Location: 1717 South 75th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK, USA
Phone: (918) 627-5367
Twitter: @spxtulsa