September Policy Council & Board Report 2024
Upcoming Activities:
9/10-Gilbert/Parker Library 9:20
9/10-No Foster Grandparents
9/10-Teacher Meeting-CLI/ESGI
9/12-Parent Meeting/Parent Academy-1:15 pm
9/13-Brigance/ASQ/Perm Folders due
9/13-Staff Development
SRP-All Staff 8:00
Region 10 training for classroom staff 9-3
9/16-Lock Down Drill-10:00
9/16-9/19-Book Fair
9/18-TLC Meetings
9/18-Homecoming Parade
9/19-Reading Under the Stars 5-6:30
9/16-9/20-CLI/ESGI Testing
9/20-Professional Development Plans
9/23-27-CLI/ESGI Testing
9/26-Parent Academy-1:45
9/24-McAdams/Esquivel Library-9:20
10/1-Age Level Meeting
10/1-Title 1 Parent Meeting-5:00 pm
10/2-Custodian Appreciation Day
10/2-SBDM Meeting-3:00 pm
Oct. 9-Bonham Fire Dept. 9:00
10/4-Home Visits
10/4-Goals Due in Lesson Plans
10/7-Staff Meeting-3:10
10/8-Aaron/Butler Library-9:20
10/10-No Foster Grandparents
10/10-Evacuate Drill 10:00
10/11-Holiday-No School
Bailey Inglish Enrollment
Head Start-113
Total: 193
Monthly Budget Report
July Credit Card Report
Personnel Update
All positions at Bailey Inglish Early Childhood Center are filled.
Enrollment Reduction
On August 22, 2024, we received notice of approval from the Administration for Children and Families for our Head Start Enrollment Reduction application. For over 30 years, we have been funded for 139 students, but for the past 3-4 years, we have not reached this funded enrollment number. Our request to reduce the enrollment to 105 students has been approved. As we started the 2024/2025 school year aiming for an enrollment of 139, we currently have 113 Head Start students. We can be over-enrolled as long as we maintain compliance with teacher/student ratio regulations.
As part of the Enrollment Reduction, we requested to maintain funding for 139 students, and this request was approved. In our Enrollment Reduction explanation, we emphasized that retaining our current funding would enable us to have smaller class sizes, which in turn would help reduce the stress associated with addressing the increased academic and mental health needs of our students. Class sizes for the current year are uneven due to the delayed notice of awarding the reduction. We intend to address this by exploring options to make class sizes more balanced through natural turnover as we go through this school year, and we will also develop a plan for the 2025/2026 school year.
Preformance Standard Changes
Memos From The Office of Head Start
Program Goals-Year 1 of 5:
Implement amended ERSEA procedures to increase child attendance by the end of each year to:
Year 1: 92%
Year 2: 93%
Year 3: 93%
Year 4: 94%
Year 5: 94%
Goal 2 – Safety. Continue methods and procedures to ensure safety for staff and students.
Identify interior classroom, lunchroom, and other area doors that need repairs and upgrades to ensure that every student, staff member, family member, etc. is in a room with a working locked door.
Assist the BISD Maintenance Department in identifying an appropriate door system to meet the safety needs of students, staff, and families and meet all IDEA and fire code regulations.
Installation of locking doors for each room in our building by year 3 or 4
Goal 3 – Teaching & Learning. Improve child outcomes by strengthening instructional approaches guided by assessment and intervention strategies and the Mentor/Coach Program.
Year 1: Director and Education Coordinator trained in Cognitive Coaching. Write and implement a Mentor-Coach program that is specific to Fannin County Head Start.
Year 2: Ensure Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) scores are not in the low range.
Year 3: Increase all CLASS scores to the mid-scoring range.
Year 4: Increase all CLASS scores into the high-scoring range.
Year 5: Sustain CLASS domain scores in the high-scoring range.
Goal 4 – Family Support. Provide FSA with the skills necessary to help parents create meaningful goals
- Year 1: FSA Advocates gain specific training in creating strong goal-oriented relationships with parents. Write and implement a family goal program that is specific to FCHS.
Year 2: Increase the percentage of parents creating quality goals and achieving them by 50%.
Year 3: Increase the percentage of parents creating quality goals and achieving them by 75%.
Year 4: Increase the percentage of parents creating quality goals and achieving them by 85%
Year 5: Increase the percentage of parents creating quality goals and achieving them by 100%.
Goal 5 – Health. Provide high-quality health, oral health, mental health, and nutrition services that support each child’s growth and school readiness.
- Year 1: Health and Safety Coordinator obtain comprehensive training.
Year 2: Create policies and procedures for implementing excellence in the area of child health and development.
Year 3: Create policy and procedure for implementing excellence in the area of health and safety practices.
Year 4: Create policy and procedure for implementing excellence in creating a physical environment that supports the delivery of high-quality services to all children and families.
Year 5: Create policy and procedure for implementing excellence in parent involvement in health services and assure parent involvement in the Parent Committee and Health Advisory Board.
About Us
Website: www.bonhamisd.org
Location: 201 E 10th St, Bonham, TX, United States
Phone: 903-583-8141