GIS School Newsletter
January 2024
Important Dates
Tuesday January 2 ... School Resumes
Monday January 15 ... No School for Students, Teacher PD
Friday January 19 ... End of Marking Period 2
Friday January 26 ... Reports Go Home with Students
Monday March 25 - Monday April 1 ... No School, SPRING BREAK
Points of Pride
- Our 6th Grade Band Concert and 4th/5th Grade Holiday Concerts were well attended. Student performances were great and it is always nice to see all the smiling faces!
- Students met their behavior goal in December and were provided a hot chocolate during the school day right before break. A big Thank You to the Drzewiecki Meemic Insurance Agency for covering the cost and to Biggby Coffee for preparing drinks for over 600 students.
- We had almost 100 students participate in the Turkey Trot Logic Puzzle Challenge. We will be drawing for gift cards at the end of this week.
Happy New Year
Dear Families,
With the school year fully underway at Gaylord Intermediate, we hope you and your child are enjoying the learning experience so far.
As we put a close on 2023 we look with excitement on what 2024 has to offer. A new year represents a time/opportunity for us to reflect on the successes and challenges we faced over the last 365 days. For school it represents a halfway point to the school year. As new year resolutions form and we strive to better ourselves, we also encourage our students to do the same. With our students returning to school today we begin to look at the second half of the school year. Where can I as a student make some adjustments to improve in my learning? The 2023-24 school year had an excellent start and we plan to continue to build off those successes as well as make the necessary adjustments to better support the needs of our students for the remainder of the school year.
We appreciate your support this school year and look forward to a great second half!
Educationally yours,
Sean Byram, Principal
Alan Dawe, Assistant Principal
Battle of the Books
The Otsego County Library opened registration for Battle of the Books on December 4th. We just wanted to remind those interested that registration closes on January 15th. Below is the informational flyer provided by the Otsego County Library. Students 4-6 are eligible. Registration forms can be picked up in our Media Center at GIS, the County Library, or from the informational flyer link below.
Counselors' Corner
Accepting Differences Lesson
During the months of January and February Mrs. Skowronski and Mrs. Martell will be going into the classrooms to talk with students about accepting differences. They will be discussing what makes us different from each other, how our differences affect our viewpoints, and how we can accept and respect those differences. We will also talk about how not being able to understand others differences can result in hurtful words and actions. They will also discuss what these words and actions can look like, sound like and reasons for them. Students will practice appropriate ways to respond if they experience hurtful behavior, or if they witness others being hurt and knowing when to ask for help from a trusted adult. The lesson will also emphasize the importance of showing confidence and appreciating ones differences. If you have any questions, or would like additional information about this topic, please feel free to contact Kate Martell or Sarah Skowronski directly.
School Pictures Link
Below is the link to Geskus where you can order school photos and a year book. When ordering you will need the personalized code that was provided in the picture packet that went home with your student. If the code has been forgotten or misplaced Geskus support services will be able to retrieve your student specific code.
OKAY2SAY Program
GIS Office Hours: 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday - Friday
GIS Contact Information
Location: 240 East 4th Street, Gaylord, MI, USA
Phone: 989.731.0856