Wildcat news
July 19, 2024

August 16, 2024
- Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up starting August 26.
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From the Principal...
Dear Western Valley Middle School Community,
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Wednesday for our 2024-2025 Curriculum Night. It was wonderful meeting those who attended the session in the cafeteria, where I had the opportunity to share our goals for the year, Title I funding allocations, supports in place to boost student achievement, and details on upcoming parent engagement events.
If you were unable to attend, we still value your input! Please take a moment to complete the short 3-question survey below. Your feedback will help us make Western Valley Middle School a place where families can come together to learn, socialize, and support our students’ education.
We look forward to getting to know our community even better!
Dr. Stephanie Nardi
Principal, WVMS
Important Calendar Update
The 2024-25 FESD Calendar has been updated with a change that effects November and February. We will have no school on November 8 for teacher in-service, and we will be in school on February 14 which was originally scheduled as a day off. See the updated calendar below.
Parent Education Events for Our Community
Save the dates! 2 FESD Parent/Guardian Events:
Both sessions will be presented in English and Spanish.
Positive Office Referrals
We’re excited to announce a new initiative to recognize students who go out of their way to be respectful, responsible, and safe at school. Students who receive positive office referrals will be rewarded with a dress-down pass and automatically entered into a drawing at the end of each quarter for a $25 gift certificate to our School Store.
We’re also happy to share that the School Store will be opening soon! Stay tuned for more details as we prepare to launch.
Thank you for your continued support in encouraging positive behavior at Western Valley Middle School.
Important Cell Phone Policy Information...
FESD Policy:
Electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, handheld devices, media players, watches, earbuds, or other similar gadgets are not allowed to be used or displayed during the school day, from the beginning to the end, unless a staff member specifically instructs or permits their use for educational purposes. It is important that these devices do not disrupt the learning
environment, compromise safety, or affect the well-being of others. Please note that the school district cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of such devices, and students bringing such devices to school or a school event do so at their own risk.
To maintain a focused and respectful learning environment at Western Valley Middle School, we have a clear policy regarding cell phones and wearable tech:
- All cell phones must be turned off and kept in backpacks throughout the school day. This includes lunch, recess, and passing periods.
- If a cell phone is seen out during the school day, it will be confiscated. The phone can be picked up by a parent or guardian (not the student) in the office after school or before school the following day. This policy will apply to each offense.
- Wearable technology, such as smartwatches, will be subject to the same policy if they become a distraction.