Bransom Bobcat Newsletter
August 30th, 2024
Bobcat News
As for all the upcoming events we have, tonight starts the first one with the annual Battle of the Boot between Centennial and BHS. If you're planning on going to the game, there are a few things to be aware of. First is that the game is almost always a sellout, so if you haven't already gotten your tickets, you may look at purchasing them before going to the stadium just to be safe. 2nd is that the district does have a new clear bag policy that they will be enforcing at the games this year. Finally, all elementary and middle school students are required to be accompanied by a parent while at the game.
Monday is a school holiday as we observe the Labor Day Holiday.
On Thursday we have a couple of events taking place. From 5:30 - 7:30 PM, our PTO is sponsoring a Back to School Skate Party at the Arlington Skatium. The cost is $10 plus tax.
If skating is not your thing, we also have a Cub Scouts information meeting on campus for students interested in becoming involved in scouting. The meeting begins at 6:30 PM and will be held in the school cafeteria.
Next Friday on the 6th, our 5th grade teachers will be hosting a Camp Grady Spruce Parent Meeting at 7:15 where they will provide information about their annual 5th grade trip to Possum Kingdom Lake.
Also on Friday the 6th, our 2nd graders will be celebrating Tall Tales Day. Students are invited to dress up in their best lumberjack or western outfits as they read about Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill.
On Monday the 9th, we have an information meeting here on campus for any students interested in Girl Scouts. The meeting will be in the library and is scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM. There is also a BISD School Board meeting at the Administration Building beginning at 6:30 PM.
Finally, on Friday the 13th (dun, dun, duuun), we will be wrapping up our Big Kahuna sales fundraiser.
Finally, as we've started the year off with multiple health bugs circulating around town, I wanted to include some guidelines and information from our district health department.
Throughout the year, there may be health reasons to keep your child home from school. The following guidelines may be help determine when your child should stay home from school due to illness:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
Your child must be free of fever for a full 24 hours without the help of fever-reducing medications (such as Tylenol or Motrin) before sending them back to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
Itchy, red eyes with discharge
Rash that has fluid or pus coming from it until treatment has been received, and a note from the doctor states that your child may return to school.
Head lice (may return after appropriate lice treatment) -Your school nurse will need to check your child’s head before he/she returns to class.
Ringworm of the scalp (until treatment has started)
Please encourage your child to wash his or her hands often, use hand sanitizer, and cover their noses and mouths when coughing or sneezing. It is also helpful for your children to get plenty of sleep and to eat healthy foods, especially breakfast.
I hope you all have a great and relaxing weekend, and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please know that we are always available and willing to help out however we can.
School Holiday
PTO Back 2 School Skate Night
5:30-7:30 PM
Cub Scout Information Meeting
6:30 PM
2nd Grade Tall Tales Day
School Board Meeting
Administration Building
Sept. 9 @ 6:30 PM
Girl Scouts Information Meeting
Campus Library
Sept. 9 @ 6:00 PM