NEWSLETTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUGUST 16, 2024
Dear LCTC Community,
As principal of the Livonia Career Technical Center, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you all to the beginning of another exciting school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, I want to extend a warm welcome to each of you and your families.
At LCTC, we are proud to offer a unique educational experience that combines rigorous academics with hands-on, industry standard training through our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Our goal is to ensure that every student leaves our programs with the skills, certifications, and confidence needed to excel in the workforce or continue their education in college or a specialized training program.
This year we are particularly excited to introduce new programs and updates that will enhance our curriculum and better prepare our students for the demands of today’s job market. I am thrilled to announce the following updates and new programs:
- Livonia Public Schools and Schoolcraft college have partnered to offer students the opportunity to
participate in our CTE Criminal Justice Early Middle College.
- Our Advanced Medicine program will be partnering with Corewell Health to provide internship
opportunities for students this spring.
- All our CTE programs will be offering college credit opportunities through articulation agreements along with many of our programs offering industry-standard credentials students can obtain.
- Thanks to a 61C grant, our Health Science program has acquired two state-of-the-art simulation
- We have expanded our business partnerships to offer more work-based learning opportunities for our students.
- Our Automotive Technology program will be expanding its curriculum to include automotive welding.
These advancements and many others not listed reflect our ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in career and technical education.
As we begin this school year, I encourage students to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you this year. Whether you are exploring a new career pathway, earning industry certifications, or participating in internships, your experiences here at LCTC will lay the foundation for your future success. Our dedicated staff are here to support you every step of the way.
Education is collaborative, and I look forward to partnering with staff, parents and with the community to provide our students with the best possible learning experience. As we begin this year, let us work hand in hand to create a learning community that empowers each student to reach their fullest potential.
With LCTC Pride,
Lindsay Gray
Dear LCTC Families,
As we begin the new 2024-25 school year, we would like to share with you some important information and upcoming dates below.
Whether you are a new or returning student, you will have an opportunity to tour the building on Friday, August 23 from 10am to 2pm to find your class and familiarize yourself with the building.
All students attending the Livonia Career Technical Center should take the time to review the Student Handbook here. The procedures, guidelines, and policies regarding student behavior, attendance policy, dress codes and cell phone usage are consistent with Churchill, Franklin, Stevenson, Northville, and all other home schools.
The district has sent an email out about the "Back to School Checklist" that each family will need to complete for students enrolled in LPS by August 26, 2024. To complete this online process, you can access Parent Connect via the district website www.livoniapublicschools.org by clicking on the Parents tab. Be sure to log on to ParentConnect and click on the red text at the top of the screen labeled "Back to School Checklist."
On thing that is new this year is any student who is interested in driving to the Career Center MUST have a parking permit. Please see all information regarding LCTC Parking Permits below.
The Livonia Public Schools' Student Website/Media Authorization Opt-Out option; The Career Technical Center receives newspaper coverage, and publicizes the career technical classes, through video, public TV, print, social media, and Web pages. If you do not wish to have your student's name or pictures included in any of these communications, please complete this form and return it to the Main Office at LCTC.
Student Schedules: should be available on August 21st after 4pm, through Parent/Student Connect.
First Day of School at LCTC: is Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
(See your home school website for student's first day of school schedule for Monday, August 26, 2024)
Please be sure to know what time your class starts. Here is the LCTC Student Daily Time Schedule.
Open House: will held on September 18, 2024, at 7:00 pm.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: will be held on the same days and times as the other Livonia high schools. November 6 & 7, 2024 and March 4, 2025.
For more upcoming information, please be sure to check out the 2024-25 LCTC Calendar and the LCTC Website.
On behalf of the Livonia Career Technical Center administration and staff, thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing everyone back soon.
If at any time you have any questions regarding your child's program, do not hesitate to contact us.
LCTC Student Parking Information 24-25
Parking at the career center is a privilege, as all students have available bus transportation. This year ALL students driving to the career center will need to purchase a parking permit. Parking permits will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. We have a limited number of parking spots available for our students.
· The cost of the parking permit is $20 for the entire year, payable only through School Pay (Link and QR code below). Please save a picture of your receipt, you will need it to receive your permit.
· Students who drive to the career center need to be on time for their class. If excessive tardiness becomes an issue, parking at LCTC may be suspended. The administration reserves the right to make final determinations, and there will be no refund for the cost of the permit.
· Students may not transfer ownership of a parking pass to another student.
· Students may only park in designated parking spots.
LCTC Student Parking Information Form
Student Parking Procedures
Thank you for your cooperation in this process and for helping us provide a safe parking environment for students.
Please read the Student Parking Rules and Procedures HERE.
Students must fill out the information form and pay online by Friday, August 30th, 2024
We realize that the Northville and Plymouth/Canton School Districts do not officially start school until after Labor Day. You are not obligated to attend classes at LCTC which starts on Tuesday, August 27th, but we strongly encourage you to try and attend if you are able too.
· If a student is absent, please call the main office at 734-744-2816 and follow the prompts to excuse their absence.
· If a student needs to check out early, a parent MUST call the main office to have them released.
· If a student is missing class because of a day off at their homeschool, we should be notified by that school so that we can school business the student.
· Please be sure to check out the LCTC Newsletter for our monthly calendar and all-important upcoming events.
· All students and parents will have login access to MiStar student and parent portal. Be on the lookout, you will be emailed your login information.
(If you do not receive your MiStar information, please contact the LCTC main office)
We look forward to having you join us for the 2024-25 school year!
Building walk through
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Text 652729 (OK2SAY)
Email: mailto:OK2SAY@mi.gov
Click on the E-Backpack graphic to visit the LPS E-Backpack, a place where you can find electronic flyers for programs and events geared toward kids. If you have a program that you'd like to advertise, please email your flyer to Stacy Jenkins at sjenkins3@livoniapublicschools.org.
Website: https://www.livoniapublicschools.org/Page/39
Location: 8985 Newburgh Rd., Livonia, MI 48150
Phone: 734-744-2816
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivoniaCareerTechnicalCenter/
Twitter: @LCTCommunity