First Holy Communion
St Columba's Parish | South Perth | 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
We welcome children and their families to our program for the Sacrament of Eucharist:
- Year 4 St Columba's students
- External candidates undertaking their preparation at another school
- Children participating in the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
St Columba's students will be prepared for the Sacrament of Eucharist as part of our Religious Education curriculum. Content covers:
- People gather to celebrate
- Jesus celebrates with others
- The Eucharist began with the Last Supper
- Holy Communion unites people with Jesus in a special way
- The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the central part of the Mass
- People live a Eucharistic life
We look forward to sharing this important faith journey with you.
Allen McMahon
Who to contact
- Year 4 Teachers
- Assistant Principal - Jesse Yock
- Catechist Coordinator - Helen Sisto
Sacramental Enrolment Mass
All children receiving the Sacraments must attend the Enrolment Mass with a parent.
- Sacramental enrolment forms are handed into classroom teachers no later than one week before the Enrolment Mass.
- PREP children and external candidates hand the Enrolment Mass forms into the Catechist Coordinator.
Parent information evening
One parent from each family to attend.
Runs for approximately one hour.
At the Church.
First Holy Communion banners
- St Columba’s candidates make banners at school.
- PREP children and external candidates will be given a package to complete theirs at home.
- Banners must be ready for the rehearsal.
- Facilitated by 24:7 Ministry.
- Held in St Columba's Kalyara Mia (undercover area) within school hours from 9 am to 3 pm.
- PREP children and external candidates to be dropped off and picked up at St Columba's front office.
- Children wear sports uniform, including hat.
- Bring morning tea, lunch and drink bottle.
Reconciliation before the rehearsal
All school candidates have Reconciliation at school before the rehearsal day.
- PREP children and external candidates will need to go to Reconciliation with their families.
- Student rehearsal begins 9 am at the church.
- Runs for approximately one hour.
- PREP children and external candidates to attend.
Appropriate dress
Reflects the importance of the ceremony and should not take away from its meaning.
Smart trousers and a collared shirt for boys.
Traditionally, girls wear a white dress.
Before the Mass
- Candidates meet at the Parish Centre no later than 15 minutes before the starting time.
- Families proceed to the Church while candidates wait at the Parish Centre, ready for the commencement of Mass.
Photos and video
A professional photographer takes photos before, during and after Mass and will include individual, family and a group photo. Photography begins in the gardens 45 minutes before Mass. These photos are made available to purchase at a date to be advised.
- All other photos and videos are prohibited during Mass, as this takes away from the significance of the ceremony.
- Families are welcome to take their own photos before and afterwards.
- Each family is allocated a pew with your family name on it. Please be seated before Mass begins.
- Children enter in procession at the commencement of Mass.
Receiving Communion
Children receive Holy Communion with their families, followed by the congregation.
Walk up reverently with hands together.
- Bow as a sign of reverence.
- Place hands left over right.
- Respond to 'The Body of Christ' with 'Amen'.
- Place the host into your mouth.
- Avoid chewing with an open mouth.
- Walk off reverently.
- Kneel at your seat and say a thank you prayer.
- Those not receiving Holy Communion are welcome to receive a blessing.
Please be mindful that there are two collections during Mass; please bring small change if you wish to donate.
Certificates are presented to candidates at the end of Mass.
- These certificates are valuable documents. Please keep them in a safe place as the school cannot re-print copies.
After the Mass
- At the end of Mass students proceed out of the church via the side door and meet at the Parish Centre.
- Candidates must return the red sash used during the ceremony to the Parish Centre.
- Cupcakes are provided to children at the Parish Centre. PREP children and external candidates to advise the Catechist Coordinator of any allergies or medical considerations.
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au
Website: https://www.stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au/
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/St-Columbas-Catholic-Primary-School-South-Perth-173160579973945/