Wednesday Weekly
August 21, 2024
December 11, 2024
Upcoming Dates
12/12 Variety Show Registration 7:45AM-9:30AM in MAIN OFFICE
12/13 & 12/14 Winterfest @ BHS
12/17 MANDATORY Variety Show Act Coordinator Meeting 7PM
12/23-1/3 Winter Break No School
1/6 In-Service Day No School
1/9 PTO Meeting 7pm Location TBD
Please Update Your Roslyn Address Book
Since Mrs. Harwood is officially retired, remember to replace her name and email with our new Administrative Assistant, Katherine West. in your email notices. Create a group. Notices for attendance, dismissal changes, and pick up notes should go to all of us: Katherine West, Carolyn Rand, and your child's teacher.
Thank you.
Roslyn Variety Show
It’s that time of year again for the Roslyn Road Variety Show!
Kindergarten-Grade 3— Thursday, January 16
Grade 4 & Grade 5— Friday, January 17
The show is 10 days after winter break, it’s time to start planning your acts NOW! Register TOMORROW 12/12 7:45AM-9:30AM in Roslyn MAIN OFFICE! Mandatory Act coordinator meeting will be on Tuesday, 12/17 7PM.
Please view the very important details attachments below.
Roslyn School Play
Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Roslyn School Play! We are pleased to share that over $1500 was raised for St.Jude in memory of Dr. Sue Loeschen.
Congratulations to all of the actors and actresses on a successful play! And.. Thank you to Mr. Simon, Mrs. Holladay and all of the other staff members who helped make this such a special evening.
Roslyn Road's Parent Party!
Tickets for this year’s Roslyn Road’s Parent Party: Casino Night ARE LIVE! This year we will be using the GiveSmart platform for all ticket sales, sponsorships, auction items and donations.
Please find the link to the event page here:
Sponsorships are also available for purchase–there are incredible incentives included this year, so please be sure to check them out! We can’t wait to see you hit the jackpot with us and bet your bottom dollar on our Roslyn Road Bulldogs!
Tickets are on sale for Winterfest! Choir is performing Friday @6:45, December 13, and art work will be on display!
Book Fair THANK YOU!
Thank you to all of the students, parents and staff for supporting our School Book Fair! It was a huge success! Events such as these are not possible without your support. THANK YOU!
P.O.P Volunteers
Packs of Plenty
Weekly packing sessions will be from 9-10AM at Sunny Hill Elementary for the rest of 2024. Dates are below. Please join us if your schedule allows!
Thursday, December 12th
Thursday, December 19th
Yearbook Photos
The Yearbook Team would love to have your photos! Submit any photos that you would like in the yearbook to the Roslyn Rd Yearbook Drive. Calling all School Play and Book Fair photos! Please submit your photos here
New PTO Facebook Page & Instagram Page
Click the QR code to join!
Click the QR code to join.