VRA and Independence Email Template
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Administrator's Message
Independence School and Valley Robotics Academy families,
As we have completed the first month of classes on site and commenced the first week of college classes we are in full stride. There are many opportunities for our students and their families. Please continue to stay in contact with your student's teacher, advisory (7th-12th graders) and counselor plus reading the weekly communique every Sunday.
Next Monday (September 2nd) is a national holiday and non school day. Wednesday, September 11th is a virtual attendance day for VRA students while teachers have staff development. September 11th is a minimum day schedule for Independence School students.
Reminder that there is an opportunity for parent/guardian input on smart phones in this week's SMORE, SchoolLinks registration for all 7th-12th Grade families and the Lodi USD College & Career Fair is this Tuesday (8/27) at McNair HS 5:30PM to 7:30PM. More information below for each of these 3 highlighted/important opportunities.
Counselors' Corner
Valley Robotics Academy
VRA Parents,
An email was sent to students on 8/21 to inform them their books were in and to pick them up in the counseling office. I still have several college books that have not been picked up.
Students should check their Lodi email and college email daily.
Students should NOT drop college classes before discussing it with their high school counselor.
Gabby Nunez, VRA Counselor
For VRA and Independence Families: Lodi Unified School District Thought Exchange
The thought exchanges regarding the use of smartphones for students will be open for another week. Parents, please share your thoughts on student smartphone use using this link or QR code: https://tejoin.com/scroll/643665866
For VRA and Independence Families: Save the Date! Picture Day!
Valley Robotics Academy Picture Day is October 2nd
Independence School Picture Day is November 14th
More information to follow!
For Independence and VRA Parents of Middle and High Schoolers: Introducing SchoolLinks!
Dear Parents/Guardians of Middle School and High School students,
We are very excited to introduce our new college and career readiness platform, SchooLinks!
All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life-ready. As guardians, you will have access to SchooLinks through your own account. This allows you to join your students in their career and college exploration process and discuss their future with them.
SchooLinks allows you to have informed conversations with your students by:
- Viewing your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments
- Seeing what colleges and careers your student has favorited
- Comparing college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses
This week! For Independence and VRA Families: LUSD College and Career Planning Night
Connect with representatives from universities, community colleges, and more at our College and Career Planning Night hosted at Ronald E. McNair High School.
For more information, please contact Cindy Mettler at cimettler@lodiusd.net
For Valley Robotics Students Ages 13 and Up: VRA Esports Team
VRA's Esports team is starting soon! Season 1 is Sept. 10- Nov. 7th. League of Legends: Mondays and Tuesdays after school. See Mr. Warner for more information and to join!
For Valley Robotics 8th Graders: Vex Robotics Team
VRA is recruiting 8th Graders for this year's VEX Robotics Team! Please see Ms. KG if you are interested in joining this exciting sport!