Lebanon High School

March 1, 2025
A Note From the Principal
Dear Lebanon Parents and Guardians,
As we welcome the month of March, we find ourselves at a crucial moment in the school year—the end of the third quarter! It’s amazing to think that we are beginning to wind down the 2024-25 school year, and that events like spring Community Builders; SAT, EOC, and AP testing; Spring Musical: Prom; final exams; and Commencement 2025 are just around the corner. Where did this school year go?
March is the beginning of this sequence for our students. Important dates include:
State-funded SAT testing will take place on Thursday, March 13th for all juniors. This will be a work from home day for everyone else. Juniors will report at the regular time and take the SAT for free.
Also on March 13th is the annual WCCC Sophomore Welcome Day. Students and families of those 10th graders who have been accepted into the Career Center next year should have gotten an invitation and completed an online form regarding whether they plan to attend or not.
Friday, March 14th is staff work day so no students are to report to the building on that day.
Finally, I’ve saved the best news for last. Spring Break begins on Monday, March 24th. After what seems like the longest winter in quite a while, I hope this week is a time for students and staff to rest, recharge, and prepare for a strong finish to the school year. I encourage parents and guardians to stop during this week and spend quality time with your family. It is our last opportunity to take that deep breath before the final sprint to the end of the year.
In closing, thank you for your continued support of our students and school. With your help, we will bring 2024-25 to a successful conclusion in and out of the classroom. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance.
Take care, have a great March, and as always…ONWARD LEBANON!
Bob Reynolds, Principal
Lebanon High School
WCCC Welcome Day for the Class of 2027
Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m..
Welcome Day is a wonderful opportunity for incoming students to immerse themselves in their future educational environment. During this event, students will:
Spend the day at the Career Center.
Meet their future lab instructors.
Learn about expectations and academic pathways specific to their programs of study.
This day is designed to ease the transition for our new students and provide them with valuable insights into their career and technical education experience. Your support in helping facilitate this event and spreading the word to students and families is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Kim Gambill or Ronald Corradini at WCCC.
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025, 09:30 AM
Warren County Career Center, Ohio 48, Lebanon, OH, USA
Prom 2025
Students- After Prom Volleyball Tournament
Join the second annual After Prom volleyball tournament! Form a co-ed team of six (plus two optional subs) and email your roster to afterpromlhs@gmail.com by April 5.
After Prom News & Updates
Help Us Plan!
Join us to finalize After Prom planning! This LHS tradition has thrived for 25+ years, thanks to parent volunteers. Helping is easy and low-commitment—come see how you can get involved!
📅 March 5 | ⏰ 7 PM | 📍 LHS Conference Room
After Prom depends on fundraisers and community support for prizes, food, and event costs. To contribute, visit our SignUpGenius. For donation questions, email afterpromlhs@gmail.com. All donations are tax-deductible!
Stay Connected
📌 Facebook: LHS After Prom
📸 Instagram: @lebanonhsafterprom
📧 Email: afterpromlhs@gmail.com
LHS Warrior Highlights
Secret Staff Spirit Week Success
Thank you to everyone who took part in the secret staff spirit week activities! Your enthusiasm and participation brought energy and fun to our school, making a dreary week much more enjoyable. It was wonderful to see the creativity and camaraderie as staff members joined in on the surprises and challenges.
We truly appreciate the effort out teachers put into making this week special. Whether it was through themed outfits, small acts of kindness, or just sharing in the fun, your involvement made a difference.
Here are some pictures capturing the highlights of the week, shared by our amazing staff. Enjoy the memories!
NHS Blood Drive Success!
Thank you to the amazing students and staff of LHS for your incredible participation in the NHS Blood Drive on Friday, January 31st!
This event tied for the largest blood drive we've hosted since 2010.
Blood Drive Highlights:
- 122 people registered to give blood
- 95 successful donors
- 119% of our goal reached
- 49 first-time donors – WOW!
- Over 285 lives positively impacted
Staff and students if you missed this opportunity, consider donating at our next drive: Friday, April 25, 2025 or Summer Drive: Tuesday, June 24, 2025 (10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. in the LHS Auxiliary Gym). More details to come!
Pie, anyone?
The freshman fundraiser was a major success! The class of 2028 sold over 150 tickets, so you know what that means.
Special thanks to Shawn Lamb, Heidi Calvert, Officer Tim Cooper, Caelan King, Nathan Chivington, Cam Auer, Grant Gardner, and Alissa Hencey for being good sports for a good cause. Shout out to Tessa Molina and the freshmen class leaders for making this a memorable experience!
LHS Choirs represented with LHS pride at District OMEA event!
Congratulations to the following students who represented the LHS Choirs at OMEA District Honor Choir and OMEA Solo and Ensemble.
Honor Choir Members
Natalia Plesa (11)
Nathan Appleby (11)
Lucy Kube (10)
Emily Jones (12)
Solo & Ensemble Participants Earn Superior Ratings
Sophie McPhail (9)- Vocal Solo and Piano Solo
Jasmyn Beech (10)- Piano Solo
Katie King (12)- Vocal Solo
Athletic Department News
On February 5th, seven Warriors from the Class of 2025 officially committed to continuing their academic and athletic careers at the next level. A special ceremony in the main gym recognized their dedication and hard work.
Friends of Academics (FOA) acknowledges student academic accomplishments via awards, luncheons, and scholarships. To contribute to these achievement recognitions, kindly consider making a donation to FOA through their Venmo account @lhs-foa. Over the summer, approximately 100 senior students creatively decorated their parking spaces to show support for FOA. Be sure to visit the Friends of Academic link to champion LHS academics! friendsofacademics@lebanonschools.org Please don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries.
The Ohio Department of Health requires two doses of the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine before entry into 12th grade. Your student may have already received one dose of this vaccine, but a second dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday. This immunization can be obtained from your family physician, the Warren County Health Department, or area clinics and pharmacies. Proof of immunization or immunization exemption* must be provided to the nursing office by the first day of senior year or by Ohio law, your student will be excluded from school. Proof of immunization/exemption may be emailed to cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org faxed to 513-933-2150, or dropped off in the nurse’s office.
For more information contact Beth Cain BSN RN cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org or 513-934-5115. or Laura Fabik BSN RN fabik.laura@lebanonschools.org , 513-228-4015.
* Per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy, a student may be exempted from immunization if a parent or guardian objects for good cause, including religious conviction, or if there is a medical condition that prohibits immunization.
Exemptions for medical or religious reasons are allowed per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy.
Gifted Education Resources
Hello, families of students who are gifted. As the third quarter comes to a close, please encourage your student to keep working hard! Here's a few resources to assist with studying and note taking.
Please also see the LCS Gifted Education page for any needed guidance or contact me, Beth Deuer at deuer.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org if there are any questions.
Like last year, if school is delayed or canceled, we will send a text message to all parents/students/staff members who have provided their cell phone number to us through Final Forms. If you prefer not to receive a text message or do not have cell phone access, you should use any of the other forms of communication that are used on these days, including our website, Facebook, Twitter, radio, and TV. All major radio and TV stations in the Cincinnati and Dayton area are contacted.
General Notes
SCHOOL DAY: School begins each day at 7:25 and ends at 2:25.
DOORS OPEN: Doors to the building open at 6:55.
PARKING PASSES: Parking stickers are now sold out for the school year. Students obtaining their licenses will need to continue riding the bus for the rest of the school year. However, after seniors finish their classes in May, parking spots will be available for $5 each during the last eight days of school. An announcement about these senior spots will be made in early May, so stay tuned!