Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
May 2024 Edition
The Stage for BEAUTY IS A BEAST :)
Thank you Ms. Matthew & Ms. Brown for your hard work in leading our school play!
Thank you Ms. Brown for the success of "A Night at the Lincoln Museum!"
Important Dates & Information:
May 3 - Recorder Concert (3rd grade students) - 10:00 am
May 6-14 - NJSLA Testing
May 10 - Turtle Back Zoo (2nd grade class trip)
May 15 - Mashio's BBQ for Lunch
May 21 - HHMS 6th grade Orientation - 9:30 am
May 22 - Von Thun's Farm (1st grade class trip)
May 22 - TJMS 6th grade Orientation - 9:30 am
May 22 - Spring Chorus Concert - 6:00 pm
May 23 - Bowlero (3rd grade class trip)
May 23 - 5th Grade Dance - 5:00 pm
May 27 - School Closed (Memorial Day Weekend)
May 29 - Somerset Patriots (5th grade class trip)
May 30 - Eyes of the Wild @ Lincoln School (4th grade)
-Please join our PTO. Your support has a huge impact on the activities and events we can provide to our Lincoln students. Please visit https://lncpto.wixsite.com/lincolnpto for more details.
GRADE LEVEL NEWS- Please click on the link to view!
For some fun, we have Star Wars Day and Cinco de Mayo to celebrate too!
We are featuring books for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Building Continuity on Teaching Our Students to Read & Write
Please view presentation HERE!
Hello Lincoln Families,
We invite you to the Library’s Birthday Book Club! This is a great way to honor your child’s birthday and help the library acquire new books for our collection!
See the complete entire flyer HERE. Take a look at our Amazon Wish List too! Don't forget to submit the Birthday Book Club form.
Thank you to our school Librarian, Mrs. Berger, for this wonderful initiative.
Spark Curiosity- Join Our School for "How To Days"
Goal: To foster a learning environment that embraces partnerships within our local community and provides students an opportunity to participate in real-world learning experiences.
Share your expertise, hobby, and/or skill with your child's class! We would love to have you! Please e-mail your child's classroom teacher to coordinate your visit.
Updates from the Nurse!
We are entering into the late spring allergy season! The tree pollen and grass pollen counts are now high in Edison. This becomes a difficult time for many students and allergy symptoms can make your children miserable in the classroom. Allergy symptoms may include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, red itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sinus pressure, headaches, sore throat, ear pressure, and tiredness.
If your child has had seasonal allergies in the past, now is a good time to start daily allergy medications before the symptoms start.
If your child starts exhibiting some allergy symptoms, please consult their doctor to see if a daily oral antihistamine medication and/ or antihistamine eye drops are recommended. There are many over-the-counter medications, so it is very important that you work with your pediatrician to make sure your child’s allergies are correctly diagnosed and symptoms properly treated.
Do not ignore any persistent or worsening symptoms, particularly breathing conditions. And while symptoms of allergies and colds often overlap, a fever is not a symptom of an allergy.
Some helpful tips:
Stay indoors when pollen counts are high and when grass is being mowed
Use air conditioning when possible and keep windows closed
Teach your child how to blow their noses frequently. The mucus from a post-nasal drip or constant sniffing can cause sore throats, coughing, nausea, stomach aches, and headaches.
Wash their hands and face as soon as they come in from playing outside so they don’t rub pollen in their eyes and nose
A warm or cold compress on the face may relieve eye itching or sinus discomfort
Gargle with warm salt water to help relieve a sore throat
Drink water and remain hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps thin mucus secretions, making clearing your airways of allergens easier
Change clothes and remove shoes. Leaving their shoes by the front door lessens the chance that pollen is getting spread through the house
Wash the clothing that your children have worn outside
Take a shower to clean off any pollen on your skin, face, and hair
In order to ensure the safety of all our students, we want to send a reminder about three very important school procedures.
-Please do not request changes to your child's dismissal after 2 pm. This will ensure all students will be in their correct dismissal locations. Prior to 2 pm, you must call or e-mail the office and e-mail the teacher about the dismissal change.
-If you are dropping off your child by car, please pull up as much as possible before having your child(ren) exit the vehicle. Parents/guardians must remain in their car at all times (do not get out of the car), and students must exit the passenger side door only. No drop off is permitted from across the street.
-Please only put your child on the bus designated to them on their bus pass. Their bus assignment may have changed from last year. If a bus change is made, it will be reflected in genesis within 24 hours. We always go by the genesis bus assignment.
We appreciate your help in ensuring the safety of all our students. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
School Procedures
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Regular Arrival Procedures For All Students:
Arrival time for all students is from 8:45 – 8:50 AM. School starts promptly at 8:55 AM. Parents are not permitted to drop off their children at school until 8:45 AM.
BUS STUDENTS: Students arriving from a bus are dropped off on the sidewalk in the driveway in front of the school. All students will walk to the side of the building and line up in their grade locations.
DROP OFF STUDENTS: Students that are driven to school by their parents are let out in the designated drop off zone on the same side as the school on Brookville Rd (yellow curb). 4th and 5th grade students will enter using the side entrance. Kindergarten to 3rd grade students will enter using the gym and hallway on the side of the building
Students should exit the passenger side only and parents should pull all the way up to the end of the pick-up zone.
In order to keep the flow of traffic, parents should not exit the car.
Please do not park on the other side of Brookville Road.
All students will enter the building and wait outside their classroom door under the supervision of teachers on duty.
At 8:45 AM all Edison Recreation Before-Care students, who are in the multipurpose room, are dismissed to line up adjacent to their classrooms.
All students will enter the side entrance.
Regular Dismissal Procedures For All Students:
Dismissal time for students is 3:25 p.m.
WALKERS: All students who do not take bus transportation will be dismissed from the side entrance of the school. Parents should meet these students at this location, unless it has been designated by a parent that they may walk home alone. If you are picking up a student, please stay behind the cones and your child will walk to you.
All parents of walkers will be asked to complete a dismissal form that delineates who the parent may walk home with or if that student has permission to walk alone. Additionally, this form will include information regarding siblings who walk together.
Change in dismissal procedure: If there is a change in your child(rens) dismissal procedure, you must call the office and e-mail the homeroom teacher prior to 2:45 pm.
BUS STUDENTS: Students taking bus transportation will be escorted to their bus line. Please ensure all students have their bus passes in their bookbags.
AFTER-CARE STUDENTS: All students that are participating in the Edison Township After-Care program will proceed to designated classrooms. Once all students are dismissed, the students will be relocated to the multi-purpose room.