East End Parent Newsletter
November 1, 2024
Important: Food Allergy Protocol Reminder
As the year is 2 months under way, now is a great time to remind parents and guardians that our classrooms are peanut and tree nut free spaces. We appreciate our community's willingness to protect our children with food allergies. Please take a moment to review the food allergy letter from August below.
Important Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, November 5: No School (In-Service day)
Thursday, November 7: No School (NJEA Convention)
Friday, November 8: No School (NJEA Convention)
*November 21, 22, 25, 26 - Early Dismissal- PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES*
Wednesday, November 27- Early Dismissal
Thursday, November 28- November 29- Thanksgiving Recess
East End PTO
Maschios Lunch Menu
Safety Reminder
Students are not permitted to bring any motorized bicycle, skateboard, scooter, roller skates, hoverboard, or any other motorized mode of transportation on school grounds during the school day.
Nurse Notes from Nurse Joy
Pre-K Reminder: Please schedule your annual flu shot and send in your vaccination record to the nurse!
Looking ahead: The Zufall dental van will be visiting East End on Wednesday, December 18th. If you are interested in a dental cleaning and check-up for your child, please email nurse Joy for more information.
Translating the East End Update
Did you know that the East End Update can be translated into many languages with the click of a button? Click the "Translate" button at the top of the screen to translate the entire newsletter.
Awesome Acts
*It's Nico's special week! We are looking forward to celebrating her and seeing all the ways that she demonstrates C.A.R.D.!
*Congratulations to Brianna for showing our core value of respect! We are always so impressed by your hard work, kindness and respect towards all. We hope you enjoy your Special Week and are so happy you are a part of our class Brianna!!!
*Zoey has consistently demonstrated all 4 core values. She is a model student!
*Victoria helps her teachers and her classmates by cleaning up her table and picking up the room whenever she sees something that needs to be picked up without being asked. Victoria is a model student and shows the core values everyday.
*London showed respect and caring by helping Mrs. Longley clean up during library.
*Kason showed respect and caring by helping Mrs. Longley clean up during library.
*Dennis helped a sick friend get to the nurse from our classroom. He made sure that the friend made it to nurse Joy quickly and safely.
*Felix! I am so proud of your efforts, determination and hard work during reading class. You impress me each day with your thoughts, ideas and participation with our read aloud. Keep it up Felix!!!!
*Allison is room 33"s Student of the Week. Allison is kind, caring , and compassionate . She is a good friend to her classmates, and always tries to be kind. Room 33 is lucky to have Allison as part of our classroom community!
*Aaliyah has a very caring heart. She is very concerned about her fellow classmates.( Aaliyah always comes in the morning and reminds us that Henry in our class needs to get breakfast and she will take him down to the cafeteria to get breakfast because sometimes in the morning if we are busy and get sidetracked. She never forgets.
*London showed caring by helping a classmate who was feeling sad.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 5: No School (In-service day)
Thursday, November 7: No School (NJEA Convention)
Friday, November 8: No School (NJEA Convention)
Wednesday, November 13: PTO Meeting (In-person) 6:30-7:30PM
*November 21, 22, 25, 26 - Early Dismissal- PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES*
Wednesday, November 27- Early Dismissal
Thursday, November 28- November 29- Thanksgiving Recess
Mustang Monthly
Next edition coming Fall 2024!
Contact Information
East End Elementary School
Email: East_End@nplainfield.com
Website: https://npeee.nplainfield.org/
Location: 170 Oneida Ave, North Plainfield, NJ 07060, USA
Phone: (908) 769-6070
Updates from the North Plainfield Library
North Plainfield Community Updates
North Plainfield Recreation
North Plainfield Family Resources
Welcome to New Jersey Welcome Booklet
Welcome to New Jersey provides information to families that have recently moved to New Jersey. You will find information about resources and services including legal services, food and income assistance, health care and mental health services, school enrollment, getting a state identification card, and transportation. All the topics have links that will direct you to the indicated websites. There are also flyers and contact information regarding the different services and resources available to New Jersey residents.
Family Resources from Somerset County (Webinar in Spanish)
In addition to the Upcoming Events section of the East End Update, families can review upcoming events in the 'Calendar' section of the new East End website.