RMMS Parent Snapshot
August 26th, 2024

RMMS Parent Snapshot--Week of November 25, 2024
PTA News
The RMMS PTA met on Nov. 21st. The minutes from the meeting are posted below. The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 10th at 6pm--which will be just before the RMMS Band Concert. We would love to see you there!
A special thank you to everyone who has joined our PTA so far! It isn't too late to join if you'd like to support RMMS PTA!
PTA is Calling for Reflections Entries Now!
Entries must be submitted by the end of the school day on December 2, 2024!
For more informatoin about the Reflections Contest: https://vapta.org/reflections-main/
Attention parents of 8th graders:
It is almost time to register for freshman classes at LBHS for the 25-26 school year! Please note the following dates below and reach out to us if you have any questions! A registration form is attached to this email. The 2025-2026 Program of Studies detailing course information can be found using this link.
Dec 2, 2024
Parent deadline for scheduling a time to meet with counselors at RMMS through myconferencetime.com
December 4th, 5th, 6th
LBHS Counselors will be at RMMS to register students.
Students will meet with counselors during PE/Electives on December 4, 5 or 6th. Parents who want to attend registration meetings should sign up by December 2nd through myconferencetime.com. (Please sign up for the counselor that corresponds with your student's last name.)
(A-D) Dewease
(E-K) Haniewich
(L-R) Craft
(S-Z) Drumheller
Parents may sign up for a 15 minute time slot at the times below:
12/4/24 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. or 12:15 - 3:00 p.m.
12/5/24 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. or 12:15 - 3:00 p.m.
(December 6th will be used as a snow date/overflow date for parents. )
Student Only Time (During Health/PE) 10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
2025-2026 Course Pathways
The pathways below will be options for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Please save the date for Jan. 7th and plan to attend the registration meeting to learn more.
VDOE Special Education Parent Involvement Survey
All parents of school-aged children and youth with disabilities who receive special education services in Virginia are requested to complete the VDOE annual Parent Involvement Survey.
This survey will remain open through December 13, 2024. Please complete one survey for each of your children who received special education services during the 2023-2024 school year.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Dr. Chiquita Seaborne, Family Engagement Specialist/Special Projects Coordinator, via email at Chiquita.Seaborne@doe.virginia.gov, or via telephone at (804) 418-4672.
RMMS Club Days
A list of RMMS Clubs with sponsors can be found here.
Check out the club schedules below:
Please take a moment to check in with your student to ensure they are taking proper care of their Chromebook. Please review these Chromebook Care Reminders with your student. It is essential that devices are kept in good condition and free from intentional damage, such as removal of any of the Chromebook parts (ie. the keys or the trim), application of paint or permanent markings, etc. Please note that intentional damage of this kind is not covered by the Chromebook fee, and any device returned in such a state will result in a charge for the full replacement costs. The photo displaying damage is a stock photo--but this is the type of damage we are seeing.
Damage that is accidental is covered by the chromebook fee. The first incident is fully covered and subsequent incidences are partially covered. If you haven’t yet paid the Chromebook fee to cover accidental damage, this is a last call to do so. If you would like to pay the Chromebook fee, please send a check for $25 made out to RMMS to the front office by November 15th. Thank you for helping us keep our devices in good condition!
Neighborhood Safety
As we strive to keep our school community safe, please obey all traffic signs and speed limits in the neighborhood surrounding our school. Adhering to these rules not only ensures the safety of our children as they walk to school or wait for buses but also keeps other drivers safe. Please take a moment to slow down when traveling in the neighborhood and come to a full stop for stop signs. Your cooperation is crucial in maintaining a secure environment for everyone. Thank you for your commitment to safety!
Car Rider Safety
Just a quick reminder that students should not be dropped off at the school before 8 am unless they are participating in a staff supervised activity before school. If your student is participating in an activity that meets before 8 am, they should be dropped off in the front of the school, and not in the car rider area. Attempting to drop off before 8 am in the car rider line could result in you having to wait until 8 am when the traffic begins to move. Please be mindful of not pulling around vehicles that have students exiting them in the morning car rider line. We need to make student safety our first priority.
Parent Notification of Drills:
A Virginia Law (22.1-137.2) requires schools to notify parents at least 24 hours before a school practices a lockdown drill. However, we are not required to share the exact date and time of the drill. We will conduct a lockdown drill at our school within the next few school days and a second lockdown before the twentieth day of school being back in session.
If you have any questions about the drills, please reach out to the school at 540-966-8655.
Dates to know:
Club Pictures–February 20, 2025
Spring Sports (except track)--March 14, 2025
Spring Sports (Track)--March 17, 2025
Spring Individuals–April 8, 2025
- Winter Band Concert--December 10
- RMMS Registration Parent Meeting--January 7
- School-Wide Testing Calendar
- Winter Athletic Schedule (Wrestling and Basketball)
- School Calendar