October News
Preston Park Elementary 2024-2025
Welcome Back to School!
We are so glad to have everyone back together.
This year's theme is INSPIRE.
What inspires you?
Dates to Remember
October 8-10: 2nd grade swim @ YMCA
October 10: Literacy Night K-2 (6pm)
October 11: Fall picture day
October 15&16: 4th grade to Carvin's Cove
October 22: 3rd grade science museum
October 25: End of the 1st 9 weeks; 2 hour early dismissal
October 23-31: Red Ribbon Week (see below)
October 31: Report cards go home
November 1: Professional Development Day (No school)
Transportation Reminders
Please write a note for all transportation changes.
If you have bus questions, please call 540-853-2807 or1-855-RIDEZUM (1-855-743-3986)
PTA News
You Can Still Join The PTA!
Please join the PTA for $10 per family.
You can join using the QR Code:
Kindergarten News
Dear Families,
Happy October! This month will be full of exciting discoveries and learning!
Language Arts:
-letters and letter sounds C, I, D, and F
-How do our senses help us learn?
Science/ Social Studies:
-weather and the season of fall
-different locations and climates/ compare surroundings to other places/ understanding how climate can affect what we see outside
-Counting to 10 and comparing sets with vocabulary words "more," "less," and "equal."
-identify and describe shapes
- Field Trip to the Main Branch Library: We are looking forward to our first field trip! Please send in the signed field trip form and $4 by October 18.
- Oct. 31- Fall Party (more information will be sent home soon)
- We are running low on class snack. If you are willing to send in a snack to share with the class, would appreciate it!
- Please practice letters and letter sounds at home daily. Students should be able to produce letter name and sound quickly.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement at home.
-Kindergarten Teachers
First Grade News
First graders have been busy strengthening number sense and exploring a variety of math activities. This month, we will begin part-part-whole, a precursor to addition and subtraction. An upcoming field trip will align with our science unit on living things. At the farm, we will experience firsthand what life is like on a farm growing pumpkins and taking care of farm animals! In Language Arts, we will learn about countries around the world and how those children access books.
Upcoming: Literacy Night begins at 6:00 on Thursday, October 10; Jeter Farm on Thursday, October 17
Second Grade News
In second grade, we are as busy as the squirrels this month learning about how change impacts us in reading. We finished up our VALLS testing last week. This information will be used to deliver strong lessons to our students.
We will be going to the Kirk Family YMCA on October 8th, 9th and 10th for a Y-Splash water safety program.
In math, we are learning place value and then we will finish the month learning about graphing. In social studies, we are learning about changes and Columbus. As always, please contact us if you ever have any questions or concerns.
Third Grade News
Finally Fall-
3rd grade has been off to a great stat this year!
We have flown paper airplanes in Science and used hands on
balances to balance equations in Math.
October will bring-
Reading: Ocean Life
Math: Data and Graphing
Science: Matter and The Water Cycle
Social Studies: Ancient China
We will be taking a field trip to the Science Museum on Oct. 22nd.
This is a free field trip. As soon as forms come home, please make sure to
fill it out and return it as soon as possible.
Using scales in math
Using scales in math
Measurement & paper airplanes
Fourth Grade News
Check out our news!
Fifth Grade News
See what we are up too: