Toro Times
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Important Dates
Tuesday, September 10th- PJ Day- School Wide
Wednesday, September 11th- Childhood 2.0 presentation from Kate McPherson @6 PM
Friday, September 13th- Early Release @ 1:30PM
Friday, September 20th- PTSA Movie Night-doors open @ 5:30PM movie starts @ 6PM
Wednesday, September 25th- PTSA Meeting @ 5PM
Tuesday, October1st- Sonic Spirit Night
Friday, October 25th-Loteria Game Night & Silent Auction
Spanish Dual Language Immersion Applications open November 1st
Hola! The Spanish Immersion Application link will open on November 1st. Any new student enrolling at Union Park in grades K-6 will need to apply. If you are already enrolled in the program there is no need to fill out the application.
Union Park's Choir will sing the National Anthem at the Dbacks Game!
Union Park's Choir has been invited to sing the National Anthem for the Arizona Dbacks on September 27th. We will join other DVUSD school choirs to sing the anthem. Please fill out the google form at your earliest convince if your choir student will be joining us at the game.
Union Park School
Union Park School’s goal is to immerse students in an extraordinary education that promotes academic and social-emotional growth while providing opportunities for cultural competency, ensuring that each individual is prepared to make a positive contribution to society and their future.
Phone: (623) 445-5800
Attendance Line: (623) 445-5890
Twitter: @UnionParkSchool