Boyertown Elementary
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review
Friday, September 13, 2024
Patriot Day with Kindergarten
For Patriot Day, Kindergarten read the story Fireboat. The book is about an old Fireboat that was unexpectedly needed on September 11th. The class then had a discussion about the many types of community helpers and how they can be helpful to people in emergency situations. The children chose a picture of a community helper to color.
1st Grade Science
Shadows and cooperation
Hello CES families!
The Mums Fundraiser order forms were due today, but if you forgot to send it in, don't worry! You can still place orders online via Cheddar Up until midnight tonight! Here is the link:
REMINDER: Pick up Mums and Vouchers in the CES All-Purpose Room on 9/20 from 4-6pm.
Please make sure all families, teachers, and staff sign up on our 2024-2025 contact list!
Sign up for HSA volunteer opportunities:
HSA Website:
- HSA Facebook Group:
Attention 4th and 5th grade parents!!
If you are interested in having your child join the elementary band program this year, please attend the meeting we are having for all prospective new students and their parents. This meeting will be on Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 in the Middle School West cafeteria. At this meeting students will have the chance to try different instruments to see what is best suited for them! We will also have a presentation on how to obtain and instrument and registering your child for the program. We will be presenting a lot of important information so be sure not to miss it!! If you are unable to attend the meeting but your child is interested in joining the band, please reach out to us by email. More information about rentals and our program can be found at this link:
We can't wait to see you there!
Mr. Langdon ( CES, GES, WES
Mrs. Mumie ( BES, EES, NHUF
The Elementary Orchestra Program
Dear 3rd and 4th grade Parents,
Is your child interested in learning the VIOLIN, VIOLA, CELLO, or BASS? We just finished giving string demonstrations and can't wait to get started teaching our beginner musicians! All 3rd graders plus interested 4th grade students received an informational packet, but please reach out if you have any questions! The Elementary Orchestra Program is open to students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade in the Boyertown Area School District.
Sign up here by Friday, September 13th:
Mrs. Anita Boyer (GES & WES)
Mr. Jared Vamvakias (BES, CES, & NHUF)
Mrs. Kathy Mumie (EES)
Schedule Your Meeting with Your Child's ESL Teacher
Dear Parents of Multilingual Learners,
It's time to schedule a meeting with your child's ESL teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child's English Language Development and address any questions you may have about their school experience. This is a great way to stay informed and engaged in your child's education.
Please use the link to select a time that works best for you:
I look forward to connecting with you and working together to support your child's success.
Best regards,
Mrs. Patti Baumgard
ESL Coordinator
Patti Baumgard
K-12 ESL Coordinator
ELD Teacher
(610) 473-5117
This is from the district handbook.
Parental Notice of Absence - Absences shall be treated as unexcused until the district receives a written excuse explaining the absence, to be submitted within three (3) days of the absence. A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification shall be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. Unexcused/Unlawful Absence For purposes of this policy, absences which do not meet the criteria indicated above shall be permanently considered unexcused.
Nonschool-sponsored educational tours or trips, if the following conditions are met:.
- The person in parental relation submits the required documentation for excusal prior to the absence, within the appropriate timeframe. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL FOR AN EDUCATIONAL TRIP FORM, OR DOWNLOAD ONE OFF THE WEBSITE.
-The student's participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee.
Dates to remember
9/13 Mum orders due
9/18 Early Dismissal *
9/20 Mum Pick up 4-6pm
9/30 Sicilian Delite Fundraiser
10/2 picture day
*Please note Early Dismissal
Kindergarten AM hours are 8:25-10:35am
Kindergarten PM hours are 10:35am-12:25pm
Grades 1-5 dismissal is 12:25pm
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter
were purchased through before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout the newsletter will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Colebrookdale Elementary
1001 Montgomery Avenue
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7427