Glen Acres Elementary School
August 30, 2020
Dear Families,
Monday is the first day of school! We will see you at 9 AM on Zoom! In the link above, please find a short clip of the GAE team. Feel free to show it to your children. In addition, please let us know how we can help on Monday. We will do the best we can to answer your questions. You can call me and/or the office staff at Ext. 1701, 1702, or 1719.
Additionally, you can email us:
And, going live tomorrow , we will have a Tech Support link that you can go to for help.
Your teachers will be working with your children through live zooms from 9-3 but will be available through email when they are not LIVE with the children.
Mrs. Stewart added a Trimester One newsletter. In it she has information as to how she can help. It is in the attachment below.
Everything else you need to know by Monday we have communicated to you already, but here it is again in review if you need:
*My Principal Open House Message
* Dr. Misset sent you an important email Thursday, see the attachment below if you missed it
* Supply List in the attachment below- let us know how we can help
* Your teacher has emailed you as to how your child can get to his/her 9 AM zoom call. The zoom links will be embedded in Seesaw or Schoology platforms. This year you can expect less emails from the teacher because all the information will be posted through Schoology or Seesaw. Our beginning goals are for you and your child to understand where they can access their schedule and zoom links in our online learning platforms. The information on Seesaw and Schoology may not be live until 12:01 AM Monday Morning
*As for curriculum materials pick-up, students in remote and cyber are picking up at GAE.
Here is our schedule for CURRICULUM MATERIAL PICK-UP:
KINDERGARTEN REMOTE: the week of 8/31- We will be arranging a time for your child to meet their teacher and get materials. I will send you an email that explains more details this week!
9/1: Third Grade ( Remote and Cyber) - 2:30-3:30 PM
9/2: Fourth Grade ( Remote and Cyber)- 2:30-3:30 PM
9/3: First Grade ( Remote and Cyber) -2:15-3:30 PM
*As for REMOTE 2.0 Open House, the teachers will Zoom Live with you during these times. If you are unable to make the time indicated, they will record it for you so you can view it later. Your teachers have sent you information as to how to access their Zoom link.
9/1: First Grade Open House- 7:00 PM via Zoom.
Second Grade Open House- 7:30 PM via Zoom.
9/2: Third Grade Open House- 6:30 PM via Zoom
Fourth Grade Open House- 7:00 PM via Zoom
Fifth Grade Open House- 7:30 PM via Zoom
* CYBER Open House dates and times have been sent to you by Dr. Eberly
Thanks for all your support during this very different year! We are looking forward to starting school tomorrow. Enjoy the week.
A Note From Mrs. Stewart- Our Counselor
Welcome to the 2020-21 School Year!
For those of you who are new to our building, my name is Heather Stewart and I am the School Counselor at Glen Acres. I will be working with all Glen Acres students this year - cyber and remote 2.0 learners.
I have created a three-minute video for you to watch about two district parent counseling resources available to keep us connected as this non-traditional school year begins. Our district counselors specifically created these websites for parents to use while students are learning from home. Please find the link below.