Buffalo Express
August 2, 2024
Welcome Back
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! We are only days away from starting school on August 13th and we can't wait to get started. My name is Mrs. Bervert and it is my honor to serve as the Berryton Elementary Principal. This will be my eleventh year as an elementary school administrator and my 20th year in public education. Working beside me is Dr. Laura Hurla, Assistant Principal. She is also entering her 20th year in public education. We have an amazing staff that can't wait to reconnect with veteran Buffalos and meet our newest Buffalos. A few specific notes:
- School Hours- Reminder that students will now be marked as tardy if they are not present by 9:00 instead of 9:10.
- Buffalo Express- The Buffalo Express is a weekly newsletter that generally comes out on Friday afternoons. It highlights learning at Berryton and also has lots of important information. This is an important piece of communication for all BES families to read weekly.
- Teacher Assignments- On August 6th PowerSchool will have teacher assignments listed.
- ECSE- Ms. Theresa's Early Childhood Special Education classes begin on August 15th.
- Enrollment- Have you enrolled? If not click directly below to get started. Returning families should have received a snap code in an email sent by the district. If you can't find it contact Ms. Tanya (howbertt@usd450.net) and she can assist you. She is also the person to help new families.
- Sneak Peek on Thursday, August 8th- Sneak Peek will be on 8/8 from 5:30-7 pm. This is a great opportunity to connect with your child's teachers, reunite with friends, and drop off school supplies to make the first day a bit easier. Families will also receive car rider signs to put in their dash at Sneak Peek. PTO is hosting food trucks and they'll be at Berryton from 5-8 pm so that families can eat before or after Sneak Peek. Don't forget to check out the Foam Party after meeting your new teacher as well.
- Transportation Routes- The Transportation department will be sending out route information in the near future. If you need to update or modify your information please email or call Mrs. Heather Augustine (augustineh@usd450.net) and she will communicate changes with the Transportation department.
- Enrollment Fees- Enrollment Fees are now listed on student accounts. Parents are welcome to call Mrs. Tanya and make a payment over the phone. The office will be open for payments during Sneak Peek on Thursday night.
- Primetime- Primetime is our before and after school provider at BES. This is run through the YMCA. Information is linked below for interested families.
With Buffalo Pride,
Mrs. Bervert
Transportation Systems at Berryton
We recognize that students may have different transportation for the first day of school. We ask that all families complete the google form directly below so that we are prepared for afternoon dismissal on the first day of school.
A. Arrival for Car Riders
- Families that choose to bring students to school in the morning will need to pull through the car rider lane where there will be a single line of cars.
- Please have your child wait in your vehicle until you get to the front of the line by the gym doors.
- Students may be dropped off between 8:45-9:00 AM. Staff will be stationed outside to greet students.
- Students that arrive after 9:00 will need to ring the doorbell by the front door and office staff will assist them into the building.
B. Dismissal for Car Riders
- Families that would like to pick up their students will also need to pull into the car rider lane. ALL vehicles need to enter the car rider lane via Berryton Road.
- Families that will exit BES and head towards Croco Road will need to be in the lane closest to the building (right side).
- Families that will exit BES and head towards Berryton Road will need to be in the lane closest to the road (left side).
- Families will need to remain inside of vehicles and wait for students to safely be dismissed. At 4:00 p.m. Berryton staff will be present to assist students in walking to vehicles.
- Families will need to place the school-provided sign in the front dash. If a family needs additional school-provided signs please contact Tanya Howbert via email at howbertt@usd450.net. Signs will be printed and sent home with a student.
- Please be patient with our staff the first week as we have new families adjusting to routines. Within a week or so the Car Rider Lane is extremely expedient, safe, and efficient.
C. Updates for Bus Riders
- In the mornings Buses will unload in a similar manner as in years past. Staff will greet students and assist them as they exit the school bus.
- In the afternoons we will load four buses at a time generally. Buses will pull in and will park around the perimeter of the bus circle. Staff will assist students in safely entering the school bus.
Upcoming Events and Calendars
About Me
As an elementary principal I enjoy working collaboratively with staff members to support student learning. I am passionate about continuing to learn professionally, and building relationships with staff and students at Berryton Elementary. When I'm not serving at Berryton Elementary I am usually with my husband and two sons. We can be found at sporting events, cheering on Kansas State University, or just enjoying a movie at home.
Email: bervertk@usd450.net
Website: bes.usd450.net
Location: 2921 Southeast 69th Street, Berryton, KS, USA
Phone: (785)861-1300