The Hoffman Hum - 10/4/24

The Hoffman Hum! - Hoffman School's Official Family Newsletter
Friday, October 4th, 2024
¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Hoffman School
Email: afranco@glenview34.org
Website: ho.glenview34.org
Location: 2000 Harrison Street, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-998-5040
Principal's Message
Happy October!
I hope everyone is enjoying the changing of seasons as the weather begins to get a little cooler.
The Hoffman staff is looking forward to connecting with you about your children when we hold conferences later this month. We have spent the first several weeks of school getting to know students both academically and socially and are excited to partner with parents to support and challenge our students.
Later this month on Halloween, classrooms will have fall parties, supported by our wonderful PTA. I already have had a few questions regarding Halloween costumes at school so I've included Hoffman's guidelines for Halloween costumes lower in this newsletter. Please help us by following these guidelines to ensure our students have a positive experience on that day. Also, please do not send students to school with candy to distribute.
Have a great weekend!
Luke Larmee
Hoffman School Principal
Halloween Costume Guidelines
In order to help our students enjoy this holiday in a safe manner, please observe the following guidelines for their time at school. Remember that costumes should be simple and fun in nature, and easy for a child to get on and off without adult assistance.
- Students may bring their costumes to school in a bag, to change into later in the day.
- No weapons (real or look alike) this includes swords, guns, knives, lasers, etc.
No costume masks that cover the entire face (we want to be able to identify students)
- Costumes should not depict violence or gore.
Aerosol spray cans (hair spray, hair color, etc.) are not permitted in school
Costumes should avoid portraying violent characters such as Killer Clowns, “Jason”, axe-‐murderers, etc.
Glenview Public Library
Author Kate Hannigan Pizza Party Drawing
From the Glenview Public Library - Kate Hannigan, award-winning author of 14 books for children including History Comics The Great Chicago Fire: Rising From the Ashes and The League of Secret Heroes series, is visiting Glenview Public Library on Monday, November 11th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM to talk to Glenview students in grades 3 +.
As a special prelude to this highly anticipated author event, Glenview Public Library is hosting an exclusive Pizza Party with Kate Hannigan for 10 fans in grades 3-8 that attend Glenview schools on Nov. 11 at 5:45 PM.
Children will get to spend time with Ms. Hannigan and ask her questions about her books and her history as a writer all while enjoying a pizza dinner!
Fill out this form for your child's opportunity to enter the drawing. Winners will be contacted on Nov. 5th.
Erin's Law Presentations - Weeks of October 21st and 28th
During the weeks of October 21st, 2024 and October 28th, 2024, all classes will receive a presentation where they will learn about personal body safety. These presentations will be provided by Jillienne Guinan, school social worker, and School Psychologist, Katharine Schmidt, in order to meet the Erin’s Law mandate for the state of Illinois. Erin’s Law is a mandate in 36+ states, including Illinois; which requires schools to 1. Provide age appropriate child sexual abuse and violence prevention education to students in preschool – 12th grade, 2. Offer education to parents, 3. Offer education to teachers and staff. To learn more about Erin’s Law go to: http://www.erinslaw.org/
We are happy to be able to offer this important and valuable learning opportunity for students. If you have any questions or concerns about the content and goals of this experience, please feel free to contact Ms. Guinan, School Social Worker, Dan Polonsky, Assistant Principal for Student Services or Luke Larmee, Principal. Additionally, if you do not wish to have your child participate, please send a note to the school office (attention school social worker) or email Ms. Guinan prior to Thursday, October 17th and we will arrange for alternate activities during the presentation.
Additional information and a brief overview of the Personal Body Safety Lessons are included in this letter.
5th Grade CogAT
Fifth grade families, you should have received this letter from our district regarding CogAT testing. later this month, our fifth graders will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT). I've linked the letter in case you missed it.
The District will be hosting its first ever Latin American and Hispanic Heritage Celebration on October 15 from 5:30-7:30pm at Attea Middle School 2500 Chestnut Ave, with a showcase of performances. Any students, families, or staff who identify from this community are invited to participate! Show your talents - music, dance, juggling, whatever it is! Or join as a volunteer, to prepare for the event, host an info table, display your art, etc. If you are interested in participating or supporting this event please fill out this form. Anyone can come and enjoy the show!
Email Sylvia (sgorskiduarte@glenview34.org) or Florrie (frierachapa@glenview34.org) with any questions!
From the PTA's Newsletter...
October has swept in with its crisp air and golden sunlight, and your PTA is buzzing with excitement for the month ahead!
We're kicking things off with an important announcement: our Classroom Party Funds donation window is now open! New this year: Donations for the party fund can now be made directly to the PTA and will be distributed evenly among the classrooms. Each classroom within a grade will have the same party activities and snacks provided. Contributions are the secret ingredient to making our school celebrations truly special for all of the classrooms so please consider making your donation now through 10/18.
Get ready for a cauldron of fantastic events:
- Henking Book Fair from October 9th to 11th: Stock up on cozy reads for chilly nights. Volunteers still needed!
- Family Bingo Night on October 10th: More thrilling than a hayride (and no straw in your socks)! Featuring bingo, balloon animals, popcorn and special surprises!
- Witches Ride on October 13th: Tickets are vanishing quicker than Halloween candy!
The days are growing shorter and the air turning crisp, so wrap yourself in your coziest sweater and join us for some autumn adventures!
Laura Hewitt
Donate to Classroom Party Funds Today!
We're excited to share some positive changes to our classroom party program for this school year! Your generous support has always been the heart of these joyful events, and we're grateful for your continued involvement.
To streamline the process and ensure every class benefits equally, we've made a few simple adjustments:
- You can now contribute directly to the PTA's party fund.
- Your donations will be evenly distributed across your child's grade level.
- We suggest a contribution of $20 per child, which you can easily make by clicking the button below.
This new approach replaces the previous room parent collection method. If you prefer, you're welcome to donate via cash or check (payable to HE/HO PTA). Simply send it in an envelope marked with your child's teacher's name to the school's front office.
Your support by October 18, 2024, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping us create memorable celebrations for our children!
This year's Henking Book Fair will be from 10/9 to 10/11! The online fair and eWallet are now available here! Mark your calendars for Family Bingo Night on 10/10. We will be selling new styles of spirit wear at the Book Fair as well!
Sign up to volunteer via the button below!
Check out the online fair and load eWallets
AtoZ Connect Directory updated for 2024-25!
The AtoZ Connect HE/HO PTA Directory has been updated for 2024-25. Check it out and be sure to update your family's information and settings!
Yearbook Cover Contest!
Enter the Yearbook Cover Contest
Do you have a student who is creative and full of school spirit? The yearbook committee is now accepting entries to the Yearbook Cover Contest. Winning artwork will be displayed in the 2024-25 Henking and Hoffman yearbooks. Please have your student bring their entry to school where it will be submitted to the front desk staff.
The rules (below) are meant to be simple and easy to follow. All kindergarten- through fifth-grade students may participate.
- Artwork must be original and not computer generated
- Colored pencils and markers work best. Younger students may want to consider cutting and pasting the school logo at the center of the page
- Artwork should be submitted on a blank 8 ½ x 11-inch piece of white copy paper. No paper with lines
- Artwork must be done vertically, not horizontally
- Write the student’s and teacher’s name on the back of the entry in pencil
- Use the space on the paper effectively. Have a central component and try to fill the page
- Please use appropriate words and imagery
- All work MUST be student produced
The overall winners will have their artwork displayed on the front cover of each 2024-25
Yearbooks Now on Sale (10% Discount)
2024-25 Hoffman yearbooks are now on sale! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to purchase these amazing books full of special memories. Two free personalized pages are included so don’t forget to add your own photos! Purchase before October 25 to save 10%. New this year: Families can purchase additional yearbooks to donate to Hoffman for distribution. Hoffman Purchase Link
PTA - Witches Ride
Event Information
Glenview Witches Ride
Meet at 3:30, Ride at 4pm, After party at 4:30pm
Join us for a bewitching event where Glenview's witches (that's you, ladies) come together for a fun-filled ride, followed by a social gathering at Ten Ninety Brewing Co. Dust off your broomsticks, put on your best witchy attire, and get your bike ready for the Inaugural Witches Bike Ride to benefit the D34 PTA's, put on by the League of Very Extraordinary Ladies (LVEL) and the League of Very Ordinary Gentlemen (LVOG). Tickets are on sale now for $30!
**UPDATED** We'll meet at 3:30, and start the ride at 4pm. Please check in at 1108 Longvalley Rd., where we'll have a registration table. We'll then walk our bikes over the small bridge to the other side of Longvalley Rd in Golf Acres which is where the witches will start the ride. Do not worry, there will be people to direct you. Have your spouses/partners and kids line the route (map below) in Glenayre subdivision, where we'll be tossing candy as we ride by on our way to Ten Ninety Brewing Co. for some witchy libations. Cash bar. All riders must follow traffic laws and adhere to bike safety. There is no charge to attend and receive candy, only if you would like to ride/throw candy.
Sunday, Oct 13, 2024, 03:30 PM
1108 Longvalley Road, Glenview, IL, USA
Hoffman Courtyard
A big thank you to the GBS Interact Club
The 3rd grade Courtyard
Is looking lovely.
Flower Beds
Spirit Fridays
Rock your school colors or spirit wear every Friday during the 2024-25 school year! Visit the spirit wear store today to stock up.
Stock the Lounge!
Help us stock the staff lounges!
Please help us by donating an item or two to help stock the staff lounges for our teachers!.
Upcoming Dates
10/13/24 - Witches Ride (PTA Fundraiser)
10/14/24 - Picture Retakes
10/15, 10/16, & 10/17 - Fifth Grade GogAT Testing
10/17/24 - Fire Safety Classroom Visits from the Glenview Fire Department
10/18/24 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
10/31/24 - Classroom Fall Parties
11/5/24 - No School (Election Day)
11/8/24 - Hoffman High Five Friday
11/8/24 - PTA Meeting at Henking
School Hours
M, T, R, F
Arrival Begins: 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Arrival Begins: 8:35 AM
Classes Begin: 8:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM