Middle School Update

November 28, 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 28: Founder’s Day Reception from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in Coristine Hall
Friday, November 29: Founder’s Day Holiday - school is closed
Wednesday, December 4: Grade 7&8 Jazz Band Concert during MS Assembly 9:30-10am
Thursday, December 5: Holiday Marketplace hosted by PVA. Donations welcome! Details below.
Friday, December 6: Special Dress Day - Holiday Sweater Day
Wednesday, December 11: Special Dress Day - Jersey Day
Thursday, December 12: MS Trivia Night from 4:30-5:30pm at SHS with Trafalgar and Sacred Heart.
Wednesday, December 18: Special Dress Day - Pajama Day
Thursday, December 19: Special Dress Day - Holiday Accessories
Thursday, December 19: Last day of classes before winter break, dismissal at 2:45pmNeed to Know
Congratulations to students who achieved high honours (90% or above) in their overall average on their Term 1 Report Card. We are also extremely proud of the students who received the highest possible Effort and Conduct scores in every one of their subjects this term. Certificates were presented to these students at MS Assembly this past week.
Grade 7: Zach Beckerleg, Elies Boukadoum, William Elhami, Matthew Gelber, Brandon Hao, Abner Hu, Alexandre Maietta, Mmuso Makgala, Nico Matossian, Edi Obenaus, Allen Qi, Luca Rollo, Noah Roussos, Liam Sarhan, Winston Tang, Liam Velan, Nico Ward, Nicholas Yotis
Grade 8: Emirhan Balta, Matej Blasch, Luke Brydges, Bernie Gao, Harry Garschagen, Darshan Gursahaney, Arvin Kazemi, Vincent Landry, Matthew Li, Adi Raisman, Oliver Sierra Veilleux, Leo Vainberg
Effort and Conduct: Matthew Gelber, Luke Brydges
Holiday Marketplace at SHS next Thursday from 8:30am-5pm: Middle School students will be encouraged to shop during their recess breaks. If you would like your child to participate, he can come to school with money and a reusable shopping bag! All money raised will benefit Resilience Montreal, a non-profit day shelter here in Montreal. It's a great opportunity for parents to get involved! Sign up if you can contribute baked goods and/or volunteer for a shift. We are still collecting gently used items (puzzles, games, holiday decorations, sporting goods, you name it!), with "car trunk" drop offs next Monday and Tuesday December 2nd and 3rd. Thank you so much for all your help!
Bread and Beyond: In the spirit of being true to others, we are excited to kick off our month of holiday give-back initiatives focused on food security. Students are invited to join us on December 3 from 3-4pm for a Bread and Beyond sandwich-making night! We can accommodate 20 students as we prepare sandwiches for homeless shelters across Montreal. Click here to sign up.
Starting Holidays Early? If you know your son will miss days of school in December, please notify Ms. Beech and your son’s teachers as soon as possible. Tests and assignments are scheduled for the next three weeks and teachers can only make accommodations if they are informed in advance. Thank you!
Middle School Trivia Night: MS students are invited to this inter-school event taking place on Thursday, December 12 from 4:30-5:30pm at SHS. $5 admission fee/person covers the cost of snacks and prizes. Teams can sign up using this form; registration is complete once all team members have submitted payment to Ms. Beech.
Ski Club Sign Up: We are thrilled to continue our Friday Night Ski Club for the 2025 season! Our four outing dates this year are January 10 (the first Friday back from Winter break!), January 24, February 7th, and February 21st. Ski Club is open to any Middle and Senior School student who has skied/boarded at least 3 times. If you would like to participate in any of our outings, please sign up here. Registration for our first outing, on January 10th, closes on December 13th.
The parental consent form for the first outing must be submitted by January 8th at the latest. Please send any questions to Ms. Schwartz (schwartze@selwyn.ca).
Lunar New Year and Black History Month: Do you want to take part in organizing Selwyn’s Lunar New Year or Black History Month celebrations this year? Sign up using this Google Form for Lunar New Year and this Google form for Black History Month. There are roles for everyone - from organizing and performing at assemblies to making posters to helping to run lunchtime activities. Our first meeting for Lunar New Year volunteers will be December 4th at lunch in the Student Life Center. *Please note, this is a call for student volunteers. There will be upcoming opportunities for parent volunteers to get involved.*
Youth for Climate Action - A Leadership Forum: Students from grades 8-10 who are interested in climate change and learning for a sustainable future are invited to attend a QAIS leadership forum workshop day on February 3rd hosted at West Island College. Students will attend workshops which will help them to develop leadership skills, including how to determine a project, how to garner support for a project, how to sustain an enthusiastic group, etc. Each team of students will receive a $300 grant from LSF to fulfill a climate action project at their own school. Students that are interested in participating should fill out this google form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Littman.
Hadley Community Update: Launching the Middle School's month focused on food insecurity education, students were encouraged to bring in cans of soup, which were later donated to the Hadley Community. The initiative also included an insightful talk from one of Hadley Community's client services representatives. Selwyn House School is proud to announce the collection of hundreds of cans of soup—well done, boys!
A Message from Public Health: With the changing seasons, it’s a good time to focus on prevention and staying informed. Click on the following links to read how to support the health and well-being of ourselves and others (in French only): Seasonal Newsletter, Guidelines for managing symptoms and resources in cases of respiratory illnesses.
Visit our MS Update page for news and action items you may have missed, such as:
Clubs, Tutorials and Activities for Middle School Students - descriptions and calendar
Des ressources pour devenir un griffon francophile - L'édition pour le mois d'octobre
Holiday Baskets: Continuing our annual tradition, Middle School and Grade 9 TAG groups will be making holiday baskets for individuals and families in Pointe-St-Charles. Each student has been asked to bring in 2-3 non-perishable food items and a cash donation in the amount of their choice. The cash collected will be used to purchase grocery store gift cards for each basket recipient. If you are available to deliver one or more holiday baskets in Pointe-St-Charles in the week of December 9-13th, please email Michelle Segal (segalm@selwyn.ca).
Uniform Alterations at the Argyle Shop! The seamstress will be back in the shop on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Click here for details and to reserve your spot!