Rose Update
October 25, 2024

October 25, 2024 Newsletter
Principal Update
Shout-Out to Our 4th Graders!
I couldn’t be prouder of our amazing 4th-grade students for demonstrating the Character Strong trait of responsibility! In my observations around the school—whether in classrooms, the hallways, or the lunchroom—our 4th graders have been showing respect, kindness, and a dedication to learning.
In math class, I’ve seen students working together in groups, tackling problems thoughtfully and helping one another. During writing time, they’re quietly engaged in crafting essays and checking their work carefully, showing they’re committed to doing their best. In STEM, they’re enthusiastically building robots, collaborating and sharing ideas with patience and focus. And in the lunchroom, they’re eating together respectfully, enjoying each other’s company, and cleaning up afterward.
Thank you, 4th grade, for being such a positive example of what it means to be Stingray Strong!
Dr. Cindy Ruesch
Clothing Donations for the Health Office
Do you have gently used pants? We are looking for donations, especially in sizes XS and S for both genders.
We would also appreciate donations of new underwear, especially sizes XS and S for both genders. New socks are appreciated, too!
Please send any donations to the Health Services Office.
Character Strong Universal Strengths and Needs Screener
Barrington 220 will be utilizing the Character Strong Universal Strengths and Needs Screener as part of our ongoing efforts in increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in academics, school, and community. The Strengths and Needs Screener is completed by your child’s teacher and will assist our staff in supporting your child in the best way possible. While families cannot opt-out of the Character Strong instruction, you may choose to opt your child out of the screener. Please reach out to me with any questions about the screener that you have. If you do not wish for your child’s teacher to complete the Strengths and Needs Screener, please notify me in writing by Monday, October 28, 2024.
Please Remember to Pay Your Party Fees
Our Halloween class parties are just around the corner! Please remember to pay your party fees before the party if you have not done so by using the link below!
Halloween Costumes: Halloween is fast approaching! Although Halloween is a fun holiday for kids to dress up and be creative with costumes, please be mindful that it also can be scary for some of our younger students. Therefore, no weapons, full face masks, or gory/violent costumes will be allowed at school and during the costume parade. I ask that parents take a proactive stance with their children in choosing a Halloween costume that honors the spirit of the holiday and does not create discomfort in its level of scariness or spookiness. The point is to have fun!
Students are welcome to come to school dressed in Halloween costumes during the school day on October 31st. Please have your child(ren) dress warmly (possibly layering clothes underneath their costume) since the plan is to have the parade outside. If a student has a very bulky costume (ie-blow-up costumes, big boxes) they are welcome to wear it for the parade but can dress in Halloween colors/festive wear for the rest of the day.
Halloween Parties: On October 31st, students will have classroom parties throughout the day to celebrate with their classmates. The party times are listed below. The PTO room parents are coordinating the festivities and have reached out to the classroom volunteers to finalize plans. Please know that only those parents signed up to help can attend the parties. Thank you for understanding.
Halloween Party Schedule:
Kindergarten 9:00-10:00
First 12:00-1:00
Second 1:00-2:00
Third 9:50-10:50
Fourth 1:00-2:00
Fifth 9:00-10:00
Halloween costume parade: All grades will participate in the parade at the same time. The parade will be from 8:30-9:00. Parents are welcome to view the parade.
Barrington 220 One Book, One Community Read--We Still Have Books!
This fall Barrington 220 is launching a book study called One Book, One Community Read! The book study, hosted by our District Equity Team, aligns with the Inclusive Education priority in our district’s strategic plan, Framework 220.
The book study will feature the book Breaking the Code with Gabriella, written by current BHS students Hafsah Khan, Cindy Wang, and 2024 graduate Sarah Pinto. BTCWG is a story about the fight for inclusivity and belonging in STEM spaces, following the story of a young girl, Gabriella, who joins her robotics team as the only girl.
If you did not get your free copy of Breaking the Code with Gabriella during Parent-Teacher Conferences, please let your child's teacher or the front office know, and we will gladly send one home with your child.
We will culminate this community-wide read with a special fireside chat featuring our student authors at the annual Winter Wonderfest celebration at BHS on December 13! It will be a wonderful opportunity to engage with the authors, hear their perspectives, and celebrate the inclusive themes of the book.
Gift Card Drive
Rose will be hosting a gift card drive this year to help families in our school community. Gift cards will be used for a variety of reasons including purchasing winter gear for children.
During parent teacher conferences, please take a look in our front lobby and pick up a reminder tag for places like Jewel, Target, and Wal-Mart. Return that tag with the gift card to the front office at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for helping other Stingray families who demonstrate need. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristin Leidy-Semprit/School Psychologist at kleidysemprit@barrington220.org or 847-844-2196
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Here is the breakfast and lunch menu for the month of October.
Participate in Early Voting this Month!
During the first half of 2024, more than 2,500 community members collaborated on a plan to continue to improve our aging school buildings. The final $64M community-driven plan will go to you, the voter, for approval as a referendum question on the Nov. 5 ballot. If successful, the referendum will:
- Increase Safety & Security throughout Barrington 220
- Build a New Community Auditorium at Barrington High School
- Enhance STEAM and Instructional Spaces for Students
Traditional early voting at polling locations in the Barrington area will open on October 21. Click the links below to find early voting information for the county you reside in:
Character Strong--From Our Students
Rose PTO Reminders
PTO Weekly Newsletter
Here is the link to the weekly PTO newsletter.
Virtual Backpack
Virtual Backpack is a place for Barrington 220 families to receive flyers and other information from the district and community organizations without the hassle of sorting through printed papers sent home with your child.