Riverton School Newsletter
10/22/2024 - Issue 4 - #RivPride
®️ October SEL Trait - Respect ®️
Good afternoon Riverton families!
A sense of belonging provides a feeling of connectedness to a group or a community. It is my (and our district's) goal that all two hundred and fifty two of our students are able to maximize their sense of belonging at Riverton School. Over the last two weeks I have reflected on the awesome events and activities that have been built by our community to help our students. From the PTO Theater Week production, to the Bike Rodeo organized by Ms. Odd, Mrs. Devonshire and the Riverton PD, to our Fire Prevention Day presented by the Riverton FD, to our middle school Spirit Week, to our 3rd grade Butterfly Show.
Did you know? Riverton Middle School students are eligible to participate in Palmyra High School's Palmyra Players Spring Show. Please see the note below about the parent interest meeting on 10/28/2024.
The last two weeks have provided our students opportunities to enhance their sense of belonging outside of the traditional academic day. These events also help enhance our students' intrinsic motivation to learn!
I am excited to announce our Riverton School October Students of the Month! Each student of the month is invited to our Board of Education meeting, receives a certificate, and is invited to a luncheon hosted at the Riverton School in June, 2025.
Congratulations to September's Students of the Month who were recognized for the SEL characteristic of RESPECT:
Preschool through 2nd Grade Student of the Month: Kolten Miller
Third Grade through Fifth Grade Student of the Month: Quinn Lynch
Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade Student of the Month: Mila Young
With gratitude,
Mr. Zagorski
Important Dates to Remember:
- 10/21/24 - School Violence Awareness Week
- 10/21-25/24 - PTO Sponsored Theater Week (Click for permission form)
- 10/22/24 - Riverton School BOE Meeting - 6:30 PM
- 10/23/24-10/31/24 Red Ribbon Week
- 10/28/24 Riverton School Pink Out for Breast Cancer
- 10/30/24 Middle School Dance 5:00 PM-6:30 PM Permission Slip - Due back Friday Oct. 25th to Mrs. Walter.
- 10/31/24 - Halloween Parade - Grades K-5 1:45 pm
- 11/5/24 - School is CLOSED for students
- 11/7/24 & 11/8/24 - School is CLOSED
- 11/18/24 - 8th Grade Class Palmyra High School Shadow Day Please remember to turn in your child’s permission slip.
What's New at Riverton School?
Boys & Girls Basketball (7th/8th) & Cheerleading Sign Ups (5th through 8th)
2024 Riverton School Spirit Night
Last week our middle schoolers showed their school spirit as they competed in our annual Spirit Night! A huge shout out to our 8th grade class for winning spirit night. Thank you to all students for their display of great sportsmanship. A huge shout out to Mrs. Walter & Mr. Zaun for hosting the event. Thank you to the entire Middle School Teaching Team for their support as they coached each grade.
Riverton School Bike Rodeo a Success!
A huge shout out to Ms. Odd, Mrs. Devonshire & our Riverton Police Department for putting together our annual Bike Rodeo. Our students enjoyed bike decorations, an obstacle course and a police escort around town last Saturday. Thank you to the Riverton PTO for providing snacks and to our PTO volunteers for their time!
Middle School Halloween Dance - 10/30 - 5-6:30 PM
NJDOE 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year Nomination Form
Do you know a classroom teacher or educational services professional who is dedicated, inspiring, and making a difference? If so, please take the time to recommend this person for the Governor’s Educator of the Year Program by completing this nomination form. Administrators, staff members, students, parents and community members are encouraged to participate.
Please submit this form by October 25, 2024.
3rd Grade Butterfly Show
This month our 3rd grade students present all that they have learned about the Monarch Butterflies. Prior to the Butterfly Show each homeroom observes and learns about the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly and their migration journey to Mexico. Prior to the event the students released their butterflies once they reached an adult stage. Thank you to Ms. Durante, Mrs. Thress & Mrs. Frankenfield for their work and support during this interactive and real world learning unit! Thank you to Ms. Dechnik for donating to this project each year!
Riverton School Library Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Biblioteca Escolar de Riverton concurso de decoracion de calabazas con personajes de libros
Biblioteca Escolar Riverton concurso de decoracao de abobora
***BOOK FAIR COMING SOON!!!!! December 2nd - 6th***
Riverton PTO Corner
Please come out to our PTO meeting in October. The meeting will be held Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 pm. Thank you for your support!
Community Events, Resources & Items to Explore
The below events are not directly affiliated with the Riverton School District. These events and activities are happening in and around our community.
Pal-Riv Basketball Coming Soon!
https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/palmyrarivertonaaClick here or the image for full details.
Girl Scout Information
Phone 856-829-0087 Fax 856-829-5317
Email jzagorski@riverton.k12.nj.us
600 Fifth Street, Riverton, NJ, 08077