Gaylord High School Newsletter
June 2024
Principal Announcement
Gaylord Community Schools is excited to announce Sean Byram as the new GHS principal, which was approved at the May 13th board meeting. As many of you know, Sean is a life-long resident of Gaylord, has been a successful high school teacher, coach, assistant principal at Petoskey High School, and principal at Gaylord GIS. Mr. Byram brings over twenty years of experience as a teacher-leader, consultant, and building administrator. Mr. Byram holds a Bachelors of Arts from Alma College, and a Master’s degree from Grand Valley University in Educational Leadership, and holds an administrator certificate. Mr. Byram will begin transitioning to his new position in July. Go Blue Devils!
2024 Graduates and Families
Panoramic Class Photo
Here is the link to order the class photo taken on May 24th of our 2024 graduating class.
Seniors: Please take this survey by June 1st and complete the FAFSA by June 21st to get a $100 scholarship toward your degree or certification. If you already completed the FAFSA, you must also take the survey in order to receive the scholarship.
If you need to do FAFSA for your college, trade school, or military recruiter, you are eligible for this scholarship opportunity. Early College students taking a 5th year are NOT eligible for this scholarship opportunity. In order to receive the scholarship, you must enroll in your program for the 2024-2025 school year. If your enrollment is verified in the Fall, a $100 scholarship check will be sent to your school. Need help with the FAFSA? Contact Ms. Fisher in the Guidance Office.
Housekeeping - End of Year
Chromebook Return
Chromebook collection
- Starting Tuesday 5/28, Lisa Moyer will be taking drop-in Chromebook returns for 9th-11th graders that do not need it for their classes for the rest of the year.
- Teachers that are utilizing the Chromebook for exams, projects, papers, etc. through the end of the year please prompt students to return their Chromebook to the media center if they know they do not need them in any of their classes.
- Please remind students that Chromebooks need to be powered on when returning.
- All other Chromebook returns will be conducted within the originally allotted time on Friday 5/31 (from 1:49-2:42) & Monday 6/3 (from 1:49-2:42).
Please note - your student will not have a Chromebook after their assigned turn in date.
Locker Cleanout
Student school locker will be cleaned out per schedule below:
May 31, 2024 during 6th hour
June 3, 2024 during 6th hour
Please do not leave anything in them that will be thrown away. Trash receptacles are available for trash. School text books should be turned in to your appropriate teacher.
All Varsity and Gymnasium locker rooms must also be cleaned out by Tuesday, June 4th, for cleaning purposes.
Exam Schedule
Please keep in mind we are unable to interrupt classrooms during testing, please avoid appointments on these days.
Lost and Found
Please remind your student to check out the lost and found areas for any missing items before the last day of school. Tables of large items can be found out front of the office and smaller items are in the front office. Anything left will be donated to a recycling center.
Health Opportunity
Want to stay in shape throughout the summer? Click below for Gaylord High School weight room summer schedule available to Gaylord High School (grades 9-12) and Gaylord Middle School students (grades 7 & 8).
SAT Prep Google Classroom Opportunity
Students who have registered for the JUNE 1 SAT are invited to join the SAT prep Google Classroom using this code: vvx4t67. There is an ELA SAT prep session after school on Wednesday and a Math SAT prep session after school on Thursday.
Summer Feeding Program
From our Guidance Department
Last Names A-G
Last Names H-O
Last Names P-Z
Test Out
Course test out opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year are available, please stop by guidance office to speak with your counselor. Test Out Materials are located on the Gaylord Community Schools website under High School Guidance and Counseling (linked here TEST OUT MATERIALS). Testing will be Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9:00 am in the Guidance office.
Advance Placement
If your student signed up for an Advanced Placement Course for 2024-2025 School year, please check the following link to access summer assignment and reading materials (AP MATERIALS). Students, if you do not see your classrooms updated AP information please be sure to check back . Not all AP classes have summer work.
Transcript Requests
To prevent delays during the summer months, please use Parchment to request your final transcript be sent to the college/university you plan to attend in the fall. Follow directions to create an account.
SAT Prep
If your student is planning to take the SAT in June (primarily sophomore and juniors), Ms. Yodzevicis and Mrs. Fay have shared a link students may be interested in. The link provides information resources and/or study sessions to prepare for the JUNE SAT, please link SAT prep class and use this code: vvx4t67 to join.
Here's an athletic survey link to help gather information for the upcoming school year. Information shared will be forwarded to the teams' head coach to assure athletes receive communication of pre-season and summer work out opportunities. If you have already completed, there is no need to do it again. Please complete the requested survey by June 4th. The MHSAA 2024-2025 calendar, Athletic Physical and Gaylord Community Schools volunteer form are also linked in this survey to help provide you with information to help meet necessary deadlines for athletic requirements. There is no need to wait until the season your child is participating in, as any physical dated by a physician after April 15th will count for all of next school year.
International Travel
ITALY 2026: The trip meeting has been postponed until Monday, June 3rd at 6 p.m. PLEASE RSVP that you are coming so we know you will be there. There are posters all around the school with a QR code to sign up for the meeting. Or, please see Mrs. Korff for more info. WE NEED MORE RSVPs IN ORDER TO HOLD THE MEETING. If you sign up now, the cost will be less than if you sign up later.
There is incredible growth that comes with seeing the world, exploring new places and experiencing new cultures - and I’m excited to bring that opportunity to our community.
Pack your bags because we are headed to ITALY on our upcoming trip for Summer 2026.
Please join my informational meeting to learn:
· What we’ll see and experience on our trip
· How this opportunity will benefit your child
· Why now is the right time to start planning
· How your investment will be protected
· How your child can earn academic credit
· How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
Our meeting will be held on May 30th at 6:00PM in Rm 143 at the High School! don’t miss your opportunity to reserve your spot. At least one parent/guardian must be in attendance.
To receive the meeting link, and so that I can alert you of any changes to this meeting, please register using this link: https://bit.ly/3wIECIV
Can’t make the meeting but want more information? Register and select “No but send info.”
Mrs. Laura Korff
Can't wait to see you there!
During the summer months, when our office is closed, you can update your address and phone numbers with our business office (989) 705-3080 to keep your child's school information up-to-date and accurate. Please do not wait until the office reopens to take care of this matter as the timeliness is critical. Typically our school district/building has an early fall mailing making this request extremely important.
Important Dates
2024-2025 School Year
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 -
Schedule Pick Up/Photos for 10th - 12th grade students
Pick up your pre-ordered 2023-2024 yearbook
Thursday, August 29, 2024 -
Freshman Orientation
Photos continued for 9th - 12th grade students
Pick up your pre-ordered 2023-2024 yearbook
Friday, August 30, 2024 Monday, September 2, 2024 -
GHS Office Closed
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 -
First Day of School Year
Friday, October 11, 2024
Picture Retake Day for High School Students/Staff