Clarendon Avenue Elementary School
February 2025 Newsletter
Hi Families!
Happy February! How are we already halfway through the school year?! This month of February is full of opportunities to learn, celebrate, and support one another.
As we continue through the winter months, let's keep encouraging kindness, perseverance, and a love for learning at home and at school. Please take a moment to check our school calendar for upcoming events and important dates. (*We have a Valentine's Day Dance coming soon! Flyer is below!*) Your partnership makes all the difference, and we appreciate your continued support.
- Calendar Dates to keep in mind:
- February 12th - Teachers will conduct family teacher conferences. If your child's teacher requests a conference he/she will be reaching out to you if they haven't already.
- February 13th - Two hour early release. All elementary students will be released at 1:35 - bus routes will continue running as planned, just two hours earlier.
- February 14th - No school for staff or students
On behalf of myself and everyone here at Clarendon, we are honored to work with you and your children! Let’s make February a fantastic month!
Brandy Hart, Principal
Did you know?
Ground Hog Day is celebrated on February 2nd
When German settlers arrived in Pennsylvania, they discovered groundhogs, which looked a lot like hedgehogs. The first Groundhog Day was celebrated on February 2, 1887 in America. This makes Punxsutawney Phil 138 years old this Sunday. Folklore states that if the sun is visible on February 2nd(Candlemas Day) and the groundhog sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.
Student Intent to Return Form for 2025-2026 School Year
We are updating enrollments for the 2025-2026 school year. In doing so, we would like to know how many of our present 4K and Kindergarten through 5th grade students will be returning to Clarendon Avenue Elementary School next fall. All families are required to complete this form(one per student) by March 1, 2025 so that we can ensure our data is accurate for the district.
Please complete this form for each student attending Clarendon Avenue Elementary School.
Celebrating Our Super Care Heroes!
We’re excited to share some wonderful news! A few of our outstanding staff members have been recognized as Super Care Heroes by Care Solace, our partner in mental health care coordination to give our community access to care at no cost. The Super Care Hero Award celebrates mental health advocates, school counselors, and school mental health staff who go above and beyond to connect students to the care they need.
This recognition highlights their dedication to changing lives, supporting student well-being, and creating a positive impact in our community.
Please join us in congratulating these amazing individuals on this well-deserved honor. Their hard work and compassion make a difference every single day!
Congratulations to Mrs. Brittany Sadorf and Mrs. Megan Johnson!
Thank you for helping us celebrate our Super Care Heroes!
Classroom Valentine Parties
Please watch for details from your child's teacher about classroom Valentine parties.
24-25 Clarendon Yearbook on Sale Now!
Here is information on how to order a 24-25 Clarendon Yearbook. The yearbook will only be available to order online. The cost is $13.50. Here is the Network Photography link to order and prepay: Clarendon Ave. School Virtual Flyer.
The prepay link will close on 3/17/2025.
💯100th Day of School February 12th💯
Kindergarten and First grades will be participating in 100th day of school activities on February 12th. The kindergarten classes will make bracelets with 100 Fruit Loops. They will also enjoy various other math and writing activities, involving the number 100. In first grade, the students decorate a shirt with 100 items that they will show off to their classmates. They will also participate in fun writing and math activities throughout the day.
2024-2025 Elementary Report Card & Progress Reports Trimester 2
Kindergarten Report Cards and Progress Reports for Grades 1-6 will be released February 3rd, at 3:30 pm.
2024-2025 Parent Teacher Conferences February 12th
Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
Classroom Teacher Conference Letters will be coming soon
Information to request a conference with a Specialist is found here.
Vision / Hearing Screen Time!
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Vision and hearing screens will take place at your child’s school in February. First graders will receive both vision and hearing screenings, and kindergarten, third and fifth graders will receive vision screening.
Your child will receive a copy of the screening results. The form will indicate if no further evaluation is needed or if follow up is recommended with a Physician, Optometrist, or Audiologist for further evaluation. Results will be documented in your child’s school health record and available to parent/guardian upon request.
If you have a child in second, fourth, and sixth grade, and feel they would benefit from a vision or hearing screen at this time, please contact your child’s school health assistant to request a vision or hearing screen for your child. If you would prefer not to have your child screened at this time, please contact your child’s school health assistant.
Hearing screening will be done during the month of February. Here is the schedule for Vision screenings.
Clarendon Elementary- Thursday, February 6th, 2025
Thank you,
Noel Menghe BSN, RN
Mukwonago Area District Nurse
(262) 363-6292 x27515
Would you like to Volunteer? Here's How!
Classroom Treats!
All birthday treats sent to school must be pre-packaged. All treats must be “nut free” and
sensitive to any allergies within the classroom. The treats should not require refrigeration or
freezing. The teacher will determine an appropriate time and manner for items to be distributed
so as not to disrupt the classroom learning
If you want to come to school to eat lunch with your student you will need to check in at the
main office. Food from an outside vendor is prohibited. We are able to accommodate any adult
who would like to enjoy a school lunch with their student. Please let the office know before 9:00
a.m. the choice of lunch you will be having with your child
Gifts, balloons and decorations should be kept at home to celebrate with your family. Deliveries
to the classroom will not be allowed. It is not acceptable for parents to bring in balloons, flowers
or deliveries.
School Counselor Note
February 2025
Dear Families,
Social awareness is a skill that we continue to work on and develop with students when at school. Social awareness is the capacity to interact with others in a way that shows respect for their ideas and behaviors, recognizes her/his impact on them, and uses cooperation and patience in social situations.
Benefits of social awareness include increased:
self-reflection of actions and goals
empathy through perspective-taking
responsibility of personal actions and consequences
self-esteem and self-confidence
academic and recreational achievements
use of strategies to avoid or negotiate negative situations or behavior
Here are some ways to help develop social awareness:
Talk about your own emotions with your kids. Label your feelings and explain what made you feel that way. If you have uncomfortable emotions, talk about what would help you to feel better.
If a conflict arises, ask your child to think about how the other person might be feeling.
Identify a neighbor who might be going through a difficult time. Think of ways you might be able to help.
Some books with themes related to social awareness are:
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller
Mr. Peabody’s Apples by Madonna
The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig
Odd Velvet by Mary Whitcomb
What If Everybody Did That? by Ellen Javernick
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Mrs. Megan Johnson
Clarendon School Counselor
Vision Keeper Awards!
Each month, the Mukwonago School District seeks out and recognizes staff that have gone above and beyond in serving the districts mission and vision. We call these awards, The Vision Keepers!
In the month of January, 13 vision keepers were recognized throughout the district.... Clarendon had one of those 13 recipients! Congrats to Charlene Molkentin for showing excellence.
We are all thankful and and grateful to have so many high performing and high qualified educators on our team!
Parents/Guardians click here for
Bridges Math Home Connections Letters.
January Fun!
Mrs. Legawiec's class was awarded the Assembly G.O.A.T.s!
Upcoming Dates of Importance February 2025
- Feb 3 - 2024-2025 Elementary Report Card & Progress Reports Trimester 2 released at 3:30 pm
- Feb 6 - CES Hearing & Vision Screening
- Feb 8 - Valentine's Day Dance Sponsored by CES PTG 6 pm
- Feb 9 - National Pizza Day
- Feb 10 - Spanish Club Resumes in the Library
- Feb 11 - CES PTG Meeting in the Library 6:30 pm
- Feb 12 - 100th Day of School
- Feb 12 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to Discovery World Museum
- Feb 12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
- Feb 13 - 2 Hour Early Release. Students released at 1:35 pm
- Feb 13 - 6th Grade Field Trip Waukesha Skateland
- February 14
💥🕜2 Hour Early Release February 13th. Students will be released at 1:35 pm.🕜💥
Coins for College Fundraiser a HUGE Success!
Thanks to our amazing Clarendon families, our Coins for College fundraiser was a huge success! Together, we raised a total $2624.87! The top four classrooms who won a doughnut party, are Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Mutsch, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Leonard. Money raised will be donated to several MHS seniors who have previously attended Clarendon. The scholarship committee will meet soon to determine the winners, who will be announced this spring. Way to go, Cougars!
Thank you for your generosity and support of the Coins for College program.
CES Reading RUMBLE coming May 2025 for 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Students
4th-6th grade students have the opportunity to sign up for the MASD Reading Rumble! This is an optional reading trivia competition that takes place in MAY 2025. Students will form teams of 2-4 students at their grade level, create a team name, and divide up the reading of 10 chapter books chosen by a district committee. If students want to participate, they will need to have a permission slip signed. They will have check-ins throughout the next few months until the School Rumble in May, where they will gather in a bracket-style competition to see which teams are the fastest and most accurate in remembering details from the books. In addition, the top team at each school will compete at the District Rumble on May 21 at the Mukwonago Performing Arts Center.
If you want more information, please email Miss Miramontes at miramma@masd.k12.wi.us or Mrs. Von Thun at vonthme@masd.k12.wi.us
Thank you and happy reading!
Reading RUMBLE Timeline of Events
February 28th is when all permission slips are due
May 15th at 2:35 is the CES School battle
May 21st is the District Level Battle at the Mukwonago PAC at 8 am
Dress for the Weather
Please send your children to school prepared for the ever changing weather we experience. It is a great time of year to layer clothing. Please mark all sweatshirts, jackets, hats, gloves, and boots with their names. Students will be going out to recess every day unless the overall temperature (including wind chill) is -1 or lower.
A Message from the Phy Ed Teacher-Mrs. Portz
Please remember to send appropriate shoes for P.E. class.
You may review MASD's procedures for closing school due to extreme cold or unsafe roads.
Playground Behavior Expectations: Winter / Snow
Please review these behavior expectations as a family.
Be Safe
Snow cannot be thrown or kicked for any reason.
Snow may be used to create snow people, forests and other sculptures.
Avoid walking/playing on ice patches.
Listen to adult directions as to areas that are deemed unsafe on certain days.
Be Respectful
Snow cannot be placed on others in any way (in hoods, on heads, down backs…)
Allow previously built snow creations to stay as they were built.
Share the snow. Do not take from one structure to use on yours.
Be Responsible
Students should have an appropriate coat, hat, snow gloves/mittens to play outside.
Students in grades K-3 must wear boots and snow/ski pants to leave the blacktop and play in the snow.
Students in grades 4-6 must wear boots to leave the blacktop. They are not required to wear snow/ski pants unless they are doing activities where they will be on the ground playing in the snow. Ex - forts, football, etc…
The key is, if they are going to be in the snow, they need to be properly dressed for the occasion. If they are simply walking around the playground and the snow is below the top of their boots, they do not need snow/ski pants. However, keep in mind there will be times when snow cover on the blacktop will require boots to be worn.
Check out the CES Lost & Found when you visit!
Items that are found without identification will be placed in the Lost & Found located in hallway outside the gym. Please mark your child's name in all outerwear, lunch boxes, and personal sports equipment brought for recess, etc. If your child has come home without all his/her possessions, please have your child check the lost and found located in the hallway outside the gym for sweatshirts, coats, hats, gloves, etc. Small items (jewelry, keys, etc.) will be located in the office. Items in the Lost & Found at the end of the school year will be donated.
CES PTG Information
Our next meeting will be held on:
Tuesday, February 11th, 6:30 pm in the CES library
4K Enrollment begins February 3rd, 2025
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year will begin on February 3, 2025.
For more information, visit our 4K webpage.
2025-2026 4K Registration
Starting February 3, 2025, click here to go to the enrollment webpage to register your child for 4K.
2025-26 School Calendar Released
The 2025-26 school calendar was approved the school board on January 13.
MASD Accepting Early Entrance Applications for Kindergarten 2025-26 School Year
The Mukwonago Area School District is accepting applications for early entrance to
Kindergarten through March 1, 2025. Early entrance evaluations will be conducted for children
who are not 5 years old by September 1, 2025, but will be 5 years old by October 1, 2025. The
child must meet criteria set by the district in the areas of social, emotional, academic, and
intellectual levels. More information can be found on the district website (Board Policy 5112).
Parents must request an application stating the child’s name, date of birth, parent name,
address, phone number and email address BY MARCH 1, 2025 to: The Mukwonago Area School
District-Student Services Department at 385 E Veterans Way, Mukwonago WI 53149, or via
email to berkagi@masd.k12.wi.us.
Mukwonago Area School District Preschool Screening March 10th, 2025
Do you have concerns about your child’s development?
The Mukwonago Area School District will conduct preschool screening for children between the ages of 3-5 years old, or children not attending 5 year old kindergarten. If you have concerns about your child's development, you are encouraged to register. If the child is not an MASD resident, they must be in an MASD school aged program. District staff will screen your child in the areas of cognitive development, personal/social skills, fine motor (small muscle), gross motor (large muscle), adaptive, speech/language, hearing, and vision.This screening is NOT 4K or 5K kindergarten screening. There is no cost, and takes approximately 45 minutes.
To schedule a required appointment, please contact Gina Berka at 262.363.6300 x24201, or by email at berkagi@masd.k12.wi.us.
March 10, 2025
Brooklife Church
857 S Rochester Street in Mukwonago
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
New Food Service Menu!
The Food Service Department is pleased to introduce My School Menus by Health-e Pro - a mobile app with interactive menus. My School Menus allows easy access to complete nutrition information for the school meal--anytime, anywhere.
You can download My School Menus Mobile App in the iTunes Store or the Google Play store. The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting the district website at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/organizations/2534.
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
The free/reduced-price lunch application is available through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. The primary household has the option to share the permissions (waiver) with other fees issued districtwide when completing the annual update. This option is selected yes/no on the household tab in the annual update, if this is not selected, no fees will be waived. Secondary households can apply for meal benefits, however only the primary household can apply for the fee waiver.
Mukwonago Area School District 2024-25 Student Fees
Please remember to pay any remaining student fees for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal to view any outstanding student and lunch fees. You can pay online through the portal or send a check to the school office.
Checks should be made payable to Mukwonago Area School District.
New Wisconsin Student Immunization Requirements
The Wisconsin Student Immunization Law recently changed. New vaccine requirements for Varicella and MenACWY (meningitis) were added which may affect your child's compliance with the law.
Please see the following summary of changes to the Wisconsin school immunization requirements linked below for the 2024-2025 school year for schools. The summary explains the differences between the prior requirements and the newly updated requirements. For summary of changes please visit: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p03370.pdf
In Wisconsin, if a parent does not wish to have their child vaccinated, they may seek either a religious waiver or personal conviction waiver. This is noted in step 4 of the Child Care Immunization Record attached here.
For immunization requirements, please visit: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/immunization/reqs.htm
School Notification of Absence
What is Zonar MyView?
View a real-time, map-based bus located for your child's bus route on your mobile device!
- Download the Zonar MyView app from the App Store or Google Play.
- Enter our district code (MASD1).
- Enter your child's school ID number.
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points.
When your child's bus enters an alert zone, you will receive notifications by email or text.
Click here to view full parent instructions for the Zonar MyView app or this brief guide with directions.
Technology information for families can be found at this link: Family Technology Resources
Internet Safety
Mukwonago Area School District has various options available to Parents/Guardians related to Internet Safety and monitoring student activity. For more information on how parents/guardians can take advantage of available options, please click this link.
Speak Up, Speak Out Confidential Reporting System
- MASD is proud to partner with the Wisconsin Department of Justice to use the new Speak Up, Speak Out (SUSO) confidential reporting system. SUSO allows students and parents to report weapons, threats of violence, bullying, sexual harassment, threat of suicide, drugs, and any other activity that could potentially endanger students, staff, and property. By using SUSO, students and parents can help keep schools safe, and it’s completely confidential.
Pets on School Grounds
We know that some of our families enjoy taking the opportunity to walk their children to or from school. If you choose to walk to and from school with your children, please leave your pets at home. Dogs and other pets are not allowed on school grounds without prior approval from the school principal.
Resources for Homeless Students and Families
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that ensures the right of students to go to school even when they are homeless or don’t have a permanent address. The Act aims to reduce barriers that have prevented many homeless youth from enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. The Mukwonago Area School District is committed to building and creating a supportive community for all families and students.
Mukwonago Community Bulletin Board
As a service to our community, don't forget that MASD hosts a virtual Community Bulletin Board that is regularly updated with information from organizations providing services or activities. Be sure to bookmark the page and watch Key News for Families all year long for updates!
Make a difference. Become a substitute at your child's school in our district!
Parents, this is a great opportunity to:
• Be involved in your child’s education and help out in your local schools
• Turn your volunteer hours into extra income
• Maintain a flexible schedule—work when and where you want
• Get paid weekly and take advantage of bonus opportunities
Please check out these links to learn more!
Information on substitute opportunity for parents.
Clarendon Avenue Elementary School
School Hours
8:30 am - 3:35 pm Monday through Friday
Website: Clarendon Avenue Elementary School
Location: 915 Clarendon Avenue, Mukwonago, WI, USA
Phone: 262-363-6286
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masdclarendon