Ivy Hill PTA Happenings
This Week...
- PTA Meeting January 15th with District 25 Superintendent Dr. Kaye
- 6:30pm Meet & Greet
- 7pm Meeting in the LMC
- Member Volunteer Opportunities: Chess Club and Book Club
Chess Club starting January 15 - See information below
Holiday Lights Drive through January 24
Book Club starting January 21 - See information below
PTA Meeting Wednesday January 15 with Dr. Kaye!!!
Please join us for the PTA General Meeting in the LMC of Ivy Hill at 6:30pm for a Meet and Greet followed by 7pm meeting.
Dr. Kaye, District 25 Superintendent, will be in attendance for both the Meet & Greet and the Meeting.
In addition, all in attendance will be voting on the PTA's amended budget.
Interesting in joining the PTA Board? Come to January's meeting to learn about open roles.
We need Volunteers! Chess Club is coming back on Wednesday, January 15th!
Chess Club is offered for 8 weeks and will run every Wednesday from January, 1/15- Wednesday, 3/05
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run the Club for grades 2-5. (You do not have to have a child in these grades to volunteer nor know how to play chess.) We WILL NOT RUN if we don't have volunteers.
The time commitment is 1 hour a week, every Wednesday from 1/15-3/05. Chess Club will be run during the lunch hour in the school library from 12:10pm-1:10pm.
Grades 2 and 3 will play at the same time, split from 4 and 5 playing. We request you stay for the entirety of the hour, even if your child(ren) are not playing at that moment.
You will need to get fingerprinted to volunteer (unless you were fingerprinted last year). See below for fingerprinting information.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Anna Russo at arusso921@gmail.com to reserve your spot, ASAP.
A signup for students to join Chess Club was emailed from the Ivy Hill Admin.
Member Volunteer Opportunities: Chess Club and Book Club!
Volunteers Needed!
If you are thinking about helping out, please read below about fingerprinting. You will NOT BE ALLOWED to volunteer for these activities until you follow this district protocol.
Volunteers (in certain situations) must be fingerprinted and have a background check every two years. Fingerprinting is done at the District Office, 1200 S. Dunton Avenue, located one block west of Arlington Heights Road. The front door is on Cypress Street in between Dunton and Arlington Heights Road. Please walk up to the front door, ring the doorbell, and let the person who answers the bell know you are here for fingerprinting. All you need to bring is your Driver's License. You can sign-up for a time to come in by clicking here. When you sign-up, please put your name with (Ivy Hill - Chess/BookClub/PTA) after your name. Fingerprinting should take no more than 30 minutes. Provided free of charge.
Book Club is coming back on Tuesday, January 21st!
Book Club is offered for 8 weeks and will run every Tuesday from January, 1/21- Tuesday, 3/11.
We will be reading the following books this year:
*3rd grade is reading Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
*4th grade is reading Teddy Mars: Almost a World Record Breaker by Molly B. Burnham
*5th grade is reading How to Survive Middle School by Donna Gephart
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run the Club for all 3 grades. Your child does not have to be in Book Club for you to be able to volunteer.
The time commitment is 1 hour a week, every Tuesday from 1/21-3/11. Book Club will be run during the lunch hour in the LMC 12:10pm-1:10pm.
You will need to get fingerprinted to volunteer (unless you got fingerprinted last year). See above for fingerprinting information.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email ivypresidentelect@gmail.com to reserve your spot!
A signup for students to join Book Club will be sent out soon.
Holiday Lights Drive
Drop off broken or unwanted string lights to the Ivy Hill front office Now through January 24.
Ivy Hill Spirit wear
Spirit Wear is always available for purchase, click the link below.
2024-25 Ivy Hill PTA Committee & Board Member Listing
Are you interested in planning an event? Being a liaison for Thomas Middle School or the School Board? Or reading the Spring Scholarship applications? If YES, take a look at the PTA Committee Sheet linked below. There are plenty of events happening this year and opportunities to be on a PTA Committee.
Members may add themselves to this sheet if they are interested in joining a committee this year.
If you are looking to volunteer time or donate items, watch for Sign Up Geniuses throughout the year as things come up. Some items are one time events (Ex: Fall Fest) and some are spread throughout the year (Ex: Staff Events). **This is NOT the sign up for Room Rep (room parents who plan parties).
Join the PTA!
- PTA provides the opportunity for parents to take an active role in their child's educational environment.
- PTA sponsors many school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night, Book Fair, Picture Day and Yearbooks.
- The PTA provides birthday books for all students.
- Opportunities to volunteer in your kids classroom and lunch periods.
- Get access to the school directory. (Please note the district compiles the directory and when it is available (typically Sept/Oct) those that signed up for it during PTA registration will receive an email how to set up the app.)
- Priority volunteer opportunities for school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night and Book Fair.
- Visit pta.org for membership discounts available.
To Register:
- Scan the QR code or click the link below to purchase a membership. https://ivyhill.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Yearbook Picture Submission
The Yearbook committee will be accepting the pictures from the following events to include in this year's yearbook:
Last School Year (2023-24)
- Field Day May 29, 2024
Current School Year (2024-25)
- Welcome to Kindergarten August 20, 2024
- New Family Welcome Night August 21, 2024
- Meet the Teacher and Ice Cream Social August 28, 2024
- First Day of School August 29, 2024
- Picture Day September 16, 2024
- Fall Fest September 20, 2024
- Movie Night September 27, 2024
- Fun Run October 9, 2024
- Halloween classroom parties October 31, 2024
- Class Musical Performances dates varies by grade
Please submit these photos to Megan Cook at ptayearbookivyhill@gmail.com
Thank You:
Thank you to the volunteers who have signed up for Book Club and Chess Club as these groups and events don't happen without parent volunteers. The students enjoy these clubs over the winter months. Thank you for your time commitment!
Now - January 24 - Holiday Lights Drive
Wednesday January 15 - Chess Club
Wednesday January 15 - PTA General meeting
- Tuesday January 21 - Book Club
- Friday January 31 - Favorite Color Spirit Day
- Wednesday February 5 - Internet Safety Parent Education
PTA General Meeting
Please join us for the PTA General Meeting in the LMC of Ivy Hill at 6:30pm for a Meet and Greet followed by 7pm meeting.
Dr. Kaye, District 25 Superintendent, will be in attendance for both the Meet & Greet and the Meeting.
In addition, all in attendance will be voting on the PTA's amended budget.
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 06:30 PM
Ivy Hill Elementary School, North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Contact Us
Email: ivyhillhappenings@gmail.com
Location: 2211 N Burke Dr, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Facebook: facebook.com/ivyhillelementarypta
Twitter: @ivyhillpta