STA News
September 3-6
Submit your child’s absence via email: staattendance@rdcrs.ca or call our attendance line 403-346-8951 press 1. Please provide students name, class and reason for absence.
2024/2025 School Supply Lists
Families, you can purchase the school supplies listed below directly from School Start (our official school supply company for your convenience - our school’s name is St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School, or you may utilize the same list to purchase your supplies locally. Remember, you can purchase parts of the additional section if your child already has supplies that are in good order from a previous year - please save money and the environment.
Order early, and you will be entered in one or more contests!
2024-2025 Supply Lists by Grade
Check the Athletic Calendar on our website for your team's schedule.
We STRESS that all kids have a TRUE indoor pair of shoes to help us preserve the newly waxed floor. If kids do not have a true indoor pair, they will have to do PE in socks!
Student Fees & Athletic Fees
Access School Fees/Forms section of the PowerSchool Parent portal (Rycor) at https://rdcrs.powerschool.com/public/home.html
Payments via the portal can be made by Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, or MasterCard Debit. Alternatively, payment can be made at your school in the form of cash or cheque payable to The Red Deer Catholic Separate School Division. Athletic forms have to be completed online through Rycor.
Welcome to SCHOOLOGY!
St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School uses Schoology in partnership with Powerschool, as an improved tool for reporting all students' progress.
We look forward to working towards using Schoology as a common reporting and communication system to allow parents and guardians to view your student's grades, attendance and comments on assignments and communicate with teachers.
Students, in particular middle school, are also able to access Schoology with their RDCRS account. They can communicate directly with their teachers for assignments, etc.
We have provided a few documents to assist you with Downloading the App, Getting Class Updates and Setting up Notifications.
**Please note: You will need to use the Login credentials provided earlier in the year. Please call the school if you need this information again. Click here for PARENT LOGIN.
Menus are available on our website. Please consider pre-ordering your child's lunch. When lunches are pre-ordered, your student's lunch will be ready for them at their lunch break.