Shadowlawn Scoop
School Newsletter Spring 2024
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Message from Principal Eliason
Last week Quarter 3 Report Cards went home. If you have not yet had the opportunity to do so please review the report card with your child. Ask your child what they are most proud of from this past quarter and what goals they will set for quarter 4. If you have any questions about your child's report card, please reach out to your child's teacher.
We hope that you are able to join us the night of April 2nd for our Candy Land-themed Family Literacy Night! Our literacy coach, Lisa Hendrix, along with many teachers and staff have planned a fun-filled night of literacy activities you can do at home with your child to support their reading and writing skills. Dinner will be served thanks to our partners at Pi Beta Phi, this organization does so much to support literacy in our school.
Thank you for your continued partnership,
Ms. Eliason
Important Dates
4/2 Family Literacy Night 5:30-7:00 PM
Now through 4/4: Book Fair in Media Center
4/9: 4th & 5th Grade State Writing Test
4/12: Grades 3-5 School Spelling Bee
4/12: Shadowlawn Chuck-E-Cheese Night
4/18: Kids on the Go Final Mile at Golden Gate High School 6:00-7:00 PM
4/25: Chick-fil-A Night 5:00-8:00 PM
4/25: Middle School Open House Night
4/26: 5th Grade Middle School Visits 10 AM
4/26: 5th Grade Career Day 12:30-3:00
5/10: PreK Stars On Tour & Kindergarten Roundup 9-10
State Assessment Calendar:
4/23-25: Grades K-2 Reading State Assessment
5/1-3: Grades 3-5 Reading State Assessment
5/7-9: Grades K-2 Math State Assessment
5/14-16: Grades 3-5 Math Sate Assessment
5/21: Grade 5 Science State Assessment
Literacy Week
Many thanks to our Literacy Coach, Lisa Hendrix, for organizing all the fun this week!
Shadowlawn Student Council Penny Drive
Leader in Me
Each month at SLE we focus on one of the 7 Habits of being an effective leader. During the month of March we focused on Habit 6: Synergyize and in April Habit 6: Sharpen the Saw. Take a moment to talk with your child about these habist and where they can apply it in their everyday lives at home and school.
Around the School
Safety Patrol of the Month
The Safety Patrol at Shadowlawn Elementary is an excellent program that allows fourth and fifth graders to learn and practice leadership, responsibility, and contribution on a daily basis! A variety of positions are available in both the AM and PM, during the beginning and end of the school day, that allow students to assist with the daily routines and functions of the school. Positions for rising fourth graders will be announced soon as well. Each month, one of our seahawk safety patrols is chosen to be out “Safety Patrol of the Month”. This student is recognized on our school news and given an award to acknowledge their outstanding contributions to the school. We’re very proud of our safety patrols at Shadowlawn!
If your 3rd, 4th or 5th grade is student is interested in the program, simply reach out to the school counselor for more information!
Kindergarten visited Farmer Mikes and learned the importance of growing and eating healthy food.
First Grade
First grade had a fun-filled month of celebrating all of the holidays in February. We celebrated Chinese New Year, Valentines Day, and even Dr. Suess’ birthday. We closed off the month with an extra day of Leap Year writing. Best month of the year!”
Second Grade
Second grade enjoyed our second round of clubs! Students sang along and broke down figurative language with Mr. Colon, wrote cards to celebrate staff birthdays with Ms. Denis, made and voted on Pumpkin Pie in a Cup with Ms. Rupert, and did gardening and campus cleanup with Ms. Mayorquin.
Third Grade
Third graders are learning about solar energy and energy transfer. They had a great time making their own solar oven in small groups to make s’mores and enjoyed eating them.
Fourth Grade
Hopppy Leap Day from 4th grade! Students got to complete various activities to compile and analyze data while learning about leap years. Did you know that every 4 years is considered a leap year and has 366 day in the calendar year. 4th grade families be sure to ask your students why we have leap years.
5th Grade
Related Arts: Art
Second and third graders have been working hard on their entries to the Keep Collier Beautiful Calendar Contest.
Also pictured are displayed Kindergarten through Fifth grade artwork from our Seahawks at Suncoast Credit Union Berkshire Commons branch! Kinder and first did an amazing job on their paper dragons for the Lunar New Year!! 2nd and 3rd learned about positive and negative space with their heart project. Fourth and fifth grades silhouette art is just out of this world!! Amazing work as always!!
Second and third graders have been working hard on their entries to the Keep Collier Beautiful Calendar Contest.
Also pictured are displayed Kindergarten through Fifth grade artwork from our Seahawks at Suncoast Credit Union Berkshire Commons branch! Kinder and first did an amazing job on their paper dragons for the Lunar New Year!! 2nd and 3rd learned about positive and negative space with their heart project. Fourth and fifth grades silhouette art is just out of this world!! Amazing work as always!!
Social Media & SLE Website
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.