The Mental Health Minute
October 15, 2023
From the CFISD Mental Health Intervention Team
Providing mental health information, resources and self care tips!
Anxiety can show up in lots of different ways, including headaches and stomachaches, extreme shyness and tantrums. Anxiety is a very general term used to describe a feeling of extreme worry or unease. Feeling anxious is natural after something upsetting happens. Learn more here from Child Mind Institute
10 Tips for Parenting Anxious Kids | Child Mind Institute - Child Mind Institute
How Anxiety Affects Teenagers
Signs of anxiety in adolescents, and how they're different from anxious children.
Self-Care Student Planner
Being organized and creating a routine can decrease your stress and anxiety levels. We believe that wellness is essential in every part of your life.
Calming Meditation for Identifying Feelings: Shape Sorter Visualization
The Trevor Project
You deserve a welcoming, loving world. And so do the people you care about. Here you can reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else.
The Harris Center Suicide Prevention Digital Toolkit
The Harris Center provides ongoing Mental Health Services. If you are in need of assistance, please visit our Services. If you are in immediate crisis, please use the 24/7 Crisis Hotline by calling 988.
NAMI Helpline Teen & Young Adult Resource Directory
The NAMI Teen and Young Adult (TYA) HelpLine is a free, nationwide teen and young adult peer-support
service providing information, resource referrals, and support to teens and young adults.
service providing information, resource referrals, and support to teens and young adults.
Adeli Minet Cortez
Adeli is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters