Manuel Jara ES Family Newsletter
May 13, 2024

Manuel Jara Administrative Team
Important Dates to Remember 🗓️
August 2024
This Week:
- August 26: Girls Inc Program Begins (Registered 3-5 only)
- August 26: MAP TESTING (K-5 Math) 🔴
- August 26: CLI/TX-KEA Testing Begins (PK-K)
- August 27: MAP TESTING (K-5 Reading English) 🔴
- August 28: MAP TESTING (K-5 Reading Spanish) 🔴
- August 28: House Spirit Day! 🖤💙💚🧡❤️
- August 29: MAP TESTING (5-Science) 🔴
- August 30: Teacher Planning Day-NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- September 3: YMCA After School Program Begins (Registered 3-5 only)
o Follow all traffic laws when entering and exiting the school driveways at arrival and dismissal.
o School zones are “cell phone free” zones.
o Be respectful of all staff members as they enforce our dismissal procedures.
Please note the following reminders regarding arrival:
o There is only one lane at drop off in the front of the building, this is the lane next to the sidewalk that leads directly to the building.
o The outside lane in the morning is reserved for our RISE/ECSE families.
o If you are walking to school, please use the sidewalks. It is not safe to use the hill and cross traffic, this is not allowed for safety purposes.
o The back of the building is another option for drop off in the morning.
o School starts at 7:50am so staff members will not be outside after this time.
Please note the following reminders regarding dismissal:
o You must have a “Pick up card” at dismissal or be prepared to park and enter the building with your ID.
o Please adhere to the directions of our staff as they make all attempts to keep everyone safe.
o Please do not stop or park in areas designated as “no parking or stopping” and/or “bus lanes.”
o Please stay behind the designated cones if you are walking to pick up your students.
Indoor Dismissal
o Indoor dismissal may be implemented for weather purposes.
o During indoor dismissal families will park and enter the building to pick up students from the classroom. Please supervise your students once they have been released to you.
o You MUST have a pick up card to pick up student's. A photo is not allowed.
o If you do not have a pick up card, please be prepared to report to the office with a photo ID. You must be listed as an authorized pick up person.
We appreciate your patience as we dismiss almost 600 students with safety as our top priority.
Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
Please remember that school doors do not open until 7:30am which is when staff come on duty. Please do not leave students outside of the school early to wait unsupervised. Unfortunately we do not have staff to supervise students prior to 7:30am.
Indoor Dismissal
Reminder that on rainy days or severe weather days that includes excessive heat, we will conduct an indoor dismissal. Parents and guardians must present their pick up card to enter the building and to pick up students. If you do not have a pick up card you will need to report to the front office with a valid ID. If you do not have a pick up card or ID students cannot be released due to safety reasons. Please make sure anyone that is authorized to pic up your child is listed in our system, if you need to add anyone you can contact the front office.
Birthday Celebrations
Families can drop off store bought and pre-packaged snacks or cupcakes for student birthday's. The items can be dropped off in the front office and staff members will deliver the items to the classroom. Celebrations are done in the classroom with teachers and students only at the end of the day to minimize disruption to instructional time.
Please do not bring balloons with your delivery since this causes a distraction in the classrooms.
Parent Conferences
Please let your students teacher know if you would like to request a conference to discuss the progress of your student and how you can best support them.
You can request a conference at any point in the year.
Report Cards
Student report cards are available in the Parent Portal. Please review your students report card and discuss the importance of academics. Please reach out to your students teacher for any questions or concerns regarding student grades.
Parent Portal
Please sign up for our parent portal so you have access to student report cards, attendance, and more important information. You can use the link below to sign up.