10/7/24 OG NEWS

October 7, 2024
I want to remind families about the importance of safety, particularly for those students who walk to and from school. With many of our students crossing St. Mary’s Road, we ask that you please take time to work with your children to ensure they understand and practice essential pedestrian safety. Encourage them to always look both ways before crossing and to be especially mindful of the hills along the road that can obstruct visibility for oncoming vehicles.
Additionally, I urge the entire community to help protect our students. If you notice any cars speeding or driving erratically near the school or in surrounding areas, please report it to law enforcement immediately.
Calling All Creative Minds!
All Oak Grove students are invited to design artwork for the National Blue Ribbon Assembly Program! This is your chance to showcase your artistic talents and represent our school's commitment to excellence. A winner from K-3 and 4-8 will be chosen.
Submission Guidelines:
Theme: National Blue Ribbon/Excellence in Education
Format: Digital artwork or hand-drawn designs on plain white paper:
minimum size of 5x7 (artwork will be digitized and resized for the program)
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Selected designs will be featured in the program and recognized at our awards ceremony!
Get creative, and let your imagination shine! For questions, reach out to Jennifer McBride mcbride@ogschool.org
Happy designing! 🎨✨
Student Prayer
We are committed to supporting the needs of our students, including providing an alternate space for those who require a place to conduct their prayers during the school day. If you have any questions please reach out to Ryan Murray at murray@ogschool.org to assist in ensuring that we are meeting your child's needs.
Social Emotional Screener
Every year, the universal screener SAEBRS (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) is administered. Students in grades 3-8 participate in this screener by answering questions related to Social, Academic, and Emotional behavior. Students complete the self-assessment by rating the frequency of their behaviors in the previous month, using a rating scale of Never, Sometimes, Often, and Almost Always. Students answer 20 questions from the three interrelated domains below:
All K-8 homeroom teachers also fill out a similar survey on each student. The data gathered from those surveys, along with information from staff members and parents, help to identify students in need of social-emotional interventions. Please be aware that all 3rd-8th grade students will complete this survey during the week of October 21.
As we approach the end of October, we are excited to share details about our upcoming Halloween events. Please click HERE for full details.
If you prefer for your child not to participate in the Halloween festivities, please reach out to Ryan Murray at murray@ogschool.org.
Cheer Tryouts
Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders! Cheer tryouts are being held this week on Tuesday and Wednesday (Oct 8 & 9). You will need a signed copy of the OGS Cheer Tryout & Informational Packet and a current physical on file. Meet outside of Nurse Jen's office after school.
Basketball Tryouts
7th and 8th Grade Boys' Basketball tryouts will be held on October 15 and 16 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Pat Patt Gym.
7th and 8th Grade Girls' Basketball tryouts will be held on October 16 and 17 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Jr. High Gym.
To try out, you must have a current sports physical on file in the school nurse's office. Remember to wear basketball clothing.
Questions about 7th-grade boys' basketball can be directed to walsh@ogschool.org
Questions about 8th-grade boys' basketball can be directed to callahan@ogschool.org
Questions about 7th-grade girls' basketball can be directed to izenstark@ogschool.org
Questions about 8th-grade girls' basketball can be directed to potter@ogschool.org
10/11/24 - Teacher Institute Day (No Student Attendance)
10/14/24 - Indigenous People Day (No Student Attendance)
10/22/24 - BoE Meetings; Committee of the Whole 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 6:45 pm (JH Cafe)
10/25/24 - Halloween Costume Party from 6:00 - 8:00 pm for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders presented by student council
10/31/24 - Halloween Parade starts at 8:45 (More details to come)
Games of the Week
10/7/24 - Cross Country - Lakeside Conference Meet 4:30 at Adler Park
10/11/24 - IESA Cross Country Sectional Meet 1:00 at Lakes Community High School
Looking for information about upcoming games or events? Please check the Oak Grove Athletics Calendar or contact our Athletic Director, Dave Karolewicz, at karolewicz@ogschool.org.
Please see the Oak Grove band website for the most updated information.
Event: Promoting Positive Student Behavior
OGS administration would like to invite all OGS families to a conversation to promote positive student behavior on October 24 at 6:30 pm in the Jr. High Cafeteria. Mr. O'Malley will share updates regarding OGS behavior practices and how families can support these practices to help students achieve maximum learning. Please respond HERE if you plan on attending. Reach out to Mr. O'Malley at omalley@ogschool.org with any questions or concerns.
Erin’s Law Pre-K-Grade 5
Please review this letter regarding SEL instruction being delivered to grades K-5. If you have any questions, reach out to assistant principal Joe O’Malley or SEL teacher Susie Kiefer.
On the morning of December 4, OGS Staff will get their photo taken for being a National Blue Ribbon Award school (yay for them!). They need help covering morning playground time (7:50-8:10) so all staff can participate in the photo. Sign up HERE to help out!
Get your Caramel Apple on! The PTO is thrilled to partner with Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to offer delicious caramel apples and chocolates. Order HERE through October 18.
We are looking for party volunteers for the K-4th grade Fall Parties on October 31. Click here to sign up!
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.