2024-2025 JNE Clubs
September 6th, 2024
All completed applications must be submitted by September 20, 2024.
Students who participate in organizations such as Student Council, NEHS, GT Enrichment Opportunities, etc. are still eligible to participate in one club.
Notably Neill Choir Club
Notably Neill Choir Club
Sponsor: Maryssa McMillan (email Maryssa.McMillan@fortbendisd.com)
Grade Levels: 4th and 5th
Maximum number of students: 40 total (20 5th graders, 20 4th graders)
Meeting Dates: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:25am-7:55am, with some afternoon rehearsals as necessary (plenty of notice will be provided ahead of time)
Dues: $20 (this covers shirts for performances, music, and materials)
Do you love to sing? Come see all the fun at Notably Choir Club! Notably Neill focuses on showing Longhorn PRIDE when we sing together for our school and community, as well as learning how to read choir and vocal music. Our club will meet before school on Tuesday and Thursdays from 7:25-7:55am, with some afternoon rehearsals as necessary (plenty of notice will be provided ahead of time). Notably Neill consists of select 4th and 5th grade singers. The member ship dues of $20 will cover the cost of our performance shirt, music, and materials. This club requires an audition, so please prepare the following materials: an a cappella song no longer than 15-30 seconds (such as Happy Birthday or Twinkle Twinkle Littler Star). Join the Notably Neill Choir and make some friends who also enjoy singing together!
UIL Club
UIL Club
Sponsor: Madison Legg (UIL Coordinator) E-mail:Madison.legg@fortbendisd.gov
Grade Levels: 2nd – 5th
Max number of students: 3-5 in each team (ONE team per child)
Meeting Dates: See chart below for teams. Meeting dates TBD by coaches (tentatively Tuesdays)
**Disclaimer: Coaches will likely have to hold an audition before officially selecting any students for a team; each coach will make that call based on their registration numbers. Auditions will consist of a lite version of the competition, and study materials/practice(s) may be offered.
· Art - 4th and 5th Grades
· Creative Writing – 2nd Grade
· Music Memory – 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades
· Number Sense - 4th and 5th Grades
· Oral Reading – 4th and 5th Grades
· Storytelling – 2nd and 3rd Grades
Students must commit to attending the competitions on Saturday, December 7th, and Saturday, April 12th (tentatively). We encourage you to reserve the hours of 8AM-4:30 PM on these dates, just in case. If this is not possible for you, please do NOT register your child as we are only allowing enough students to compete on each team.
The University Interscholastic League (UIL) is an organization that hosts academic contests for public primary and secondary schools across Texas. Neill will be competing in the categories above, but please note the different meeting times of Art/Music (morning practices) compared to Creative Writing, Storytelling, Number Sense, and Oral Reading (after school). The first meeting will be an information session to go over club requirements. THREE to FIVE students from each grade level will be selected to compete in the District Competitions. Please note that this club is for students serious about preparing for the competition; students who do not comply will not be permitted to remain in the club.
More info here: https://promo.com/share/5d4cef21861eda7c12319082?utm_source=v1_shareDialog2_copy&utm_source=old_share_page_share_dialog
Students must commit to attending the competitions on Saturday, December 7th, and Saturday, April 12th (tentatively). We encourage you to reserve the hours of 8AM-4:30 PM on these dates, just in case. If this is not possible for you, please do NOT register your child as we are only allowing enough students to compete on each team.
Broadcast Club
Broadcast Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Kuperman E-mail: Jennifer.Kuperman@fortbendisd.com
Grade Levels: 4th & 5th
Meeting Dates: 2 Week Shifts, 7:45 a.m.- 8:15 a.m.
Dues: N/A
Our broadcast team is open to any student in the 4th or 5th grade who would like to learn about and assist us with broadcasting our morning news. Each shift will be for 2 weeks and will take place from 7:45 – 8:15 every morning. Duties include serving as an Anchor, Reporter, Camera Operator, and Audio/Visual fader. In order to be considered, students must maintain a grade average above a 70, exhibit good behavior, and display our Longhorn PRIDE. Additionally, during the tenure of their shift, they need to be on campus by 7:45am each morning.
Coding Club
Coding Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Kuperman E-mail: Jennifer.Kuperman@fortbendisd.com
Grade Levels: 3rd; 4th & 5th
Meeting Dates: Every other Thursday until 5:00 p.m.
Dues: N/A
Coding Club is broken into two groups: 3rd Grade Club and 4th & 5th Grade Club. FBISD Coding Clubs exist to nurture the technical and interpersonal skills used in computer programming. We will primarily have students work in Turtle Art and Scratch to create animations and video games. FBISD Coding Clubs Curriculum is an in-house developed curriculum that builds skills off various resources. Students need a level of proficiency with some coding skills to complete tasks. The opportunity of performance is a must and students may have an opportunity to participate in various competitions and challenges to showcase what they have learned through the club. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptop, but it is NOT required. Clubs meet every other THURSDAY until 5pm. Maximum Number for each group is 20.
Fit Club
Fit Club
Sponsor: Mark Sartain E-mail: Mark.Sartain@fortbendisd.com
Grade Levels: Fit club is for 4th and 5th graders. We can take up to 30 students.
Meeting Dates: We will meet every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. 7-7:30am in the gym (please arrive at the bus ramp doors)
Dues: N/A
Fit club is a great way to get in shape and learn exciting ways to exercise. We will also work on our flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.
Robotics Club
Robotics Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Kuperman E-mail: Jennifer.Kuperman@fortbendisd.com
Grade Levels: 4th & 5th
Meeting Dates: Every Tuesday until 5:00 p.m.
Dues: N/A
Robotics Club is open only to 4th & 5th Graders who have experience in block coding using Scratch, Turtle Art, and Blockly. FBISD Robotics Clubs exist to nurture the technical and interpersonal skills used in computer programming. We utilize Lego Mindstorms EV3 Robots and its subsequent software to program it. Students need a level of proficiency with block coding as well as to have strong problem-solving skills to complete tasks and challenges. Students will apply algorithmic thinking to robotics so they can utilize block coding to have robot solve or complete various problems or tasks. The opportunity of performance is a must and students will be expected to participate in FBISD’s Robotics competition in the Spring. Students must be able to commit to weekly meetings as space is limited. Robotics Club meets every TUESDAY till 5pm. Maximum Number is 18. Click the link below to sign up!
Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination
Sponsor: Daisy Turcotte E-mail: daisy.turcotte@fortbendisd.gov
Grade Levels: 3rd – 5th
Max number of students: Competition teams of 2 – 7 members, each team will need a parent coach.
Meeting Dates: TBD by sponsor and parent coaches
Dues: N/A
This is for students who love solving problems and having fun! We will become better at creative and critical thinking, idea generation, and teamwork. There are a mandatory competitions. that will occur as teams progress through different levels of competition.
Gulf Coast Regional Tournament
Dulles High School (Fort Bend ISD)
550 Dulles Ave.
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Date: To Be Determined
University of Texas at Arlington
701 S Nedderman Dr.
Arlington, TX 76019
Dates: March 28-29, 2025
Global Tournament Kansas City, MO
Dates: TBD
We will be seeking parent coaches to assist these teams as well as provide materials to use as much of the competition preparation occurs outside of school. https://www.destinationimagination.org/ for more info or you can email Daisy.Turcotte@fortbendisd.gov with questions! Before the club begins, there will be a parent meeting as well to review the competition details, family and student involvement, and requirements to participate in the competition. Once we have a list of interested participants, more specific communication will be provided.
Garden Club
Garden Club
Sponsors: Stephanie Hampton and Nicole Juracek 4th & 5th Grade
Nicole Juracek and Hipatia Paz 2nd & 3rd Grade
E-mail: Stephanie.Hampton@fortbendisd.gov/ hipatia.paz@fortbendisd.gov/ nicole.juracek@gmail.com
Grade Levels:/ Two Groups:
Group 1: 4th & 5th
Group 2: 2nd & 3rd
Meeting Dates:
Group 1: 4th & 5th Grade will meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month after school, until 5:00 p.m.
Group 2: 2nd & 3rd Grade will meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month after school, until 5:00 p.m.
Dues: $20
This club is for kids who enjoy playing in the dirt. You will learn the basics of gardening and growing food, flowers, succulents and much more. We will be sampling food from the garden. We will also harvest and bring some produce and plants home. Our club is open to two groups : a 2nd & 3rd Grade Group and a 4th & 5th Grade Group. The Garden Club will require a $20 fee for materials.
Cheer Club
Sponsors: Candice Williams, Alicia Wallace, Valentina Pruitt
E-mail: Candice.Williams@fortbendisd.gov / Alicia.Wallace@fortbendisd.gov / valentina.martinezfi@fortbendisd.gov
Grade Levels: 3rd– 5th
Meeting Dates: Practice schedules will be determined and posted on our club BAND based on enrollment and shared with parents at our Parent Meeting once clubs have been formed. Practices will typically be held every other Thursday after dismissal on campus until 5:00 pm.
Dues: $115 (if new to the team), $15 (returners-if you need a new size for a uniform item we can let you know the price)
Welcome to the Lil’ Longhorn Cheerleading squad! Our JNE Cheer Club is designed to give 3rd – 5th grade students the opportunity to spread school spirit by learning cheers, chants, motions, and jumps, as well as preforming at various school sponsored and community events. This year our group will be capped at 25 cheerleaders. If we have an abundance of interest we will host tryouts to make our team.
Art Club
Art Club
Sponsors: Nalan Ergul and Abigail Jameson
E-mail: Nalan.Ergul@fortbendisd.com / Abigail.Jameson@fortbendisd.com
Grade Levels: 4th & 5th
Meeting Dates: 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Dues: $20 for supplies and a club t-shirt
Art Club will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. for 4th and 5th graders. We will explore and create higher level art projects that require an extended art process. A $20 art club fee will pay for the materials that will be used in our projects. This club is for students who like to be challenged and get messy (at times) with different art mediums.
Rockin' Longhorns
Rockin' Longhorns
Sponsor: Staci Waites
Grade Levels: 4th & 5th
Club is closed.
The Rockin’ Longhorns is our Instrumental Music Club. We play keyboard and percussion instruments, and we love to perform on our campus and in the community. This is a very involved club with required
attendance, a dedicated Schoology course, a fundraiser and some extra rehearsals and
performances on weekends. The Rockin’ Longhorns is open to current 4th and 5th graders, we will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 5:00pm and the dues will be $100 (this includes the shirts and pants that will be our performance uniform).