Lionsgate Foundation
Spring 2024 Newsletter

Thanks to All!
As the school year comes to a close, the Lionsgate Foundation Board celebrates our incredible donors who gave so generously in 2024. We’ve had a wonderful response from folks who attended Pickin’ for Autism and our annual Community Breakfast fundraiser. Other gifts came through the Foundation website and from donor advised funds via investment groups. We are pleased to share that the Foundation received nearly $65,000 so far this year. We are particularly grateful to Lionsgate Academy (LGA) families who made significant contributions.
Lionsgate Academy Graduation
During the last week of May, celebrations were held at all four LGA programs to honor 67 graduates who are ready for the next stage of their lives. This included 25 from Minnetonka, 22 from Shoreview, 2 from the Lynx program, and 18 from AIM (serving 18 to 22 year olds). During the ceremonies, each student received a yellow rose and an introduction from a favorite staff member of their choosing.
Spring Fundraisers
April is a busy month for the Foundation Board and its many volunteers. Both Pickin’ for Autism and the Annual Community Breakfast were well attended and well supported by our donors.
Pickin' for Autism
Pickin’ was at a new venue this year, Minneapolis Cider Company, and the music and food were delightful. Extra thanks to LGA staff, who have directed this event for many years: Kristi Person, Ms. Larson, Meta Thomas, and Elisabetta Sambrotta.
Annual Community Breakfast
The breakfast was held on April 26 at the Metropolitan Club and had a number of key speakers including three LGA students, LGA parents Lisa and Nic Zapko, and Ellie Wilson, Executive Director of the Autism Society of Minnesota. LGA staff and breakfast committee members, including Janet Ha, Heather Adams, Lisa Moss, Meta Thomas, Rachel Boyack, Erin Byers, Terri Brey, Hala Asamarai, Joe Timmons, Lindsey Rose, and Jeffery Osterhout, worked very hard to put the program together.
Breakfast Fundraiser Volunteer Needed!
Lionsgate Foundation is looking for a volunteer to join their Breakfast Fundraiser Committee. The breakfast is an annual event that raises funds for Lionsgate Academy and there is currently a need for an "understudy" to the Breakfast Fundraiser Committee chairperson. The understudy's role is to join the committee for the 2024-25 school year to learn the ropes and then they would take over as chairperson for the 2025-2026 event. If you or someone you know would like to join this amazing team and help put together our upcoming Breakfast Fundraiser event, please contact Lisa Moss at lmoss@lgamn.org.
"Continuing" Education
Thanks to our donors who support continuing education for LGA staff. This year, we are providing funds to assist 11 individuals currently seeking advanced education and new licensures. Each is eligible for increased duties and increased salaries upon receiving their credentials. Nearly $25,000 of funding will support continuing education for these staff. Their programs include:
St. Thomas: Masters ABS License (X2)
Bethel: Work Based Learning License
Portfolio: SpEd Licensure and ABS (X2)
St. Thomas: Educational Admin/Principal Licensure
Bethel: Director of Special Education
Mankato State: Graduate Degree with emphasis in DCD and ASD
St. Scholastica: Master of Arts in Education with a certificate in Culturally Responsive Teaching
St. Thomas: ABS Special Ed. License/UST Charter Program
Bethel: SPED Studies Degree
Proposals Funded
Highlights of proposals funded in 2024 thanks to generous donations to Lionsgate Foundation!
The Shoreview campus has revamped its physical education equipment with the purchase of durable, commercial quality treadmills that students love, especially when they are walking or jogging uphill. In the gym, two additional backboards are being added to increase the number of students who play basketball at any given time.
Also at Shoreview, several staff and students are in the process of building a sophisticated sensory garden. It has been created to increase innovative sight, smell, and touch experiences and to develop skills that can be used later in life. As you can see in the below diagram, the ambitious program includes dozens of plants and other elements that will make the garden a showpiece outside the school.
Sensory Garden Planning
Sensory Garden Shopping Trip
Sensory Garden Progress
At the Minnetonka campus, the resource-room coffee-cart is going strong. Students are using it to provide tasty beverages to staff and learning how to order supplies, use a cash register, and provide skilled customer service.
At AIM, plans are underway to increase vocational skills in students with the addition of a laser cutter. This will allow students to add to their technology knowledge that now includes 3D printing and Cricut, a digital die-cutting machine.
Staff at Lynx are preparing to improve their work spaces with the addition of closet organizers and new shelving. Lynx programming has really grown in the recent past and efficiently using available classrooms and offices is more important than ever.
Finally, the foundation purchased colorful lawn signs that were distributed to all the LGA graduates. Thanks to Callie’s mom, Melaina Bjorkland for arranging this.
Board Documentation
For the last many years, the Foundation Board has operated with dated and incomplete legally required documents for state and Federal purposes. Seeing this, Lois Hall, board vice chair, worked with a local law firm to bring our “paperwork” up to date with what is required by law. This includes articles of incorporation, by-laws, and additional processes and procedures that will be useful when we have board turnover. These materials will be added to the website soon for interested parties to read. Thanks to Lois for doing such a thorough job, and to other board members who contributed to updating these important documents.
How to Give
The best way to give, other than during our fundraisers, is at:
We accept credit cards, Venmo, and checks.
No donation is too small!
Foundation Membership
Lionsgate Foundation Board of Directors
Joe Timmons | Chair
Lois Hall | Vice Chair
Lindsey Rose | Secretary
Aaron Leisen | Treasurer
Diane Restorff
Liz Pearson
Cristal Ratliff
Cynthia Kerr
Julie Tarshish
Hala Asamarai
Lionsgate Foundation Volunteers
Kelly Kausel
Terri Brey
Meta Thomas
Lisa Moss
Heather Adams
Erin Byers
Michelle Jirik
Janet Ha
Rachel Boyak
Jeffrey Osterhout
Looking for Members
Lionsgate Foundation is a dedicated group of Lionsgate family, friends, and staff who share a passion for this school and community. If you, too, love Lionsgate, please consider giving back by becoming involved with the Lionsgate Foundation.
Complete the form below to express your interest in learning more about opportunities to be involved with the Lionsgate Foundation.
Board Meetings
The Foundation meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The meetings are in person and online and the public is invited to attend. Contact us if you would like to attend a meeting or learn more about the foundation: info@lionsgatefoundation.com