Emmett Middle School
May 2024
Wrapping up
As the school year draws to a close, it's a bustling time filled with finals, festivities, and end of the year wrap ups. If your student is involved in any of the upcoming events, further details will be provided. Here is a brief summary of what is going on at EMS.
May 15th
5th grade visit 9:30am-11am
May 17th
Honor Roll Field Trip
May 20th
Finals for 3rd and 6th
May 21st-
Finals for 2nd and 5th
May 22
Honor Roll Assembly
8th grade Field Trip
May 23rd
Finals for 1st and 4th
Chromebook Collection
Locker Clean out
ISAT Growth Field Day
May 24th
Talent Show
Pep Assembly
Yearbook Distribution and Signing
May 20- 3rd and 6th periods
May 21- 3rd and 5th periods
May 23- 1st and 4th periods
8th Grade Trip
The EMS field trip for all qualifying* 8th graders will be on Thursday, May 22, 2024 from 9:00am-2:30pm. Students will be notified if they do not qualify and will have the opportunity to petition to attend.
The total cost for each student is $26. Each student will need to order a sack lunch from school, bring their own lunch or bring money to purchase a meal at Wahooz. Donations will be accepted to help students who cannot afford to attend. Students will need to follow the school dress code.
The permission slip and fee is due to the main office by Friday, May 17th . If writing a check, please make it payable to EMS. If you would be interested in chaperoning, please contact Mrs. Dawson at ddawson@isd221.net, or indicate so at the bottom of the permission slip.
Honor Roll Trip
Frontier Cinema is hosting all EMS honor roll students on the morning of May 17th where they will be able to watch a movie and purchase concessions. We are very grateful to them for working with us to provide this opportunity for our hard working super stars.
ISAT update
The ELA and Science ISAT assessments have concluded for most of the student body, and now we're gearing up for the Math ISATs on Tuesday, May 7th. Students are eagerly anticipating their scores and are enthusiastic about the progress they've made. Encourage your student to discuss their growth scores with you.
ISAT Growth Incentives
Growth Field Day
During the afternoon of May 23, we will celebrating each student who showed growth on their ELA and/or Math ISAT test. Several of our wonderful teachers are working hard to put together an afternoon full of fun activities and prizes such as Dutch Bros and Fiz gift cards, as well as the opportunity to throw a pie at a teacher.
For every 10-point increase in scores on the ELA and Math ISATs, students will receive a ticket that can be redeemed for various prizes and activities. Students will also receive additional tickets if they score a proficient or advanced on the Math, Science, or ELA ISAT.
If you would like to volunteer during the growth field day and/or donate to our celebrations, please reach out to Debbie Dawson at ddawson@isd221.net.
Exempt Finals
Dates to Remember
May 6-10 -
Teachers Appreciation Week
May 7
Math ISAT Day
May 13
Board Meeting
May 15
5th grade Visit
May 17
Honor Roll Field Trip
May 20
Finals 3rd and 6th
May 21
Finals 2nd and 5th
May 22
Honor Roll Assembly
8th grade field trip to Wahooz
May 23
Finals 1st and 4th
Locker clean out
Growth Field Day
May 24
Talent Show
Pep assembly
Yearbook Distribution and Signing
End of 4th Quarter
Last day for Students
Unlocking Campus Connections
Navigating School Contacts for students, parents, and beyond
Academics Debbie Dawson, Principal: ddawson@isd221.net
Attendance: Kimi Goslin, attendance secretary: kgoslin@isd221.net
Before/After School: Shannon Anderson, director: sanderson@isd221.net
Disciplinary concerns: Larry Nigro, Vice Principal: lnigro@isd221.net
Library Books & Chromebooks: Kelley Lankford, librarian: klankford@isd221.net
Medical: Jeanne Anderson, nurse: janderson@isd221.net
EMS Counseling appointments: Heidi Clark, Registrar: hclark@isd221.net
Sports: Mark Weekes, athletic director: mweekes@isd221.net
Student Council: Dana Williams, adviser: dwilliams@isd221.net
Study Hall/Genius Time: Shannon Anderson, coordinator: sanderson@isd221.net
Testing: Brent Becker, Instructional Coach: bbecker@isd221.net