Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 3 September 6, 2024
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: SuperReaders!
Pick up reminder
A friendly reminder that if you are picking up along Silverbrook Drive after school, families should park along the west side of Silverbrook Drive. We do not want students to be walking across the street. If students need to cross, they should use the intersection at Silverbrook and Washington Street or Silverbrook and Walnut street. Thank you!
STAR testing next week
Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade will be administered the STAR assessments. The STAR assessments will be used to screen students for their reading and math achievement levels and support teachers to meet the needs of all learners. All STAR assessments are computer adaptive. Computer adaptive tests (CATs) continually adjust the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question based on the child’s previous response. If the child answers a question correctly, the difficulty level of the next item is increased. If the child misses a question, the difficulty level is decreased. CATs save testing time and spare your child the frustration of items that are too difficult and the boredom of items that are too easy.
If you would like to learn more about the STAR 360 assessments use the links below:
For a Parent’s Overview from Renaissance Learning for STAR 360 click HERE
For more information on:
Students at Silverbrook will be taking the STAR assessments three times a year. Our first administration of the assessment will be on September 11th for reading and September 12th for math. The assessments take 15-25 minutes, and will be completed during the traditional class times. Please encourage your son or daughter to give their best effort on the assessment, as teachers use the feedback from STAR to guide their lesson planning.
Your child’s results will be available via Skyward Family Access and you will be notified when this information is ready for you.
Silverbrook Spirit Wear-put in body
Silverbrook Spirit Wear is available for purchase!
Please use this link to shop our fabulous shirts and hoodies! The store will be open through Friday, 9/6, until 11:59pm.
Second Step
Week of 9/9/2024
5th Grade
Unit Description: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
For the next few weeks, social-emotional learning will focus on helping students develop skills for learning. Students will learn how to pay attention and manage distractions so that they can be focused learners in the classroom. They will work to develop a growth-mindset and to apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
Lesson: The Right Goal for Me
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to set a goal that's right for them. A goal that's right for someone is specific, challenging, doable, and motivating.
Try This at Home: Ask your child what their goal is and how they know it’s right for them. Encourage them to describe why it’s motivating to them. Talk to your child about a goal you reached in the past and why you chose that goal.
West Bend Color Guard
To~ CURRENT 5 TH , 6 TH Graders (2024-2025)~ Silverbrook Color Guard
If you’re interested in learning how to spin color guard equipment… tall flags, rifles, sabers, and swing flags, you’ll want to join Silverbrook’s Color Guard. Your time will be spent working on basic skills such as spins, slams, tosses, dance technique and marching.
The color guard performs throughout the year at various events…parades/assemblies. This year the color guard is planning to participate in the following: Homecoming Parade (10/11), Christmas Parade (12/1), Memorial Day Parade (5/26), 4th of July Parade, and Loyalty Day Assembly. This group will practice [3:10-4:10] every Wednesday for six weeks to work on basics in 6 Green…September 11, 18, and 25, October 2, 9, and 16. For the remainder of the school year, color guard rehearsals will be scheduled on an as needed basis (typically before the next parade or performance). Please email Mrs. Nienow at knienow@wbsd-schools.org or call/text 262-483-9488 if you have any questions. To sign up, please complete the Color Guard form attached and return to Mrs. Nienow or Silverbrook’s office along with a completed community/club contract.
Upcoming school activities
Week of 9/9
September 11
- STAR Reading Test
September 12
- STAR Math Test
- PTO Meeting @ Silverbrook Library (6:30-7:30) Mrs. Wimmer will be attending to discuss Facilities plan