Roadrunner Review
Roadrunners are safe, respectful and responsible.
October 4, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
- October 9: Detroit Tigers Spirit Day
- October 14-18: Be a Buddy not a Bully Week
- October 25: Trunk or Treat (6-8pm)
- October 25: Popcorn Day
- October 31: Half day (Dismissal is at 11:40am)
- November 13: Picture retake day
Roadrunner Red Day
Every Friday, we encourage our students, staff and families to wear Roadrunner spirit wear and/or red to celebrate being a Roadrunner. Of course we also have some fun with it and add a little competition. Each Friday, we select the 3 classes with the most Roadrunner red spirit. We select one winning class to represent grades (k-2), (3-5) and McGrath. Each winning class proudly gets a Roadrunner flag displayed outside of their classroom for the following week to show off their Roadrunner spirit. Don't forget to wear your red on Fridays.
Congratulations to this week's winning classes! See pictures below.
Our Roadrunner on-line store will be open very soon. We will let you know as soon as our on-line store is open to purchase Roadrunner spirit wear.
Go Roadrunners!
Roadrunner Red Day (K-2) Winner:
Mrs. Moore's Kindergarten Class
Roadrunner Red Day (3-5) Winner:
Mrs. Henry's 5th Grade Class
Roadrunner Red Day McGrath Winner:
Mrs. Bennett's Class
Roadrunner Store
Be a Buddy Not a Bully Week
Trunk or Treat
Popcorn Day
October 31st - Costume Parade
Our students will be participating in a costume parade on October 31st during school hours. Please note that October 31st is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:40 am. The costume parade is for students only. Our Trunk or Treat event on October 25th is our family event. Please review the list below for costume expectations:
Costume expectations
Age appropriate costume
No weapons/No look-a-like weapons
Costume masks are permitted. However, teachers/staff may ask students to remove costume masks during class if it prevents them from participating in learning.
Minimal costume face make-up is permitted. Full face costume make-up and body make-up is not permitted.
3rd Grade DIA Field Trip
Learning Centers
Picture Day Fun
Roosevelt-McGrath Broadcast Team
Our Roadrunner Flag Football Team and our Cheer Team
Wayne County Enhancement Millage on November Ballot
Please read this message from Acting Superintendent Jennifer Curry with information regarding the Wayne County Enhancement Millage that will be on the November 5 ballot.
Emergency Protocols
We are committed to keeping our families informed about essential emergency preparedness procedures to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. This includes guidance on what actions to take (and what to avoid), the timeline to expect during a lockdown, and an overview of the safety drills conducted across our schools each year.
The District Crisis Team has developed these important documents and they are posted on our district website. We encourage all families to review this information to be fully prepared and informed.
Please take a few moments to go over these materials, so we can work together to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
OK2SAY Celebrates 10 Years of Contributing to Safer Schools
Wayne-Westland Community Schools is proud to participate in OK2SAY, and to recognize their decade of serving as a resource for students, school employees and schools.
Since its launch in September 2014, OK2SAY has received over 56,000 tips identifying students in crisis and helping to prevent school violence. The top five cumulative tip categories have been suicide threats, bullying, drugs, other (anxiety, depression, harassment), and planned school attacks. OK2SAY is available 24/7, and tips can be submitted in the following ways:
Important: Early Student Pick-up
Please do not pick-up children between 2:45 and 3:20pm.
We respect that some appointments or obligations will require you to pick-up your child(ren) early from school. If you have an appointment and you must pick up your child early, please expect delays and please come before 2:45 pm. In the spirit of safety, our dismissal process involves all staff and it is very difficult to have staff get a student early from their classroom and bring them to the office between 2:45 and 3:20 pm. Please do not pick-up children between 2:45 and 3:20pm. This greatly affects our safe and efficient dismissal process. We do not have extra staff to easily get students from class prior to our 3:20 dismissal. Thank you for your continued support. Go Roadrunners!
Parent Volunteers
We love our volunteers! There will be many opportunities during the year to volunteer at school. **Reminder** All volunteers such as helping in the classroom or field trips are required to have a background check before helping with any events. It is free. Thank you. Volunteers must fill out a new background check every school year.
Our main office can provide you with the form or you can click on this link: https://www.wwcsd.net/downloads/district/volunteer-background-check-acknowledement-form.pdf
Student Medication at School
Does your student need medication administered during the day?
Parents must complete a medication form for any student medication at school.
We cannot administer any medication to students unless we have this form completed and on file at school. This includes prescriptions and over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Rolaids, Benadryl...etc. Please call the main office (734-419-2720) if you have any questions.
Now Hiring Bus Drivers
- Wayne-Westland Community Schools is actively hiring school bus drivers! Join our team and make a difference in students' lives. We offer paid CDL training, competitive benefits, and a rewarding career helping students get to and from school safely. Apply here today!
Champions Before and After School Childcare
Enroll today at 1-800-246-2154 or www.discoverchampions.com!
If you are approved for state child care assistance or food stamps care could be FREE! Call us for more information today!!
Call today at 734-776-8983 or 1-800-246-2154 and visit our website at www.discoverchampions.com today to learn more!
Student Birthday and Holiday Snacks
Birthdays and holidays are very important. We understand and respect that parents want to send things to classrooms to celebrate birthdays. We encourage families to send fun pencils, books, fun markers, stickers...etc. In the spirit of safety, do not send food items such as cupcakes and cookies to celebrate birthdays. We are a NUT FREE school. Thank you for supporting safety.
Care Solace-Free Service for Student and Families
A reminder for our school community, Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided by the Wayne-Westland Community School District. This service is FREE to students, families and staff. Care Solace helps connect individuals to mental health or substance abuse providers by locating a therapist that meets their specific needs. Note: Care Solace is not a crisis line. They will call providers for you, verify insurance, and even help you make an appointment. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595. Support is available 24/7/365 in any language.
Visit caresolace.com/wwcsd and search yourself or click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Care Solace is not a crisis service. If you or a loved one are experiencing an emotional crisis or thoughts of suicide, support is available. The National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provide free, confidential support and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For those experiencing a suicidal crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling or texting 988 on your phone, or visit 988lifeline.org/chat/ to chat with a trained mental health professional, who can provide help.
Click me to follow us on our Facebook page.
Click me to view our District Calendar.
Click me to view information about Safety Drills.
Click me to view information about Nut Free school expectations.
Click on me to view our Fish Free school expectations.
Click me to view information about mental health or substance abuse for Families.
Click me to view information regarding how to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities.
Click me to view information about our PTO.
Contact Us
Email: Sandss@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/roosevelt/
Location: 36075 Currier Street, Wayne, MI, USA
Phone: 734-419-2720
Fax: 734-595-2126
Attendance Line: 734-419-2727 (reporting a student absence)
Office Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.