Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
August 30, 2021
a note from the principal
COVID Update
We have been notified that two students in our school have tested positive for COVID-19. The two cases are connected and were not transmitted at school. Through our contact tracing protocol, we have identified and notified all families whose students have had close contact with the students who tested positive. The students with the confirmed case and any other student not properly masked who had close contact with them will not return to the building for at least 10 days. Classes for all other students will resume tomorrow. If you have not been personally contacted, it means your student was NOT in close contact with the COVID-19 cases. Your student may come to school unless they are feeling sick or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, including shortness of breath, coughing, fever or chills, congestion, sore throat, diarrhea, abdominal pain, body aches, and loss of taste or smell.
The Fall Book Fair is Here!
We are so excited to be hosting an in-person book fair for the first time in a couple of years! Even though this book fair will be “student only,” there are plenty of ways for your family to get involved. You can sign up for a zoom time on Tuesday evening or Wednesday during the day. In the zoom you can direct Ms. Hartley to show you items you are interested in. You can view videos and photographs of the fair in our public Google Drive with your family and submit wish lists based on what you see. In that same drive you can see what books the teachers are asking for in their classrooms. We also have cash-less options, including the e-wallet and the online store. Please see THIS letter for more info, which is also posted on the Easley homepage. Please have a conversation with your child about what you would like for them to buy. There are many tempting “non-book” items at the fair that kids are attracted to. You can fill out parent wish lists in the Google Drive or you can send a note with your preferences and limits for those items with your child. All sales are final. The book fair will last all this week, closing on Friday Aug 27th at 1:00. Please reach out to caroline_hartley@dpsnc.net with any questions you have.
School Improvement Team Meetings
Wednesday, September 8 @ 5:40 PM via Zoom
Thursday, October 21 @ 5:30 PM via Zoom
Wednesday, November 17 @ 5:30 PM via Zoom
Wednesday, December 15 @ 5:30 PM via Zoom
Duke Concessions
Duke Football Concessions have been a big fundraiser for Easley in recent years and we are partnering with them again this year. Typically we bring in about $10,000 for the season. Sara Harrell is the PTA chair/ stand manager for this fundraiser. The time commitment for most games is approximately 6 hours. Game times that have been announced are listed with times. Times TBA will be posted as soon as possible. It's it usually am mix of parents and staff who work the games and it really is a pretty fun time and a great way to connect with other parents and staff members. If you are interested in working a game, you can sign-up HERE.
Outdoor Seating for Lunch
We are looking at options to create more outdoor seating for lunch time. Please be on the lookout for ways you can support this effort.
Mark Your Calendars - Early Release Day and Teacher Workday
Wednesday, September 15th is an Early Release Day and students will be dismissed two hours early at 12:15 PM. Thursday, September 16th is a Teacher Workday and there will be no school for students. Fall break starts on Monday September 20th.
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. Current monthly promotion is - Save $5 off any order of $35 or more with code HOTSAVINGS