Tiger News

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
October 4, 2024
CMIT North Elementary Tiger's 6th Annual Health Awareness & Fitness Day/Fall Festival!
Join us for the CMIT North Elementary School Fall Festival/Health Awareness & Fitness Day on Saturday, November 9, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm! This exciting event will feature a variety of health-related activities, vendor booths, fitness demonstrations, and family-friendly fun.
Whether you're interested in promoting wellness as a vendor, volunteering to help, offering your health expertise, or simply attending as a guest, there’s something for everyone! We invite the entire community to come together and celebrate health, wellness, and fitness.
Please click on the link to signup.
*CLUB Lottery Application 2024-2025 Closed*
Greetings Parents/Guardians! The club list is now closed. Clubs will start on October 14, 2024. Clubs will be held IN PERSON after the 2:25 p.m.-2:55 p.m. school dismissal. Sign-up does not guarantee a spot in the club—this is a lottery. The club sponsor will notify students by Wednesday, October 9, 2024 if they have been selected for the club.
Cheer club requires tryouts.
Click on the link below to read a description of the clubs and associated cost, if applicable.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Daniel at ydaniel@cmitelemntary.org or Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall at bmccain@cmitelementary.org
Join us for our STEAM committee meeting Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The virtual zoom link will be shared on ClassDojo.
Sign up to be a part of the STEAM Committee. We need someone who specializes in video creation.
Specials Weekly Rotation!
Weekly Specials Rotations
Rotation 1 follows Monday's schedule 10/7 NO SCHOOL/ Parent teacher conferences
Rotation 2 follows Tuesday's schedule 10/8
Rotation 3 follows Wednesday's schedule 10/9
Week of September 30th
Thursday- 10/10 Rotation 3
Friday 10/11 Rotation 1
Specials Weekly Rotation!
Weekly Specials Rotations
Rotation 1 follows Monday's schedule 10/7 NO SCHOOL/ Parent teacher conferences
Rotation 2 follows Tuesday's schedule 10/8
Rotation 3 follows Wednesday's schedule 10/9
Week of September 30th
Thursday- 10/10 Rotation 3
Friday 10/11 Rotation 1
Front Office
Greetings Tiger Family!
Front Office Site of News & Events
We are always striving to improve daily practices. New ways of communicating and keeping everyone updated are coming from the Front Office, so please take a few moments to view our Front Office Site of News & Events. (https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing). The site can also be located on the school's website under CMIT Families.
In this site you will find useful information on the HOME, FORMS, SCHEDULE, and NEWSLETTER pages that will help you during the school year. This site is interactive with links to assist you with navigating to important information and forms, so please read it in its entirety. We look forward to working with you and your scholar(s) during the school year!
Front Office Staff
CLICK HERE TO VISIT: https://sites.google.com/cmitelementary.org/cmit-nes-front-office-news?usp=sharing
Nurse Updates
A Message from Nurse Ann
It is imperative that we are aware of any health issues. Please update the school nurse for any new or important medical information. Our immunization compliance is almost 100%, continue to forward documentation to the nurse.
Please help yourself and others -- keep your scholars home when they are not well.
Immunizations must be up-to-date and received by the school nurse to prevent exclusion from school.
Medication forms are attached. Please hand carry newly prescribed medication in the pharmacy packaging. Any adult may deliver the medication to the nurse. (appointments must be made)
Read-a-Thon is coming! Registration & Fundraising opens October 1!
Read-a-Thon is here! Are you ready for the biggest fundraiser of the year? We aspire to raise $60,000 toward the academic enrichment initiatives and supplies that continue to set CMIT North Elementary Tigers apart from the pack. The Read-a-Thon is easy and requires minimal time commitment for maximum impact.
Here is how it works:
(1) Register your scholar(s) to create their own unique fundraising page.
(2) Donate and Share your scholars page with loved ones, friends, coworkers, etc!
(3) Read! Encourage your scholar to read nightly!
(4) Participate in Spirit Week with 5 fun dress down days!
(5) Win fun and unique prizes for raising funds and supporting your school!
The top earners per grade will have special rewards and the class that raises the most will get a special party just for them!
Visit our website for more info and to register today! https://www.cmitelementarypto.com/read-a-thon
Become a member of the PTO!Join here: https://www.cmitelementarypto.com/membership
Did you know we have a new Facebook Group for Tiger Families to stay connected and communicate? Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cmitnesfamilies
Stay in touch
Chesapeake Math and IT Elementary PTO Board
PTO Website Link: www.cmitelementarypto.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CMITElementaryParentTeacherOrganization?fref=ts
when you like the page, be sure to hover over "liked" - you'll get a drop down box - click "get notifications" otherwise, we will not show up on your feed.
Text Updates via Reminder.com: Text @cmitespto to 81010
Kind Kindergarten News!
Hello Families:
Our scholars have mastered the routines of finding their classroom, putting their items away, and preparing for their day. It is important for your scholar to be in class by 8:00 am every day.
Upcoming Events
Oct.22 Picture Day
ELA: We will be reviewing the letters Bb and RR; identifying words that begin with these letters. We are also identifying singular and plural nouns and our sight words are: me, for, with, and said.
Social Studies: We are learning how to work together in school and in the community.
Math:We are working on reading, writing, and counting the numbers 8, 9, and 10.
Science: We are continuing learning about our five senses; and how we use them daily to explore the world around us.
We are now working on DRA testing for our scholars.. Please make sure your scholar gets enough rest, eats breakfast, and arrives at school on time.
Friendly reminder: If your scholar has a fever, or is not feeling well; please keep them home until their symptoms are gone for at least 24 hours. We are trying to alleviate the spread of germs within our classrooms.
The Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Fascinating First Grade News!
Another great week in first grade! We are into the thick of testing and excited to share our results with you. Please remember parent teacher conferences are on Monday, teachers will reach out for parents to sign up. If you have any questions or concerns, please as always, do not hesitate to reach out.
Our lessons for next week include:
RELA: Procedural text
Math: Make a ten to add, Doubles plus
Social Studies: Government Review
Science: Observe Light
Upcoming Dates:
10.7 Parent Teacher Conferences
10.18 Schools Closed for Students
10.22 Picture Day
First Grade Team!
Second Grade
Spectacular Second Grade News!
We had an awesome week in second grade! Testing is complete and we are ready to continue learning and growing. Next week, we will continue Unit 1 in reading, titled, "You Are Here." The weekly question is, "How can a new place help us change and grow?" In phonics, scholars will decode words with inflected endings: -s, -es, ed, and -ing. In Math, we will begin Topic 3. This topic focuses on adding within 100 using strategies. In Science, we will continue Topic 1 lesson 4, learning how the properties of some solids make them useful. In Social Studies, we will continue Chapter 1: Families Today and in the Past.
In observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, scholars will learn some important facts about Spanish speaking countries.
As we continue to settle into the school year, we kindly request your support in reinforcing the importance of following our school motto with your scholar. Respect Others, Opt to Be Scholarly, Act Responsibly, and React with Kindness.
Important information:
In observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, scholars will learn some important facts about Spanish speaking countries.
Important reminders:
Hispanic Heritage Month-September 15th-October 15th
Parent Teacher Conference-October 7th (Virtual)
Picture Day-October 22nd
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip-October 24th
Permission slips will be sent home next week.
Third Grade
Terrific Third Grade News!
This week in Reading, students will read an origin myth The Golden Flowers Taino Myth from Puerto Rico. The skill for this week is diphthongs ou, ow, oi, and oy.
In Social Studies, students will review Chapter1:Our Environment in preparation for Chapter 1 assessment on Friday 10/11.
In Math, we are starting Topic 4, using multiplication facts to solve division. A fact family has 2 division and multiplication facts. For example: 3, 7, and 21. We have 3x7=21, 7x3=21, 21÷3=7, 21÷7=3.
This week in Science, we are testing how we can use forces to keep things balanced, and what happens when there are unbalanced forces. Then we're finishing up our topic on Forces and Motion.
Thursday- Rotation 3
Friday- Rotation-1
No School Monday 10/7- Parent/ Teacher Conferences
Fourth Grade
Weekly News!
Next week in Reading, students will analyze and summarize text structure in an informational text. In Social Studies, students will know that the Americas grew out of the English colonies and became an independent nation. In Math, students will finish up topic 3 and take the assessment. In Science, students will use models to describe how electric currents flow in circuits.
If you missed the sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences, please reach out to your scholar's teachers to set up a conference.
Shaping Our Nation: Important Americans Social Studies Project
In Chapter 2 of our Social Studies, Americans and their History, students will be learning about important men and women who have shaped American history.
Task: Students will create a video presentation about an important American who shaped our nation. Students will research a person from American History and learn how he or she helped to shape America.
Due Date: October 17, 2024
Below you will find details for the project which is also posted in Google Classroom.
If you have any questions regarding the project, after reading over the assignment details, please reach out to Ms. Cooper or Ms. Daniel.
10/7 Parent Teacher Conference No School
Let's have a great week on purpose!!
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Grade News!
Tigers! Tigers! Thank you for an amazing week full of adventures! We completed our NWEA testing! Great job on your hard work! Continue to move successfully in excellence. We are proud of you!
Field Trip
Corrected permission slips have gone out for our SKATE ZONE field trip on October 8, 2024 at 10am-1pm. Please use the QR code or the attached link in ClassDojo to pay for the trip. The trip is $37 which is all inclusive. If your scholar needs a bagged lunch, they can bring a lunch or the cafeteria can provide lunch before we depart. Thank you for your support! Let's Roll out Tigers!
Subject Content:
Tigers! We are wrapping up Pedro's Journal and will begin our poetry lesson. We will learn how to explain sound devices and use figurative language. We will learn rhyming words, stanzas, and how themes connect to poetry. We will continue in narrative writing and create poems to reflect the lesson of figurative language and sound devices.
In Math this week, students will fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers.
In Science, students will continue to explore the different properties of matter.
Social Studies
As we move forward to Chapter 3 and remember everything we learned from Chapter 2, we will embark on a journey of Settling into the North Colonies. We will discuss and learn about the Spanish Colonies in the Americas. The English Colonies in Virginia, Pilgrims, and Puritans in New England. Go Tigers!
Thank you for all you do, Tigers!
Team 5th grade
Creative Arts
Superior Specials News!
Kindergarteners are working on Lines and Shapes.
Students will create their own artwork focused on lines and shapes by experimenting with color.
First graders are working on a project called,
I Love My Hair!
Students will create a portrait with an abstract hair design that depicts a particular mood or feeling, using line, repetition, pattern, and color.
Second graders are creating imaginary creatures in
“Monster Mashup”
Students will present their never-before-seen creature hybrids by combining parts from 5 animals to create 1 in its habitat.
Third graders are making Patterned Landscapes. Students will create a landscape that contains patterns.
Fourth grade, Names Revealed Through Color:
Students are creating geometric name designs using color, shapes, lines, and text to express an aspect of their personality.
Fifth graders are making “Monster Line Drawings” Students create illustrations from random markings to create a 3D image with form and texture.
Hello! K and 1st grade are learning basic rhythms using Ta and TiTi. 2nd and 3rd grade are practicing creating melodies on the xylophone using C (Do), D (Re), E (Mi). 4th and 5th graders are reviewing the notes on the treble clef staff!
Hello! K-1 students developed mouse skills such as pointing, clicking, double-clicking, and dragging while practicing counting, as well as matching shapes and colors.
2-5 students have been practicing Home Row keys as well as letters t, y, w, o, q and p.
Good week! This week we will be continuing to work on our procedures of class in order to prepare us for next weeks activity. Please remember to make sure your scholar is in sneakers! Have a great week!
Hello! We have wrapped up our first lego education lessons. This week we are beginning our second lesson. I have also returned graded quizzes that have been given so ask your scholars about those if you would like to see what they have been working on.
K-1: XL World: Healthcare workers
2: Science in Nature & Our Daily Life: Pollination
3: Animals & Their Environment: Life Cycles
4-5: Science Connection: Animal Structures
This week in Kindergarten, we are continuing to learn about collaboration and teamwork. In 1st grade, we went “fishing” with our rods made from sticks, string, and a paperclip. 2nd grade & 3rd grade students finalized their PLAN for their project. Next week, we will begin CREATING!
4th grade students decomposed their backpack designs so they can make their patterns next week.
5th grade completed an end of the year pre-assessment. Next week they are going to continue CREATING their shelters.
Counselor's Corner!
Hey there, CMITNES Families! Our K-2 students just wrapped up some awesome lessons on emotions and feelings with the school counselor, and now it's time for 3rd through 5th grade to dive in! We're all about recognizing and expressing our BIG emotions in a healthy way. From practicing deep breathing to learning how to talk about what we feel, these sessions will help students navigate anything that comes their way. Get ready to explore how we can calm our minds, take deep breaths, and understand the power of expressing our emotions!
Follow Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Social Media
Our Vision
Inspire students to become STEM innovators and responsible global citizens
Our Mission
In partnership with families and the educational community, CLF provides an innovative, diverse, and safe learning environment that fosters the growth of academic, social, and emotional skills. The rigorous STEM curriculum prepares students to become college and career ready in an ever-changing global society.
How We Do It
With students at the center of everything we do, we strive to make our schools the best, we forge partnerships with parents and the community to provide our students with enrichment and additional STEM opportunities, and we hire the best people to support our schools!
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.